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Messages - VillainousHero

Pages: 1 ... 75 76 [77] 78 79 ... 167

A light writing about the signs of a passive aggressive relationship.

Here again we look at relationship at how a person interacts with others.  For some people, this is what their personality entails and to them it's very normal to push other people's buttons.  At first they may poke and prod you to get a reaction.  They make say mean things to make you cry and then they want to comfort you afterwards.  They may not be aware, but it is toxic relationship that will overflow at some point.  There is going to be a point where they no longer want to comfort you and only want to hurt you.  Now how we apply the warning signs as follows.

1.Criticism. At the root of passive aggressive personality they are always giving criticism.  It saps and victimizes at every opportunity.  They play devil's advocate to get a reaction.  They always have to have a conflict of interests.
2.Jealousy.  Fueling that envious behavior.  An unhealthy attraction to the other person and yet it's more confrontationa l than a social alpha sparring match.  Trying to steal the other person's friends and convincing them to depart from those relationships.
3.Control. These type of personality is in control.  They are after all poking and prodding constantly.  They seek to control the outcome.  They will spread lies and rumors to be in control and seek affirmation of their control from others.
4.Isolation. The method here is to try to isolate the target from social standing.  Be it at times, just in public so that it becomes a debacle to others.  It pushes the victim into a corner, into a hide mode.  The passive aggressive person would have spread enough lies to have friends and family avoid the victim, thus creating more isolation.
5.Intensity.  The passive aggressive nature becomes very aggressive once warning signs 1-4 have routine occurrences.  Every time there is some interaction it's always a stage for some bigger event.  The interaction here is all about getting a bigger reaction from the other person.  If picking out the interaction timeline, it's always a sneaky stealthy approach at first and it just becomes a bigger drama squabble as it continues until it basically becomes a full out vociferous debacle of conflict. These are no longer idle taunts, the criticism will incite a reaction.
6.Sabotage. Passive aggressive personality will take time and plan to make problems and difficulties.  This is more than just spontaneous criticism.  They will seek to lure the victim into a trap.  All part of Intensity.
7.Blame. Directing faults everything around and making excuses for anything that they seem fit.  Passive aggressive personality plays the I am victim because of the everything or everyone else's choices or actions, just to reverse it and further inflict harm to it's victim afterwards.  They have this natural defense mechanism when they feel the conflict isn't in their favor.
8.Anger. The onslaught of the rise in anger.  Always short fused passive aggressive situations.  Any kind of reaction they get from their victims fuels their anger.  When Blame fails, Anger rises.

9.Rebellious.  The warning sign of a rebellious personality.   It is often rooted in their passive aggressive stance towards everything.  The nature of refusing to follow anything lawful in a passive aggressive way.  The constant lipping off just ear shot knowing that the intended target can hear the taunts.  There are even opportunities where they seek to intimidate, but they are seeking conflict more than straight intimidation.

These are warning signs of a person who can easily evolve into a toxic relationship.  If you're dating and that someone says you're cute when you cry and they're enjoying inflicting tears onto you, beware you have a passive aggressive person who you are inviting into your life.  Passive aggressive people won't ever stop until they've ensnared you into their conflict.  This personality has the potential to evolve into an abusive type of person.  Many are just not aware of their passive aggressive behavior.  They are just seeking attention or interaction, just an unhealthy way.

Dear Dr. PebHmong / Re: My daily support...If you want to complain.
« on: June 24, 2019, 02:50:44 AM »
The doctor says,

If life throws lemons at you, make lemonade
If life throws lemonade at you, make drinks
If life throws drinks at you, celebrate
If life throws celebrate at you,...You've Got Life made!

Online Journal / Re: Fighting For My Life
« on: June 24, 2019, 02:42:13 AM »
You pregnant women...please stay away from me.

Your pheromones are rubbing me all wrong...making me feel sick, nauseous,  and that certain smells are suddenly so strong and mostly pungent.

Now why can't it be, make me feel sweet, and ke certain smells aromatic.  O0

Health & Fitness / Re: Body Sculpting
« on: June 23, 2019, 03:59:27 AM »
So that was about five days my muscles have barely recovered.  Wow...the age difference.  It had never been this long ever before.  It used to almost be like 48 hours recovery.  So lacking fitness...gonn a have to keep at it whenever the muscles recover.

A light writing about the signs of a indulgent relationship

Here again we look at relationship from looking at our own reflection.  The causation as to why we often find a person in their own toxic relationship, more so to be described as self-indulgent.  It is the idea of loving love itself.  It is the idea that romance should be like fantasies, movies, novels, etc.,...These are all very normal occurrences that happens while dating or even before the actual dating experiences.

