The viets have supports from their own people. Start there to get support with the hmong people. IT is just sad that the hmong people do not support hmong businesses due to corruptions or the owner of such businesses are being diick heads who gloat about being better than your average hmong person.
We viets are known not to invent things. We just take an existing idea and making it better.
I've noticed that the Vietnamese are operating in the same fashion as the Chinese. They have really built up their communities by supporting the businesses. For example, most Vietnamese will prefer to shop and eat at Vietnamese establishments
. They prefer the Vietnamese doctor, stationed in the same strip mall, and so on. What we have is a Vietnamese town no different then something in Vietnam. The Hmong should get stronger at building a community where we can employ our people, and offer goods and services which come in handy when our people are denied in mainstream.
However, because we've never had our own country there is just too much distrust amongst ourselves, and rightly so in many cases. For the Vietnamese, Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese, this is all just business as usual. All they did was relocate their communities from their mother countries into America. This inadvertently has really helped some entrepreneurs to go mainstream and do very well for themselves. They have established a very large market where the businesses can work well across seas as well. Since the Hmong are pretty much a lower class group in Asian countries, we can't accomplish this same type of success. Our success would have to mainly happen in America only.
But still, I believe that if there is a will there is a way. We Hmong just have to find out what that is!
I find it interesting that many successful Asian groups in America do not believe in working for someone. Their motto really isn't to go to school and then go work for someone. Many of them go to school so they can work for themselves. They really are on to something as Asians are the highest earners in America, even out-beating whites. And because many of them are known to work for themselves, this makes them better leaders in mainstream work force.