
Author Topic: Hmong Curse  (Read 22062 times)

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Hmong Curse
« on: December 06, 2010, 06:31:42 AM »
I read the whole thread about Hmong ghost stories and some of those can be pretty scary.  However that thread is pretty dead now so I thought we could start a new thread about curses that you may of heard.  Some cureses can scare the hell out of you too.

I will start with one from my family and one told to me.

My mother has 3 brothers and then she is the only daughter.  My mom's youngest brother has kids but the older 2 were never able to concieve.  I remember asking my parents about it because it just seemed odd.  Normally their generation would have a house full of kids.  So the story goes that when my 2 uncles were younger they were very evil to my grandparents.  This was back in Loas by the way.  I dont know exactly what they did to my grandparents because my parents did not go into details.  So my grandmother cursed my uncles when they were younger that because they treated my grandparents horribly they will never be able to concieve and pass down their evil genes.    So to this day neither one of them have any biological kids.

I always thought my uncles were horrible and mean but I never really totally got what the deal was until my grandfather passes away.  My grandfather requested that he be buried the traditional Hmong way as far as the Hmong clothing and service. My uncles refused and buried him in a suit.  Plus his funeral was held in a christain service he never went to church a day in his life).  .  My mom and youngest uncle knew what their father's request was so they had to  sneak to the funeral home at 5am to burn him some money.  When it was time to bury my grandfather my uncles purposely had him burried with his feet to where his tombstone was to be.

It isnt scary but more interesting because....the y treat everyone the way they treated my grandparents.  My uncle even told me once that his brothers told him he and my mom were the cursed ones that is why they had children.  

Okay this one was told to me by we will call her Lady X.  Her father was a big time opium smoker, she said he would go through like a tub (size of a kleenex box) on a weekly basis.  Well once he was done he then would go to his children and ask for money to go buy more because thats all he really cared about.  Her brother got really pissed off and told his father that if that is all he cared about then he should not eat or sh!t (he should sew his holes) and just smoke all day.  Their father was very upset and was crying, he didnt understand why his own child would treat him that way.  Well I guess while he was crying he told his son that because his son didnt love him and said those bad things to him, he will never bare a son.  This was way back in the days bcause this lady is in her late 50's early 60's and this was before she even had kids.  Okay getting back to the story.  So the son marries and his wife had kids from a previous marriage, I dont know exactly how many but I do know she has a couple of boys.  During their marriage they had 3 girls and 1 boy but the little boy was born without a butthole according to Lady X.  The baby was set up with tubes and that is how he would release.  Well the baby didnt live long, after a couple of months the baby ended up passing away from complications.

Anyone have any to share?

« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 06:46:37 AM by monster »

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2010, 07:30:44 AM »
Interesting in deed. Of course, not all follow the rules of treating others the way you want to be treated, some are beyond selfish and denial. And yet, we always hear the elders speak about how high up the bar they place family matter and traditional family value.  Maybe family isn't all as important as most say it is to be.. Hmmm.. make me wonder..

I've also put up a thread similar although it is the other way around focusing on those who curse out of hate, jealousy and like your thread for revenge and personal gain.

I understand that we all will get hurt by those who  we feel have done us wrong, yet my thinking is, a person is no better than the other, when they have to go about their way to curse especially when it comes to family. Makes them just as evil. I stab you, you stab me, hmmm.. C'mon now, the apple never falls far from the tree, now think about it, where would these children get their evilness from? Hmm.. IDK..  Cov neeg zoo li no, yeej tsis muaj ib tus zoo dua ib tus li. Ib tus zoo xis tus.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 07:49:45 AM by trippleX »

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2010, 08:21:17 AM »

I've also put up a thread similar although it is the other way around focusing on those who curse out of hate, jealousy and like your thread for revenge and personal gain.

The highlighted would be Lady X.  I have heard her curse her kids saying when she dies she is going to come back to haunt them because they dont follow as she says.  It is sad when there is that much anger towards anyone but I have seen Lady X burn people over and over again...

I dont remember my grandmother because she passed before I was born but my grandfather was ver us grandkids at least.  My uncle and mother loved him beyound words though.  They did everything and anything for him.  My grandfather lived on bananas, MT Dew and cigs....for as long as I could my mom always made sure that he had a stash somewhere even though he lived out of state.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 08:23:00 AM by monster »

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2010, 08:57:10 AM »
Now we also have to understand the mindset of some of these elders. Some are just bitter beyond control and some believe that they own their children and their children needs to do whatever they say whenever and however they demand or ask and their children can not disagree, even if the parents maybe wrong.

Logically, if they are understanding parents, they would know that you can not expect your children to do everything and anything you say, want and demand even when the parents maybe wrong. As I am sure, not all parents can fullfill the requests and expectations of what their children ask and expects of them. We can not be selfish and put blame on others for not loving as much or caring as much because we simply didn't get what we wanted, asked for or demand others to do for us.

