Wait, I am confused.
1. In Hmong rules or official rules, it should still be fair game as long as it is called fair. There are silly rules in both, but the game itself should be fair. I am not understanding how Hmong rules are unfair.
2. Even if other teams were allowed to keep their tall guys in the front the entire time, that doesn't stop you from doing the same thing. It's still fair.
3. Maybe you think the unfairness comes from the lack of competitive disparity, but that is not exclusive to just Hmong rules. Short Hmong players will have a hard time against taller players regardless of the rules. At best, maybe the short Hmong guys can play libero. Physical talents will always be an advantage in any sport.
4. Maybe the new rules are more exiting and enjoyable for today's players and spectators. Which actually begs the question: Do you know why the official rules are what they are? In an attempt to make volleyball more accessible to the public and the TV market, a lot of rules were changed. Rally scoring was introduced to make scoring easier to follow. The libero was introduced to allow more digs and extend plays. Double hits were allowed to extend plays. Hits off the body were allowed to extend plays. In beach, blocks now count as a hit so that there would be more excitement. All these rule changes have very little to do about fairness.
A good example would be 9 Man, which is played largely by the Chinese community. The rules of 9 Man are quite different from volleyball, yet similar. The guys who are good at 9 Man are also good at regular volleyball.
I think both games are fair. However, the new rules are probably better at time management, and today's spectators and players may like the new rules more.
quite the truth...if one has the fundamental knowledge they can play the sport..but changes to rules makes the game more exciting, more enjoyable and fair played. hmong (old) rules doesn't enforce rotation...ima ging if I have 2-3, 6'5"+ guys upfront at all times....us, short little hmong players, probably stands no chance. if we want to be competitive, we should all play by the updated rules.