1.Intensity.  Feeding the feeling of romance.  A person watches romance entertainment.  They recall romance fairy tales like Cinderella, Snow White, Aladdin, etc.,.. A person also beautifies themselves excessively.
2.Jealousy.  Fueling that envious behavior.  A natural feeling that a person wants what another person has.  Also seeking attention either by knowing or convincing oneself that they are better than another person.
3.Control. There are things that we can control and things we can't control.  The choices this person makes is about influencing another individual or perhaps their social standing.  This person is seeking to be the attention of the individual or audience.
4.Isolation. At this point, it is ever self convincing periods this person spends while in isolation.  Example like, "Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all."
5.Criticism. After 1-4 are routine behaviors, criticism emerges.  Most often it is directed at the intended person.  Other times, it is to play victim to influence empathy, sympathy, or even pity.  It is many times all about feeding one's ego, many times a passive aggressive behavior.
6.Sabotage. Doing things to make the other person experience difficulties.  This goes beyond jealousy.  It is engaging in the acts that is influence by jealousy, criticism, and control.
7.Blame. Directing faults everything around you or even to that other person.  Making them feel guilty, through the acts of jealousy, criticism, and sabotage.
8.Anger. The outbursts of mood swings typically aggressive behavior.  Also a very aggressive slam of jealousy.  A shocking passive aggressive attack.

9.Regression.  I am adding this to tie in all this to depict the signs as this person cycles through them.  The regression behavior often surfaces to the back to a time when "I" loved you so much.  "I" did all of this because I only wanted to be loved.  It's where you can't get a reaction out of this person once they're in their shell mode.

These are some warning signs of the person who you are dating, in a relationship with, or even observing it in someone else.  Sometimes you may even have to apply it to yourself.  For most people, they will not cross over to the excessive compulsive spectrum of this.  Just be cautious of those individuals who are often labelled as narcissists.  If you see the signs of 1-4, watch out for signs of 5-8.

A light writing about the signs of a abusive relationship.

I will say that the signs listed or any of these signs from the other person while in that relationship, is already stating that it is an Abusive Relationship. As listed description the acts have been committed and the signs are what we need to read. If anything else, these are the signs of personality that surfaces from the relationship. While early in the relationship with this person, some of these signs could have surfaced, but being in the relationship we tend to overlook and give that person the benefit of the doubt. We have already been deceived by sign #1. Intensity. They bombard us and win us over with their charm and sweetness. They give us lots of attention making us feel like we have become someone important to them and that they truly care about us. We tell ourselves that this is normal. In fact it is normal for any relationship at the start. It's the excessive occurrences that is the warning sign. Sign #2 Jealousy. Now if that surfaces immediately following #1, again only a sign. A little of it is normal. Now excessive it is the warning sign. We often mistook that as someone who is passionate about us. When we overlook that, it opens up to #3 Control. In a relationship, we both influence each other. The problem now is that it begins to become one sided. There are conditions or requirements that suddenly surfaces. Things like the other person saying that they did one thing for you and now that you are obligated to do all these other things to reciprocate. The control factor is being used to chain us now. That makes it easy for them to move onto sign #4 Isolation. Again an influential thing like we need to get away from here. We need to move to a place of our own. This is accomplished by them selectively employing 1,2, and 3 to manipulate us. Once 4 is accomplished we find out the personality of this person shows, #5 Criticism, #6 Sabotage, #7 Blame, #8 Anger. I will also like to add #9 Manipulation. It ties it all together. They make promises to change to manipulate us. Then they cycle through 1-4 again caging us. They repeatedly use 5-8 to reinforce 1-4. How do we then prevent ourselves from this? We need to learn a self awareness to being more relationship intelligent. If we perceive something is wrong, follow our gut instincts. If we detect traces of incongruity in their personality, we should see it for what it really is. We survived just fine before them, we can survive without them afterwards.

Anything Goes / Re: Words that starts Fights...anywhere.
« on: June 20, 2019, 11:01:23 PM »
English to Hmong fighting all know it.

eat cookie = say it hmong style...noj cookie

Anything Goes / Re: Words that starts Fights...anywhere.
« on: June 20, 2019, 10:24:37 PM »
It's a free country to any one

It's a four recount three, two, and one.

time's up...POW!  :knuppel2:

Anything Goes / Martial Arts Breaking Things 101
« on: June 20, 2019, 10:16:17 PM »
The question is Does Breaking Things using Martial Arts prove anything?

So I suppose, I will profess to the secret of breaking things.  Now there's a method and secret to breaking things like rocks, bricks, wooden boards, steel material, pottery, etc.,..  And there are people who can do it properly with the correct force.  There is no doubt about that.  They are all masters.  Basic martial arts breaking things 101.

Now there are also plenty of frauds out there.  The frauds are not without skills.  So to say that they are a complete fraud is not accurate.  They are very skillful and very convincing with their sleight of hand.  For example throwing cards that can embed into wood.  I and most people can't do that.  It's impossible, but plausible.  These skillful martial artist most certain can accomplish that, even send the card right through the board of wood.  Amazing.

Now lets get to where they break things.  These are not pre-cut nor design specific for breaking object.  These are actually selective objects that at times are very common.  Building bricks for example.  They must be tough if they are used to build walls and foundations.  Yes they are tough, but what happens when you drop these objects?  They are quite fragile as they can also be shattered rather easily.  Now the martial arts breaking methods exposed.  Take two bricks and throw them straight down onto the floor.  One floor is grass and soil, the brick is cushioned and will not break, unless it is faulted already.  The other floor is iron and the brick easily shatters on it or will at least chip a corner.  While this is completely different from a martial arts hitting the brick barehanded and breaking it, it is not unrelated.  I will explain how it is to expose the frauds who are very skillful at convincing their audience.

