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Topics - hmgROCK

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We just want to see something
with our eyes

but every single time

its always

"how dare you say that"
"how dare you ask that question"
"f off dude"
"you are stupid"
some random outta topic respond "two lesbian asking for help" etc...

I just don't get why you get so upset.

Debate Central / Let's talk abortions
« on: October 13, 2016, 10:01:43 AM »
I'm not a Democrat or Republican
I'm in the middle

If you don't have  your period for 1-3 months
And found out you are pregnant
I'm fine with you getting abortion within those early stages

But I do have a problem
Once you are pass the 22++weeks
At these really almost late stages where the baby is already developed
And just waiting to get big enough and come out

That's a no no no for me

I watch a video
You can Google it
The baby is in the final stage
Ready to come out
The mom did an abortion
The doctor grab the legs and body.
Cut off the neck
Went in there to get the rest of the head because head is too big

Here the video

Faith & Beliefs / people saying weird stuff about that black moon tomorrow
« on: September 29, 2016, 03:23:25 PM »
saying it is a sign
end of time
the apocalypse

Debate Central / Yall keep voting/supporting trump as a joke
« on: September 22, 2016, 08:43:41 AM »
Now the jokes is on you
There were so many great republican candidate
Like marico Rubio and John kasich

I would vote for those two instead of Hillary
But y'all chose trump

So now I have to switch to Hillary

The church my cousin goes to does
The pastor promote it
He say don't talk to any non Christian folks
Cuz they will contaminate you
Avoid all Hmong who ain't Christian

Faith & Beliefs / I have proof that religion it makeup
« on: September 15, 2016, 08:07:19 AM »
This is not insult, hate, pointing finger, haha, etc..thread

This is going be base on basic reasoning and common knowledge.

As you may know, there are many branch of the christianity
Christian denominations
The teaching of Jesus christ.

there are slight difference between Catholic and Christian
christian believe that homosexual is a sin, catholic today believe it's ok you can still join (according to the new pope)
There are many more...

what there more

Methodism is even crazier. It was created because they don't want to follow the regular church.

So there you go, folks

If you don't like something, want to be able to eat pork. Marry alot of wife. You created copy and paste religion and modified to where you can do all of that.

Faith & Beliefs / Re: where is god?
« on: August 20, 2016, 08:17:33 AM »
This is not a troll, an insult, mock, etc...
we can all have a civilize adult conversation here
without offending anyone

my question is:
me, like many other non believer out there
want to know why these kind of stuff is going unnoticed by the great one (god)

it just not the syrian war.....
you have the iraq war, afghan, vietnam, WW2, etc... holocaust

how many body? kids?
For the great one (god) to noticed and step in?

Faith & Beliefs / where is god?
« on: August 18, 2016, 08:55:29 AM »
Little innocent syrian kid after an airstrike

Faith & Beliefs / beliefs are just beliefs
« on: July 01, 2016, 10:14:53 AM »
Don't take it too seriously

when you have nothing to eat and dying off starvation
it is "okay" to eat pork

If god ask you why you didn't kill any homo people

Just blame it on me. HMGrock

You have, just to name a few

allah, zeus, horus, hashem, shiva, god himself, etc....

with so many different god, how do we know which is the correct one?
this is not a troll thread, but a "get to know other god" thread.

Faith & Beliefs / God won't talk to me
« on: June 07, 2016, 01:51:28 PM »
Anybody else having this issue?
Beside me?
I don't know what I am doing wrong

I started with "god, I really want to get to know you. I want to be your friend"

I would wait a couple of minutes. No respond. Just awkward silence.

What am I doing wrong? For those who spoke with God. Please share the info.

Faith & Beliefs / 256 GB. Mirco Sd
« on: May 16, 2016, 12:27:28 PM »
I remember when these thing were less than 1gb
Now they are a whopper 256gb
Amazing what the power of science can do for you

Up to you

Here a 200gb for $80 if you are interested

Faith & Beliefs / what about the other religion?
« on: April 25, 2016, 02:07:23 PM »
like buddha, muslim, mythology, baptism, jews, latter day saint, etcc....?

are they're all wrong?

Faith & Beliefs / Refute Christianity head on
« on: March 01, 2016, 08:13:55 AM »
Does believing Christianity (or Islam, religion) causes you to lose your sense of moral.

Right from wrong?

I say yes. 100%
Because you are hating on people base on their sexual reference.(homo)
You are not getting the chance to know them. Judge them before you even get to know them.
Instead of advancing science, you are slowing us down with your 2000 years old nonsense.

In the case of islam. You think cutting people head off pleases the God? And you will get ton of virgin. Cmon now

Or the USA who want to carpet bomb everything including woman and childrens that soo right?

I think not.

By exposing yourself to religion. You are exposing your to brainwash.
What you think is right might actually be wrong.
People will seek your religious view and take advantage of you.
Thus all those scammer and false preacher.

What do I do?

Easy. Instead of listening to some preacher who don't even do what he preach.
Use common sense, reasoning, and judgement.
If your preacher want you to sell your house and car and donate money to the church because the rapture is tomorrow.

You might wanna reconsider

Faith & Beliefs / Why Christian folk so obsessed at the end of time?
« on: February 18, 2016, 12:14:59 PM »
A couples years back. This pastor told all his follower about rapture.
Many people sold their home and cars.
Gave away/donate all their money.
It was on national news

The rapture never came.....
The pastor than goes on to say he missed calculate
It was a couple month away.
A couple month later. Nothing..

No rapture. His follower are left with nothing. No home to go to.

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