a wiseman brought up a good point in another thread which relates entirely to this topic. Our business don't grow because we don't do referrals. the wiseman said, one store will not share it's secret with another to level the playing field (
which could be argumentative). this is where we see the failure...rega
rdless if store A don't have an item a consumer is looking for, he's not going to refer to store B, who he knows store B has. same as with hmong doctors, a chiropractor (specializing in personal injury) is not going to refer his patient with a substantial eye injury to a hmong (per se) ophthalmologis
t or optometrist. We're only good at swapping labor, literrally..as with the hmong term, "pab dag, pab zog", we're not too keen on referral business....pe
b tsuas paub pab dawb pab do xwb!