What if he is just a sigma and not a avoidant?
True. He could just be a lone wolf and not a broken dismissive avoidant. This is why it's so important to know a man's relationship history because that will help determine which one he is. If he has a history of long-term girlfriends that turned toxic then he is a dismissive avoidant. Dismissive avoidant is nothing but a headache and will waste your life. Basically players and what Jonathan Aslay calls "spenders". Men who do want to spend time and perform all the duties of a committed relationship without the real commitment because they always have one foot out the door. These guys are the worst of them all so is it any surprise that they have a list of angry exes?
On the flip side, lone wolves are those who keep it really casual. They date for social reasons and their intentions are clear. No misleading, deception or manipulation.