Dear Wifey,
I know that you are still out there somewhere and I know that you are looking for me too.
But I will let you find me in the year 2013 (I repeat...Two Thousand Thirteen), which is just 3 short years from now. By then I will finally be done with my dissertation. I am awaiting a scholarship and trip to study the endangered species in the Amazon Forest and planning for my thesis on deforestation soon. I love animals and I want to help save the planet.
I hope you will be proud of me when you finally find me. I know I will be ready to rock your world by then!!
I am braving this world on my own with a glad heart and good intentions for our future only. I have traveled far and wide and have seen many. OH! the stories I just wish to share with you my darling!
I wish you could have been there with me too when I have seen these places, but I want to remain a mystery and an anticipation for you only so please love, be patient.
I don't know how or what you look/sound like, but I hope you are at least good looking and have a pleasing voice
No butchy-husky deep voice k. That would be too frightening and intimidating. haha
I leave this shout-out to you with a content and hopeful heart only k? But if you do not find me in the year Two Thousand Thirteen (the year 2013), I will run off with a Monk.
I love you so far. I will love for eternity and beyond, even infinity and beyond, towards the universe and outterspace. You will love me. I know you will. I love myself too.
Signed. Your Eager and Loyal Future Husband