Fatherly love.
I admire Biden for this. I can’t watch my little boy being grounded by others
when the power is in my hand to right every wrong my naughty boy has been naughty over.
Biden is showing that no matter how bad his boy is, dad can still love him.
Nothing wrong with that.
Now, don’t hold Biden to his words back before the election. First, that was for election. That’s over now and Biden is
not going to let the voters’ choice decide his family’s fate. Of course not.
Secondly, Biden didn’t want to interfere with the judicial process to invalidate it. He did let that work its way
all the way. He didn't threaten anyone that his gavel was more powerful than the judges’. He showed so much respect
for that and he didn't want his words to interfered with that process. And, third, if you think about it, you’d understand
his action, too. Jill has talked to him. “You lost the Presidency. Are you going to lose our son, too? That’s my little baby. Think about
the time you were crawling with him on our door steps. This is your last term…Do something.” Jill even said she supported that pardon.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/of-course-i-support-the-pardon-of-my-son-jill-biden-tells-reporter/ar-AA1v8PaI?ocid=BingNewsSerpWell-done on Biden’s part.
I’m not saying I approve of Hunter’s crimes. I’m just saying it’s okay for dad to rescue his son. He shows the
world that politics doesn’t break family bonds. Family wins. Perfect!