That's true what you guys said. It's free... I still can't fathom how they can make such shit quality. If I were in their shoes, I would commission the villagers to set a few "staged" areas to film and know exactly where and how I'm going to film it while having the vision in my mind. The end result is a high quality product. Professional product = more sales. More sales = more $$ to invest. The business model is really not that hard. LOL. I'm complaining~ (without realizing)
I really want to see them dance on the straw roofs in HD 1080. IMAGINE that... soo badass... Imagine them dancing on the roof and kicking straws up to their knees. And then the camera pans in from the top with them still dancing on the roof. Next scene, a front view of the house, two hmong guys somersault criss crossing the screen, the singer wearing sunglasses walks by smoothly with a bunch of girls trying to feed him watermelon. Camera cuts in to a close up, (in slow-mo) he bites a piece of watermelon, laughs, and wears a carefree smile.
Tsk. So cool.
I would watch. Definitely.
My idea was kind of inspired by this video: