« on: September 15, 2017, 10:01:27 AM »
I have read that men and women communicate differently. I didn't know how much different until I start dating.
Almost all of the conflicts are due to communication. The woman tries to read your intention in everything you do or say. She tries to explain everyone's behavior based on the tone of their voice, what other things are going on, and so on. Some women see things in back and white. If she thinks X is true, and you suggest a different way to see that X is not true, they think you don't care about them or that you don't support them. Then it goes into a different argument on how you don't care about them, not about X.
I think it makes sense to date women who are computer programmer. Computer needs very precise instructions or it's not going to work. Once a woman learn that talking to a man is almost like writing a computer program, then communication issues would go away.
Instead of coming over quickly, say "Drive 80 mile per hour and reach here in 3 hours"