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Messages - Kuvtsispaub

Pages: [1]
Funeral Rituals & Customs / Re: Funeral for divorcee
« on: December 26, 2019, 11:46:01 PM »
Thanks for the insight. I didn’t know there were different options, especially for traditional Hmong funerals. I’ve been to a funeral discussion where the primary family didn’t have enough money to cover the cost and the outer family straight out and said that if there isn’t at least $30k then the funeral can not proceed. $30k is practically a car, so to hear that it was needed right away is pretty daunting. Like how do you even collect $30k for a funeral?

Funeral Rituals & Customs / Re: Funeral for divorcee
« on: December 16, 2019, 04:37:21 PM »
I can see cremation and possibly church as an option. But if it was a Shaman funeral, wouldn’t you need help from both sides? Also if it’s shaman, how does the cuag tsav work? I thought they only send the diseased to be with the father’s ancestors.

Funeral Rituals & Customs / Funeral for divorcee
« on: December 16, 2019, 11:40:47 AM »
Hi all,
I want to present a rising issue for us Hmong in the 21st century that still follows the old tradition. There has been many cases of husband and wife divorcing. Now when that happens, I understand that if something was to happen to the husband, he’ll be taken care of by his family. But what about wife? If something was to happen to her, who will take care of her funeral? I’d like to poke peoples’ brain about this topic.

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