Watch the video. Very interesting and insightful. So true! This definitely applies to Dok Chompa's thread."MORE relationship experience is correlated with LESS marital quality/stability"
First of all, relationship experience refers to modern style where unmarried couples are having sex and may/may not cohabitate. I see a lot of this with the younger generation, but the difference with them is that many of them are doing this with their first bf/gf and they are marrying each other. Unlike folks of my generation who are dating modern style, but not ending in marriage and only creating a lot of trauma bonds, emotional anguish, etc.
This may be why people choose to stay in their current relationship despite feeling unhappy. They're familiar with their current partner's flaws and don't want to have to adjust dealing with a new person's problems.
I'll have to come back and write the key points, but definitely worth the watch.