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Messages - Believe_N_Me

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 265
Newly arrived immigrants openly do many things that repulse Americans. Democrats gaslighting the American public is what they always do.

For example, many Hmong marry underage girls and continue to do so. I'd like to hear Sen. Foung Hawj and the rest of them Dem Hmongs deny that. I bet many of them have OG male relatives who married an underage girl in Laos and falsified her birth records. Even if the Hmong Dems don't deny it, they aren't exactly reporting these OGs either, are they?  ::)

Online Journal / Re: Time Capsule
« on: September 14, 2024, 11:06:28 PM »

I feel very blessed to know what real, true love looks and feels like. Real love brings peace. It makes you feel secure. You never experience doubt or anxiety. You feel calm and safe. Nothing in their words or actions raises suspicion. Their stories make sense. You feel valued, loved, and appreciated. And most importantly, you feel like a priority. This kind of trust is what allows you to be worlds apart for long periods of time and still feel secure. But when that trust is broken, you begin to have uncertainty and  feel suspicious about every word they speak, every look in their eye, and every move they make. Your body is telling you that you are being betrayed.

... about Haitian migrants.

They were trying to paint Trump as a racist for saying that some Haitians ate ducks in the park. BUT IT WAS THE BLACK GUY IN RED WHO SAID IT AT A CITY COUNCIL MEETING.

TRUMP is only saying what the residents told him.

The reason that I believe the American people who are reporting inappropriate illegal immigrant behaviors is because the same was said about them in other countries.

I remember the Hmong French describing Musims as violent and aggressive. They would blow up vehicles and strike people in the street with machetes.

I can't stand it when the Dems gaslight the actual residents who complain about issues happening in their communities.

5 I don't have a video and I don't care if PH liberals think it's fake.

Awhile back I worked 30 minutes outside of town. I have to take the freeway to hit the larger highway. There was a shortcut through a ghetto area to get to the ramp that I would take every morning and use on the way back home. There was always the same homeless man standing there with his cardboard sign. One day I came early and decided to take a short detour from that ramp. Lo and behold, I saw a a shiny Prius dropping off so-called homeless people by a fence. That man was one of them. He was on a cellphone and grabbed a sign from the back, as did some other so-called homeless folks. He put on a raggedy hoody and started walking to that corner where he always stood to panhandle.

The man could very well be homeless but this operation completely de-legitimize everything.

Another time I saw a heavy set black man panhandling in the street by one of the corners that homeless panhandlers like to stand on. The black man's friends were laughing from the doorway of the barbershop. It seems these black dudes saw how fake this was and one of them thought it would be silly to pose as a homeless to see if anybody would give him cash. A few cars actually stopped and gave him cash. His buddies were laughing from the doorway.

Online Journal / Re: Time Capsule
« on: September 11, 2024, 07:25:11 PM »

We have strong chemistry. We are highly attracted to each other intellectually, emotionally and physically. We go good together. We are good together. We talk for hours. We can stay silent for days. We can do anything together. We are happy keeping each other company. We are at peace in different corners of the house. We are each other's type. We are each other's ideal. We check off all the boxes. We are soulmates. We feel like home to each other. We balance out each other's temperament. We have complementary traits. We have zodiac signs that have a high compatibility rate. We are comfortable with each other. We hear music when we think about each other. We share the same worldview. We agree on the same political ideology. We have the same faith. We perceive things the same way. We have the same humor. We have the same disgust. We are so strong together. We can move mountains. We have moved mountains. We love each other.

But we are not in the same league. And that is why we are afraid it will not work out.

***When a couple should theoretically work out, but don't.

Debate Central / Re: Religion versus Culture
« on: September 11, 2024, 02:03:12 PM »
You just proved my point.

Muslims can make their Muslim countries more westernized, too.  ::)

Oh, they can't because their religion is actually too violent and extreme to allow it. Go to Dubai. Not rich enough?

Yeah, I'm alt-right like RusselL Brand, Jimmy Dore, and Tim Poole, etc.  ::) ::) ::)

You woke leftists are too extreme even for the liberals. Now you calling them alt-right.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

There is nothing green about green energy.

General Discussion / No need to mention the indecent actions of illegals...
« on: September 11, 2024, 01:48:46 PM »
...woke Dems don't really care, especially if it doesn't happen to them.

At the end of the day, those who entered the country illegally should simply be deported because they broke the law. Period.

And we should focus on building the wall in order to deter illegal entries.

Who is putting a spin on things except for you? You people are the language police.

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

If nobody should take what Trump says seriously and literally then why are you and libs always so offended?

 :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2:

Well we all know that you watch the debate and heard him say they take the baby and decide whether to execute it but now you’re just pretending it didn’t happen.

I actually didn't watch the debate because I already know who I'm voting for and I don't believe it's going to sway the ignorant Democrat voters. But if what you claim Trump said is true, then I don't dispute it. There are abortion doctors who will execute a born-alive baby. Awhile ago an abortion doctor actually went to jail for it. He kept a collection jar of their feet. Just because he was caught doesn't mean there aren't others who have yet to be caught.

A girl that I grew up with worked at Planned Parenthood. She used to dispose the baby body parts into the dumpster in the back.

A lot of things Trump said turned out to be true because he actually gets the reports from liberal journalists who still have integrity.

For example, I learned about the Darien Gap back in 2015 before Trump even ran for office. I learned about it on "This American Life" podcast with Ira Glass. This is a lib podcast. A journalist from Madison, WI traveled to the Darien Gap to write about it.

General Discussion / Re: Fight broke out at CA capitol...
« on: September 11, 2024, 01:26:05 PM »
It's true. A lot of black influencers were talking about it.

General Discussion / Re: The Corruption of PH - YAX is a perfect example
« on: September 11, 2024, 01:23:57 PM »

whatchu talking about

you and hunglow are the most bias GOP in here
spam ANTI left fake news every single day 24/7/365

 ;D ;D ;D ;D

Hung_Low and I aren't moderators nor admins.

We're two conservative voices in a landfill of woke libs. Lord forbid there are any political diversity in this place!

What you're doing is identical to the liberal panel who kept getting on that conservative woman's case for mispronouncing Kamala Harris's name. Meanwhile, Kamala was misprouncing Dana Bash's name throughout the staged interview.  ::)

The school doesn't perform the surgery but their recommendation will be highly considered by the gender re-affirming facility.

The fact that you are twisting words just shows how much you're terrified of your own stupidity.

It looks like you're trying to convince yourself that Trump is wrong. But I can tell that you want to believe. lol

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