hahahaha... when i go to the bank and i see a mac instead of a pc in front of the loan officer, i'll give in.... Or when the IT manager at work has replaced all the PCs on the floor with Macs then yeah... Until then....oh wait, there is no 'until then'..
you haven't owned me nor will your wife ever.. .. i must edit. might hurt some feelings.. 
Well, since you're still replying, I'd say, you've been owned. I used to be an I.T. until I found out it doesn't pay enough to deal with the stress of a crappy OS like Winblows that needs constant supervision. Of course,my wife still works in I.T. and she's very thankful that Microsoft still makes sh!tty operating systems...othe
rwise, she'd be out of a job if the company ever found out about Macs.