So i've been coming home late from zog mos recently and two days ago, as i was coming home, it was about 8 out. My brother pulled up behind me and parked in the garage. I helped him bring in some grocery while he finished parking the park. As i was walking up the sidewalk to the side door, i heard a loud whistle. I turned and looked around by reflex, i didn't see anybody or anything. So i proceeded up the stairs to the door, again i hear a whislte. I turned again and got spooked. I fumbled to unlock the door and got into the house. 2 min's later my brother comes thru the doors and I asked him if he had whistled. He said no.
Yesterday, i got home from work around 4ish, as i got out of the car, i went to the back seat and grab my bag, as i was bending down to get it, i heard the same whistle. I peeked over the car and back and there was nobody or anything. I closed the door and almost ran to the house, all the while, looking back and cehcking around.
What does this mean? I'm a bit freaked out. I told mysiblings about it, we kind of laughed it off, but none of us wanted to take out the recycling tub.
I was telling my friend about it and she asked her mom, her mom said i got hit by them. "Raug Dab" She said i wasn't supposed to look back, but i did it out of reflex, my other friend said that i shouldn't be coming home late at night by myself especailly after zog mos or if i did, i should be holding my hands over the stove or at least have somebody up waiting fo rme.