Success of a business are heavily backed by their own people as their foundation. Lack of funds, skills and support from Hmong community. That's highly expected though judging by the history they came from.
I agree with this.
If your group isn't working towards being self-sufficient then forget about doing trade with others.
Not too long ago I saw on television this white, hippy dude in the Amazon rainforest or something like that. There's a tribe that extracts tea from a plant. It's suppose to have all these excellent health benefits. White dude starts his own company off this plant. He employs a bunch of those tribe members to grow and harvest the leaves, while selling it in America and other countries. White dude is totally getting rich.
My thinking is, "why didn't these Amazon people start this business since it was always a staple beverage of theirs?" Oh yeah, no marketing skills. Plus, like the Hmong they probably can't even sell to their own people. Why? Because everybody in their race cultivates it on an individual level so they aren't looking to buy it. Then there's the fact that a white person probably can't relate to these Amazonians. They aren't as willing to believe an Amazonian salesperson for the health benefits whereas they can believe the white dude. White dude is probably like, "hey, it works for me so you should try it."
Take for example "cupping" and "hot stone" therapy. The Hmong have done this for centuries but do you think a white person would believe us? Many medical experts once thought it was physical abuse.
But one image of Gwenyth Paltrow getting this type of treatment and it becomes a luxury treatment at spas.
So these Amazons are like the Hmong. You know how it is. You try to open a pho restaurant but all the Hmong think they can make it better at home.
Sometimes it isn't about being able to make it better at home. It's about treating yourself because you worked hard for your money. If you aren't using at least some of your own money on yourself then why work?