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Messages - Cali Guy

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 186
General Discussion / Re: Sacramento Hmong NY
« on: December 02, 2024, 11:21:15 AM »

Though we are at NY, we ate again after we left.

General Discussion / Sacramento Hmong NY
« on: December 02, 2024, 11:17:32 AM »

I haven’t been back here since the 2000s. We stayed for a few hrs to enjoy the beautiful day and Hmong culture festivities. One thing about Cali Hmong NYs, the majority of the times, weather will be nice.

LOL, Rock you really are a rock sometimes.  ;D

You give him too much credit, it’s most of the times.

General Relationship / Re: Hypergamy
« on: November 22, 2024, 11:19:06 AM »
Hypergamy shouldn't exist in the Hmong community but it does. Even the poor class has levels of poor classes lol but with that said, not everyone is materialistic including the xx.

Get it right the first time, it’s easy to read and predict people. If a person still gets it wrong the second time, still got more to go.

Back in the days, we called each other qav(frog).


I saw
I load up O0 O0
Another $10k at $34/share


That’s you averaging down  ;D ;D ;D

Nothing to show regarding your robinhood except your big mouth.

Wow  ;D ;D ;D can she be that desperate?

I really like this stock man
its value at $55 a share

at $42 a share
it's a good discount

i have about $8k in this stock
been slowly reloading

lots of friends and family asking me about investing lately
these same people who won't ask me before are now
only good things from here on

You still red fool. If you listen to me and buy in the single digits, you might have average down or be ahead by now.

Been to a car auction once or twice as a kid. I’m more impressed at the auctioneer’s ability to bid call on the mic.

Stop giving out bad advice if you don’t want to be criticized!  ;)

I’m sure a “liab” like you can still find someone. I don’t think you can keep anyone with your lies though.

12k 72% isn’t bad but maybe badass for you though. Glad you’re up on this.

Hope you load up this morning when it went to 11, I’m going to wait until single digit before considering #hood.

#hood looking good, will enter in single digit. Maybe 5k shares and ride this to $50, doubt it but $20 might just happen and that will yield 100% profits.  ;D ;D

How much do you think I made? I just might screenshot it for you.  ;D ;D


I really like this stock man
its value at $55 a share

at $42 a share
it's a good discount

i have about $8k in this stock
been slowly reloading

lots of friends and family asking me about investing lately
these same people who won't ask me before are now
only good things from here on


I saw
I load up O0 O0
Another $10k at $34/share


Hate? Robinhood hasn’t hit 34 let alone 42 since it tanked. What are you yapping about? Clearly from the above quotes, you’re stilling holding bags of 18k. If you listen to me and load up in single digit, you’ll be up.

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