*Ignoring the curious folks in this thread*
Dear My Future Mrs Bee Thao:
Please don't give up hope yet. Obstacles will be faced, but obstacles can be overcomed. With me, I can make you soar like a majestic golden eagle up so high. I just want to be the portal that leads your soul and mines across time so that we can finally find each other in the near future. The year 2013 k. Please remember that important year. By then I will be 35 years old. (I hope that won't be too old?)
When I'm done finding a vaccine in the Amazon Jungles and writing my thesis for deforestation, you better be done with putting on your cosmetics. haha jk.
I know you will still be a beautiful soul even without all that gunk on your face.
I cannot wait to see you across the dining room of a Subway restaurant as we set that as our rendevouz as the first meeting place, and we'll both order healthy sandwiches to eat. I'll lend you 5 bucks so you can order a 5 dollar footlong. LOL
I don't even know you yet but I still think of you when I listen to this song?