Hello friends,
I am the daughter of Xiong Chang, most of you may know who he is. Some of you might not. But over the weekend, on October 17th 2015, we lost our father due to liver cancer. He was in a lot of pain for 12 long hours and he just couldn't take the pain anymore and left us early morning on that Saturday. :q :q :q :q :q :q :q :q I just want to take the time to let all of his friends on here know because he always talk about how much his friends on here miss him when he doesn't come on, and how much he loves talking to you guys and that you guys will wonder what happened to him.
Sorry I had to write all of this in English, for I do not know how to write or read Hmong. Sorry.
His funeral information:
November 7 && 8, 2015
Saint Paul Funeral Home (new funeral home)
199 Plato Blvd
Saint Paul, MN 55107
Monday November 9, 2015
Please feel free to come join us on November 7 and 8 for his funeral. Thank you.
Any questions, please contact my brother Soua Chang: (612)212-2397
Here is a donation link for his funeral:
https://www.gofundme.com/926uaqawBack to top