Like in the shaman thread, there are white shaman and black shaman. Usually you don't really know who the black shaman are because they don't really come out in the open and does things in secret. Just like those that believe in good witches and bad witches/ angel, devil. I do believe that there are people that does curses; just that they do it secretly or only so many people know about it and is hush hush.
As a kid, one of my aunt came from Lao to america. I was curious and ask my grandma why my aunt have kids that have black and blonde hair. My grandma told me that there used to be a guy back in Lao that like my aunt. He would come over and talk to her. She didn't like him and one day she told him that she would not marry him because he have blonde hair; all his kids will have blonde hair. After that, he said to her that whenever she gets married and have kids, her kids will have blonde hair too. She have 7 kids in total and it would be a pattern...blon de hair, black hair, blonde hair, black hair......
Here's one.....
I married at a young age and got prego. During my second pregnancy, like my first, I couldn't eat, always puking, and tired since it's the first trimester. With that, I didn't steam rice during that time and my husband sister would always yell at me. My mil wouldn't say anything but when my husband sister just barely said something about one of my sister in law she cried (she said that why does she always ask her to do stuff)and my mil yelled at everyone for not helping out which my sister in law wanted to do everything herself anyways. She would yelled at me everyday when I come home from school to make rice which I didn't care to do cause my stomach is very sensitive at the time. Another of my sister in law is always in her room which is right near the kitchen and she didn't say anything to her. So one day I finally argue with her. I silently told myself that when the other brothers married, their wife would do no shit, not cook or clean and she won't have the guts to say anything to them. The other 2 brother got married and yep I was right, she got no guts to say anything to them. I don't really think it's curse of anything since I just said that and most of my generation are lazy and eat out all the time, I'm just one of those that does cook and care for my in laws about what they can eat and what they can't. They cook their food weird and don't really think about if the elders can eat it or not.