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Messages - Visualmon

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 423
General Discussion / Leaving MAGA
« on: February 15, 2025, 09:33:46 PM »
Wow! This is new for me. I'm starting to see how MAGAs change their view on Trump and his policies.

General Discussion / Re: Type of People
« on: February 15, 2025, 08:23:38 PM »
I bet HUNG_LOW doesn't go out much and meet as many Latinos he claimed. Now he says he can't tell the difference. Man, something wrong with his eyesight or HL has Austium just like Elon Musk.

Mexican MAGA telling Indian women to go back to India.

Latina Karen bully some random woman with the cart. A Samaritan Latina came to teach the Latina Karen to STFU.

Mexican manager defend himself from a pair of racist white ladies.

Mexican beeitch toss the blind man off the subway

General Discussion / How to Hang Out with the Palestinians 101
« on: February 15, 2025, 07:44:39 PM »
Here are the mind of Zionist Jews looks like:

Here are the mind of Anti-Zionist Jews looks like:

The mind of the young Americans today:

For those who are still Pro-Israel/Pro-Zion, for the love of God get your @$$ off the couch and hang out with Palestinians & Hamas more than listening to mass media and paranoid Liberal + Conservative Zion lovers tell you.

Looks like Madcow, majority of Left media are spreading the same disinformation and their sheep are eating it up like ice cream on hot day.

"The State Dept. confirmed that no government contract had been awarded to Tesla or any other vehicle manufacturer. It said that the Biden administration had asked it to look into how it might add armor to off-the-shelf electric vehicles and it was in the early stages of the project.
The State Department has an entire division that just deals in armor. It’s called the DSS Defensive Equipment and Armored Vehicle Division (DEAV). It spends a lot of money buying armored vehicles and paying people to put armor on vehicles.

Further backing up what State said is this Request for Information (RFI) that DEAV put out on April 23, 2024. An RFI is one of the very early stages of a government contract. It’s a way for the feds to ask businesses how they might do something and what it might cost without actually awarding the cash.

This specific RFI asked for companies to tell them how they might armor an electric vehicle. “The scope encompasses the design and development, prototype fabrication, and test and evaluation of an electric armored vehicle (sedan, mid-size SUV, or large SUV),” it said. “This requirement only covers design and modifications to existing Commercial platform(s) and components required for the sole purpose of meeting Government’s unique armored vehicle (AV) program needs.”

The State Department told me that only one company responded to its RFI (Tesla). “As a next step in that process, an official solicitation would be sent out to vehicle manufacturers to bid,” a State Department Spokesperson said. “However, the solicitation is on hold and there are no current plans to issue it.”

As Drop Site News and others have pointed out, this procurement document was modified on December 13, 2024, several weeks before Donald Trump took office. The RFI was also issued long before the election took place. The original spreadsheet also includes lines for “Armored EV (NOT SEDANS)” and “ARMORED BMW.” So it looks like this planning document is in line with other public documents and pretty normal. " - Gizmodo

Yeah, so much for pinning a false allegation against Trump/Elon... but this is just normal for Lefties/Demmies, throw sh1t and hope their sheep are ignorant enough to just eat it.

Doesn't Trump once spew disinformation about the Haitians eat the dogs and cats? I'm sure he gets the information from the Karens.  :2funny:

General Discussion / Re: Did Rep. Omar really married her...
« on: February 15, 2025, 06:54:58 PM »
Again, All HL can do is to observe from the distance just like Flat-earthers do.  :2funny:

General Discussion / Re: What happened Democrats?
« on: February 15, 2025, 06:53:45 PM »
Why HL keep flip flopping one thing to another?  :2funny:

I'm having trouble understanding his lame language right now.

General Discussion / Re: Type of People
« on: February 15, 2025, 06:52:09 PM »
Hmm... I currently lived in a town where more than 50% is Latinos (mixture of South American)... but I don't see the difference. They're all nice, courteous and friendly. However, I can't tell who's illegals and who's not... All I know is one employer in town and another one in a city about 12-15miles away hired illegals... ICE raided that place once before.

What a load of craps what you are saying right now. The reason you can't tell the difference is you haven't hang out with them that much. All you do is just to observe.

I don't support FRAUDALENT.  That's gold and superb. lol ;D

Man, I also order these metallic net online for pho broth too. lol
I'll be making my own pho broth whenever my package arrives.  O0

General Discussion / Re: Type of People
« on: February 14, 2025, 03:59:35 AM »
You know why the illegals have a lot more confidence than YOU and the Cholos?

Funny how they fled Mexico because they couldn't handle the intense heat, handle their own government, and fear of Cartels. So much of their confidence that you just described. They couldn't built their own infrastructure either but rather live in someone else.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Save your preach to someone who is gullible enough to fall for your problematic scheme of "alpha" syndrome.

No one gives a rat's @$$ about "the chosen people". They're not Jewish nor Hebrew. They're 100% Polish.  :2funny:

General Discussion / Re: Type of People
« on: February 13, 2025, 06:49:47 PM »
You need to get out more.

I'm so thankful that my parents didn't raise me with a victim mentality and I don't need the approval of any race group. They have their opinions about Hmong people and I have my opinions about them. Now that is true equity.

:laughing4: Say the person who complain about Liberals doing something horrible wrong onto you.  ::)

Doesn't matter y'all votes for Trump he still deport y'all @$$ even you're legal or have full citizenship.  :idiot2:

:2funny: :2funny:

General Discussion / Type of People
« on: February 13, 2025, 04:39:04 PM »
There are two type of Mexicans.

Type 1: the wannabes ------> illegal aliens from Mexico
1. Look down on people who is disable (deaf/mute) or handicap (wheelchair/crane).
2. Have tunnel vision which mainly focus on the other minorities who are vulnerable to American culture.
3. Think they're different than others

Type 2: Cholos ------> descendants of California, Arizona, and Nevada
1. Have sympathy on those who are disable or handicap
2. Open-minded about others' misfortune
3. Believe everyone is equal and no one is above the others.

Why I listed these quality? That's because I have Mexican friends who happened to be Cholos during my Freshman year of high school. They're tight and friendly. They love to hang out with Asian and Black groups during break time and lunch period. Somehow the Mexicans that associate with White people are the worst. Thinking only themselves better than everyone else. Thinking they have no defects while at same time have vulnerability like everyone does. Let's say "hypocrisy".

I wonder what army do Trump gonna recruit. He and his cabinet going to recruit just "white soldiers" and leave out color people out of the military.  :idiot2:  ;D

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