October 17th, TwentyTwentyGood moaning Wifey!
How did you sleep last night? Well I understand that you are still reading this from the future, but last night at the comedy club I imagined that you were the funny girl up on stage doing the skit on rednecks. I think it is so effing HAWT when a girl can do stand-up comedy.
I hope one of your inner attributes will be that you are able to be funny and make me laugh and smile on a daily basis. And after accomplishing the task of you being able to make me laugh, your ASS IZ SO GUNNA GETDIT when you dedicate this song "Wetter by Twista" to me later that evening.
When you dedicate this song to me right before we hit the sacks, I'll happily show you my superman moves ok
I still dream of you and wish you were here with me already. But I have priorities at the moment and so you will have to wait your sorry little eager ass yourself and find me in the year....drum roll please........
2013!Oh jiah! we goan naw get so bizzy and freaky on the night of February 14, 2013!