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Messages - w1s3m0n

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Faith & Beliefs / Re: Light of Faith
« on: March 20, 2020, 12:25:13 PM »
For sure...the great commission.  Every Christian knows that.  But Jesus also said don't waste your time on certain people they cannot see the log in their eye.   ;)

Are you suppose to focus on Jesus at all time or are you gonna sway your attention on worldly things?

If you're truly bible fanatic then I suggest you shall go back to your bible reading and read certain passages where he told his disciples about his missions after resurrection, not before Crucifixion.

General Discussion / Re: Sad About How Asians Are Being Treated
« on: March 19, 2020, 05:50:29 PM »
if you voted for Trump then this is your own fault because Trump is currently spreading hate against Asians by calling this a Chinese virus and saying it's okay to do so.

Let me go on the record and say I voted for Hilary so you can stop with your antics.  I'm not your kind of liberal who whines when things don't go your way, and I'm not some idiotic conservative who thinks conserving the racist past of America will make us great again.  As a classical liberal aka moderate, we know it's not left or right, it's forward.

Faith & Beliefs / Re: Light of Faith
« on: March 19, 2020, 05:16:11 PM »
Like I wrote above...they are a reflection of my thoughts based upon my human experience and knowledge.

If you like to know what Jesus said about being the light, the suggested reading is Matthew 5 and 6.  More specifically, Matthew 5:13-16, Salt and Light.

My point is similar to what Jesus said throughout Matthew 5 and 6.  The light in you, if it is darkness, will be expressed.  The expression is often restricted because of social and cultural norms, but when these norms are untethered due to crisis, that light which is darkness or light will be expressed as Jesus said.  That darkness emerges and you will see if you truly are a Christians or just adjusting to social norms.  Hence, we do not know who we are (our nature) until we are in a crisis.  This is why the Bible and Jewish tradition/teaching teaches us to go against our sinful/flesh nature and to focus on the Spirit.   The Apostle Paul writes in Colossians 3 and Ephesian 4 we are RENEWED in Christ and the Holy Spirit.  So the conduct of a Christian should be along these lines, ASSUMING the one claiming to be a Christian a  renewed Christian.  ;)

Faith & Beliefs / Re: Failure to Evolve the Mind
« on: March 19, 2020, 05:02:27 PM »
Damn!  It is like that!   :'(  You really don't know who people are until there is a crisis.  Just remember that crisis teaches us to expand our mind and spirit.  It is only in a crisis, through a crisis and out of a crisis can we understand who we are (what I am).  If you learn something important about the human spirit, the human condition, and the human experience, then be thankful because they were the catalyst to it.

This wuhan virus fear has opened up my eyes in terms of a testing ground to see who is truly your family and friends. 

I'm not mad at them for they do not know what they are doing. 

They know I worked in the bay.  I don't have symptoms.  Already, I got a notice from family members in town not to go to their house in fear of me spreading wuhan. 

What if I'm married or have a steady gf and she too gave me such ultimatum? 

You kind of asking yourself.  What did I do?  Why are they prosecuting me for what I do not have? 

That my friend is the hardest thing to swallow.   :'(

General Discussion / Re: $500B for about 300M people.
« on: March 19, 2020, 03:24:47 PM »
So basically the government is going to flood the economy with and hope that a scientific breakthrough emerges to where we can return to normalcy in 6-12 weeks.  Interesting...

Faith & Beliefs / Failure to Evolve the Mind
« on: March 19, 2020, 03:12:11 PM »
Today the entire knowledge of human history is at our fingertips.  We know more about the known universe today than ever.  Yet, with all that increase in knowledge, we have become diminished in our spirit.  A new virus spreads across the globe and everything grinds to a halt.  Hate emerges.  Fear emerges.  Greed emerges.  Gluttony emerges.  The evolution should be greater belonging, greater togetherness, greater solutions, but all is not what it should seem.  Seems like we've been taught all wrong.  A house of cards made of knowledge but empty of the spirit.

Faith & Beliefs / Re: Light of Faith
« on: March 19, 2020, 03:10:31 PM »
Why are your thoughts always surrounding of Jesus?

General Discussion / Sad About How Asians Are Being Treated
« on: March 19, 2020, 12:50:00 PM »
My wife and I were at the grocery store at 9pm last night.  The workers were nice and accomodating but the white people were avoiding us.  One lady saw us down the aisle and she did a u-turn quickly in terror.  Of course, she was in her 50's.  One guy in his 30's was shopping and we turned into the aisle and he got nervous and started to distance himself.  We noticed that over half the white people in the store were afraid of Asians and dodging Asians.  I really wish our President would set the tone to how ALL AMERICANS should be treated.  His constant racist remarks make being a POC much harder as if it wasn't hard enough to be a POC. 

Faith & Beliefs / Light of Faith
« on: March 18, 2020, 04:33:04 PM »
My reflection for today.

During a crisis, the true inner reflection of you is expressed.  During a crisis, the best and worst of humanity emerges.  During a crisis, you come to value what you've lost.

Out of the crisis, be present, be still, and listen.  Out of the crisis, remember what you most missed and that is most valuable.  Out of the crisis, what did you learn?

All things shall pass like this crisis.  All things shall be renewed again.  That is the cyclical nature of creation.  What ought to remain constant is the light of your faith.

Money & Investment / Re: HmgRock - Bear Market
« on: March 18, 2020, 02:07:36 PM »
18k now, shit's starting to get

The good news is when this swings up, it's going to be GRAVY!  CASH UP.  Look at APRN.  It went parabolic.  Many stocks are going to go parabolic.

Money & Investment / Re: HmgRock - Bear Market
« on: March 18, 2020, 12:58:25 PM »
Price in a depression folks.  Job number projected is 20% unemployment.  30% GDP loss.  The cost of a depression to equity was 50%.  Looking at the numbers yeah, 14500 is a possible number.  My initial case was 18000 at 35%.  Let’s see what the stimulus is.  We need at least 3-4trillion in stimulus, otherwise, yeah 14500 is a real scenario.  Remember, this is a global economy now and the borders are shutdown.  We have to apply a coefficient to the network effect of global trade.

Money & Investment / Re: HmgRock - Bear Market
« on: March 13, 2020, 11:35:34 AM »
Lol!  Asking for the audit trail of some guy who post pics all day and he won’t.  This confirms my suspicion that he doesn’t know how to buy a put option.  Let’s not even talk about gains and losses.  Lol!

Money & Investment / Re: HmgRock - Bear Market
« on: March 12, 2020, 11:38:58 PM »
You are MR. HmgBrag and if you had a 22k put day, you would be bragging so hard with your pic.  I mean you brag about donating $5 with a pic.


Go open a robinhood account
You need approval to trade options
Come back and tell me
Im a liar



screenshot and everything

Money & Investment / Re: Bear Market Is In
« on: March 12, 2020, 03:44:16 PM »
Looks like HmgRock got caught red-handed.   O0

Money & Investment / Re: HmgRock - Bear Market
« on: March 12, 2020, 02:54:11 PM »
ask those two JOKER

THEFAKER and FAWKER (duma=f word in viet)

they saw my $23k one day gain

I don't see any defense from them?  Why not just show us the audit trail?  You own the records on TDA or RH. 

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