My question is, are these parents really good parents to begin with, yet they blame their children for being bad. As a parent, you should teach through good words or wisdom as well as by good example. Not "do as i say not as i do". Parents who follow this rule and are hypocrites, can't expect their chlidren to be angels when they as parents aren't themselves. Unless a parent is truly good and innocent, they should not place blame on others due to their lack of responsibility and neglect as a parent from the beginning. From what I've observed, many of these parents who blame their children for not being good children, is due to their lack of good proper guidance and discipline. As parents, they should know the difference between right and wrong, what is fair and what is not and many times, they don't or just don't care as long as they get what they want because they feel it is their children's obligation to care for them and cater to their every demand.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 09:29:15 AM by trippleX »

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2010, 12:03:53 AM »
I 'd heard the story about the big and little monkey brothers or Her clan's origination.  This is the story of how the her clan came to be known as big and little monkey brothers.  All herrs belong to neither big or little brother's clan.  Well if their are any herrs in here then ask them to tell the story or i might just have to give some details of the curse.  This is the her's curse.

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2010, 12:16:19 AM »
Interesting stories. Yes, I do believe in curses and I do also believe that if your intentions are good then no curse will fall on you even if it's from your own parents.

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2010, 07:55:30 AM »
Interesting stories. Yes, I do believe in curses and I do also believe that if your intentions are good then no curse will fall on you even if it's from your own parents.

I agree, however, if the curse does not fall upon you, it usually falls upon someone else in the family and usually if falls back upon the one doing the cursing. So, I'd beware and think twice before cursing.

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2010, 11:42:49 AM »
this one is from my hub side of the family....

his great grandfather was captured by the vietcongs and left to die...none of his sons came to help him but his son in law before he passed away, he cursed three generations for the sons to suffer...meani ng that they will have no sons or if they do, they will not live long or will be unsucessful but the daughters will be sucessful....u nless someone goes and fix or appolygize (ua neej ko)....

I do notice that it is true because out of all the sons...they only have one son each and they're not as suscessful as the daughters...bu t hopefully my hub will get everything fix on his side!

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Offline AppleBrook

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2012, 04:37:46 PM »
curse is what you say and make of it, and thereafter whatever is in the saying and making.

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2012, 05:58:06 AM »
@monster hmm didnt you just posted this story at the ghost story thread? Don't you have any more stories to share?

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2012, 06:54:10 PM »
I don't know what's wrong with those generations of parents, but they seem to have all sorts of problems ex. episodic sudden outbursts of uncontrollable madness and being 'old gangsters' as some are which leads to all sorts of cursing. my guess is that's a syndrome of post vietnam/laos war era. some children don't even get a chance to defend/redeem themselves by speaking out for themselves toward their parents, and the children would still be cursed for 'talking back'.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2012, 08:56:32 PM »
I got a personal story that I would like to jump start this thread.
Back in the old days and this if what my OG told me. You see I am not the oldest brother.
i was the 2nd oldest. that is when my older brother that I never knew. Anyways
from what my OG told me, went like this. MY dad and one of ur relatives had an disagreement about something, And my relative send down his black magic to kill my old man, but somehow the black magic hit me N my older brother.

I was knock out for 3 days N nites. No eating of milk. Of course my OG didn't know what was going on at the time.
But my older brother was about 2-3 yrs older then me. He did the same thing... up until his death.. My Og new that something is not rite so they took me to my mom's grandfather and he did some magic on me and pulled out these 2 white stone.

On the other hand my relative was a strong black magic guy and everyone feared him up until his death then ppl began to talk about him and how he uses his black magic to cruse ppl and kill them..
My point is curse, black magic it's real, you can choose to think that it's all mombo jumbo but it's real.

The story I just told you guys is not complete. I just don't wanna go into too much detailing, just wanna state the plot of my story straight out.

« Last Edit: September 12, 2012, 08:58:26 PM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #12 on: March 21, 2013, 06:51:25 PM »
Like in the shaman thread, there are white shaman and black shaman. Usually you don't really know who the black shaman are because they don't really come out in the open and does things in secret. Just like those that believe in good witches and bad witches/ angel, devil. I do believe that there are people that does curses; just that they do it secretly or only so many people know about it and is hush hush.

As a kid, one of my aunt came from Lao to america. I was curious and ask my grandma why my aunt have kids that have black and blonde hair. My grandma told me that there used to be a guy back in Lao that like my aunt. He would come over and talk to her. She didn't like him and one day she told him that she would not marry him because he have blonde hair; all his kids will have blonde hair. After that, he said to her that whenever she gets married and have kids, her kids will have blonde hair too. She have 7 kids in total and it would be a pattern...blon de hair, black hair, blonde hair, black hair......

Here's one.....
I married at a young age and got prego. During my second pregnancy, like my first, I couldn't eat, always puking, and tired since it's the first trimester. With that, I didn't steam rice during that time and my husband sister would always yell at me. My mil wouldn't say anything but when my husband sister just barely said something about one of my sister in law she cried (she said that why does she always ask her to do stuff)and my mil yelled at everyone for not helping out which my sister in law wanted to do everything herself anyways. She would yelled at me everyday when I come home from school to make rice which I didn't care to do cause my stomach is very sensitive at the time. Another of my sister in law is always in her room which is right near the kitchen and she didn't say anything to her. So one day I finally argue with her. I silently told myself that when the other brothers married, their wife would do no shit, not cook or clean and she won't have the guts to say anything to them. The other 2 brother got married and yep I was right, she got no guts to say anything to them. I don't really think it's curse of anything since I just said that and most of my generation are lazy and eat out all the time, I'm just one of those that does cook and care for my in laws about what they can eat and what they can't. They cook their food weird and don't really think about if the elders can eat it or not.

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Lyn Song

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Re: Hmong Curse
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2015, 10:36:07 PM »
Such touching story, so sad about the baby at the end. :-[

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