So how do they do it?  They are smashing that brick against that iron.  First we all know what happens when you hold onto a stick and hit the sidewalk very hard with it.  The shock impact rebounds right back into your hands.  We have no method to avoid that because we are untrained.  It is simple physics that there is always an equal and opposite force, when a force in enacted upon an object.  If we hit the brick with our bare hands we will definitely hurt ourselves.  However you and I observed that martial artist hitting the brick barehanded.  With a little practice even you can do it.  I did it and so can you.  The method is throwing the brick onto that iron.  Before my bare hand hits the brick.  I slightly raised the brick.  That gives it space, to make impact onto the iron below.  Now I just broke bricks like a trained black belt martial artist.  It is that rebound shock wave upon the impact of your bare hand strike that actually breaks the brick.  To the eye, it most certainly looks like you barehanded strike and broke the brick.

Next time you see that martial artist breaking objects and you are in awe and the audience is giving that person praise.  Go center stage and perform his feat yourself and walk away like it was nothing.  Congratulation s, you have leveled up!

Should I choose my air fist strike or my sword energy wave attack?  I mean I just leveled up and suddenly obtained new martial arts skills.

The Single & Dating Scenes / Re: A trick to get a chick to like you..
« on: June 19, 2019, 10:43:19 PM »
maaan fuuk yall hatas....tryin g to do something good, and yall hahaes hating and hella ungratefull... ..fuuk yalls jealous ass hatas....

yall pussies going wish you listen to me on day...i guarantee it...hahaha bishes ass motherfockers. ....come to me when you're ready to bow down and call me master...lols :2funny:
proof...right there malfunction

The Single & Dating Scenes / Re: A trick to get a chick to like you..
« on: June 19, 2019, 10:42:07 PM »
brah, sorry, I know gratified is your boy, but he swung at me only defending myself...i though we were homies? i'm starting to wonder why your workers don't get along with you and have quitted under you?? hahaha

So you wanna try me now?  Good luck.  You're need to defend yourself is because you have weak foundation.

I was never against you...just seeking clarification on your regurgitated fake knowledge.  Looking for something that can be validated not sold.

The Single & Dating Scenes / Re: A trick to get a chick to like you..
« on: June 19, 2019, 10:15:38 PM »
So I gathered one's advice is for young adults...below 21

The other is advice for the bulk of the modern professionals typical age category of 21-30 yrs.

Again different target nce it wasn't about ghetto style, NEET style, hippie style, etc.,...

Jokes & Riddles / Re: jokes, jokes, and more jokes
« on: June 19, 2019, 10:00:40 PM »
What happens when you put Moo and ouch together?

Cow Ouch

What happens when you mix a punch to the kisser and ouch together?

Pow Ouch

What happens when you get an ouch and it grows bigger and bigger?

Grow Ouch

What happens when your ouch starts to slow down?
Slow Ouch

I walked to the fridge got some cheese and walked back to the couch...challe nge ed.  :2funny:

General Discussion / Re: What did you learn with each age milestone?
« on: June 19, 2019, 08:39:41 PM »
@ 6 months - grandma sure has a voice when she hits me.  I was just playing in the mud..
@1 - get these darn stupid mitts off my hands -
@2 - I have to wipe my own butt, sure was fun playing outside while train was caught by train conductor. Kalamazoo, MI
@3 - I have to get baby diaper for the baby now - STP, MN
@4 - I have to feed the babies - I went to first grade - they kick me back to kindergarten after one month after they figured out my birthday - I cook for myself.
@5 - I have to help watch the babies - I can ride a 10 speed bike! What are you, Black, White, or Mexican?
@6 - I thought I could run fast - but uncle always catches me.  I need to run faster after I open door to outside.  If you jump off a two story building, will you die?  Nope, lets do it again.
@7 - why do I have to be here...I drank two Pepsi cans and I want to sleep.  Dad let's go home already...enou gh adult talking.  If I stick two paper clips into an outlet and have both ends inserted...I wonder if...BOOOM.  Where's paper clip?  Try again.
@8 - What are you, Black, White, or Mexican?  I'm Mong...what's that?
@9 - What are you, Black, White, or Mexican?  Teacher says, I'm an Aging...gettin g older?  No You are like a Chinese, here is picture in World Social Studies book, says Asians from Around the World.
@ 10 - You draw so well, You do gymnastics so well, You Sing, You Dance, You are so Talented...but I'm poor and wear the same clothes for whole week and weighed barely 40 lbs.
@ 12 - You are an adult.  DADT.
@ 15 - First job...walk to work, earned my first real paid money
@ 19 - In the Army.
@ Amnesia accident remember nothing from before and fragments afterwards
@ 30 +I do things, I don't know how I do nor remember where I learned, marriage, kids, family, divorce
@ 40 picking up pieces after divorce still raising children...fam ily finally decides to help some
@ 45 here we are...PH is still here!

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