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Messages - Deliciously Happy

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Understanding Prime Riemann Hypothesis

and Zeta Functions (7:15) and non-trivial zeros on the critical line at 1/2.


Understanding gout like a profession.


Jon Bon Jovi: What an amazing human being.

Riemann hypothesis

In 2013, Zhang shocked the world with his twin prime conjecture, which proposed that there were an infinite pair of prime numbers that differed by two. Prior to this, Zhang had achieved only one publication.

A manuscript that is allegedly written by Zhang has now surfaced in the mathematics research community and has proof related to the Riemann hypothesis. Although the paper has not been peer-reviewed or verified by Zhang himself, if found accurate by the mathematical community, it would mean the end of another famous mathematical hypothesis, the Landau-Siegel conjecture.

Named after mathematicians Edmund Landau and Carl Siegel, the conjecture speaks about the existence of zero points of type of L-functions in number theory. Simply put, the conjecture provides counterexample s to the Riemann hypothesis.

Zhang is expected to present his work at a lecture at Peking University today, and the publication could possibly enter the peer review process this month, the SCMP report said. The outcome of the process will be known in a few months' time, and if found accurate, could land Zhang a $1 million prize from the Clay Mathematics Institute.

This is not the first instance of a claim made for the Clay Institute's prize. Last year, media reports suggested that a mathematics professor in India had submitted such proof, while another famous mathematician Sir Michael Atiyah made similar claims in 2018. The Clay Institute has rejected both claims and confirmed that the Riemann hypothesis remains unsolved.

"Write your truth and believe in it." - Walter Mosley

Story is what happened.  Plot are the reasons why it happened when it is revealed to the reader.

Elon Musk: It took me 7 year to learn this but I’ll teach you in 3 minutes.
1.   A salary is the drug your employer gives you to forget your dreams.
2.   If you continue to wait for the “right time”, you’ll waste your entire life and nothing will happen.
3.   Even when you trust your close friends and family, let them know nothing about you.
4.   You’ll lose 99% of your close friends if you start upgrading your life.
5.   Government and politicians are one giant scam that’ll never save you from your problems.
6.   You’ll be 10x happier if you forgive your patents and stop blaming them for your problems.
7.   Train yourself to let people win arguments on purpose to conserve your mental health.
8.   You become more mature when you train yourself to take nothing personally.
9.   By age 25, your inner circle should be more focused on making money, building their body and starting a family.
10.   You don’t need 100 self-help books, all you need is action + self-discipline.
11.   Skills and financial education will make you win over 97% of college graduates.
12.   You can’t expect honesty from people who even lie to themselves.

"You're not poor because you don't have money. You're poor if you don't have a dream." - Success Life

A journalist asks Cristiano Ronaldo:
"Why does your mother still live with you?
Why don't you build her a house?"
Cristiano Ronaldo replies:
"My mother raised me and she dedicated her life for me. She would go to sleep hungry, just to let me eat. We had no money at all.
She worked 7 days a week and nights as a maid to buy my first shoes so I could be a player. All my success is dedicated to her and because of her and as long as she has a life, she will always be by my side, she has everything I can give.
She is my refuge and my greatest gift."


I'm Thinking of Ending Things - A Netflix Movie

“People like to think of themselves as points moving through time, but I think it's probably the opposite. We're stationary and time passes through us. Blowing like cold wind, stealing our heat.” - The Young Woman


The researchers found evidence that galaxies tend to rotate in a preferred direction. They uncovered an excess of left-handed, or counter-clockwise rotating, spirals in the part of the sky toward the north pole of the Milky Way. The effect extended beyond 600 million light years away.

“The excess is small, about 7 percent, but the chance that it could be a cosmic accident is something like one in a million,”

The Spinning Universe

Regarding Galaxy Spins: About half of all spiral galaxies appear to be rotating clockwise and the other half counterclockwi se. The direction a galaxy rotates depends on your perspective. As an analogy, consider a spinning bicycle wheel. When you look at a spinning wheel from one side, it looks like it’s spinning clockwise. But if viewed from the other side, it looks to be spinning counterclockwi se.

Every now and then I dream of you. I had a dream about you again last night. At the end of the dream, I asked you how old you were, and you gave it to me in a riddle or math problem. You said, you started coming to this park three years after you turned 21, and that was 2 years ago. Thank you for the brief visit, but you left me a little lonely in the morning once I work up.

Lewis Hamilton: Take every opportunity, or else don't trade.
Wayne Gretzky: Practice all the time
Richard Branson: Think big and do it for other's happiness

"When you want something with all your heart, the universe conspires to give it to you." - From a Hindi movie

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." - Paul Coelho

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