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Topics - Believe_N_Me

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No need to worry about that person getting their karma because they already are.

What the woman in the video said is true.

For the same reason men should not play in women's sports, women should not fill roles that are better suited for men like the presidency.

For the past three years I've been using a 24/7 roadside mobile tire service that is owned and operated by a woman. I initially thought, "what a great thing to see a woman in this line of work." Angela told me that she had been changing tires with her dad for years until she branched out on her own. This year she finally purchased a mobile that will save time from having to go fetch tires from the shop.

One night while working a side hustle, the front tire on the driver's side went flat. No problem-o. I'll just call up Angela to get out here and change the tire. It was a good thing that I was with a friend at a restaurant looking over client orders. I could wait comfortably for Angela to show up. WRONG. Two hours passed and Angela still wasn't there. She informed me that she was waiting for her sister to come over to watch her one year old. I thought, "okay, I can be patient. Only one more hour before this place closes anyways."

Angela didn't get there until 1 in the morning. I had been waiting in my car for hours by then. What really irritated me was how she kept stringing me along. "I'll be there in 20 minutes...10 minutes..." when in reality she was nowhere on her way. Needless to say, I confronted Angela about her dishonesty. We got into it as she kept trying to justify her lateness due to her kid, who was in a car seat in the mobile truck. I told her very bluntly that she was very unprofessional . First of all, I would've appreciated if she had just cancelled the job due to a family-related issue. Then I would've just found someone else.

I've had this problem with women before.

It's highly unlikely that she can overtake an alpha male villain in a physical fight. At best, she could beat up a beta male villain. But why wait for her to take out a beta male villain when a good alpha male can already do that?

Female-washing superhero characters do not raise self-esteem for little girls. It's encouraging magical thinking and that's going to cause a lot of meltdowns when little girls grow up only to find out that "no", they can't physically beat an alpha male. We saw this after election results.

Female-washing superhero characters is like black-washing notable white characters. Blacks don't need a black Santa to feel included. They don't need a black Annie either. They have their own heroic figures and beloved characters/stories.

Let's do the same with women. Captain America does not need to be a woman and certainly not cast Bree Larson to play her.

She is 59 years old.

When people leave a good partner or sabotage a good relationship, it's very unlikely that they'll find that same quality in anyone else.
What tends to happen is they end up settling because they can't take any more risks. Therefore, they settle with the first person who is decent enough. It's not the one that their heart desires, but it's the one that they can learn to live with.

That's the key takeaway I get from listening to people's love and relationship stories.

General Discussion / Those who fear a Trump presidency tend to be...
« on: November 21, 2024, 11:43:37 PM »
...leeching off the government.

For example, abolishing the Department of Education would actually be a great thing for students who perform well in academics. Currently, billions of dollars are wasted on students who don't even care about education. For example, students who enroll in college but perform poorly or dropout. Now they have record high student loans that they can't pay back. It's because they were encouraged to go to college even when they weren't suited to attend traditional colleges. They should've went to a trade school instead or join the workforce and work their way up. At least they wouldn't be deep in debt and we wouldn't have wasted money paying their tuition.

If the DOE is abolished and that money is left to the states to manage, the state can incentivize students to attend state schools. Also, they will be more selective in loaning out the money. Therefore, only students who have proven to perform well in school will get the money.

This can be said for welfare assistance and other government subsidies. Only the truly needy should get it and not those who have figured out a way to cheat the system.

When I used to PCA for an elderly relative, it was very difficult to qualify her. Then we went to a Hmong home healthcare and she got it right away. I also noticed that some home healthcare are basically qualifying everyone. I've seen perfectly able-bodied Hmong women qualify. They claim they have PTSD, depression, a bad back, etc. and then you see them dancing in videos, attending parties, fishing, hunting, picking Solomon's Seal, mushroom, marijuana, where they are constantly bending over etc. What happened to the bad back and "I can't walk more than 100 feet"?????

The doctors who sign off on their medical conditions are in on the scam, too.

Some of these older Hmong singles are culturally married and won't get a marriage license. Or they cohabitate. That way, their boyfriend/girlfriend/common law spouse can be their PCA. It takes a scammer to be with a scammer, I guess. I'm very tempted to report these frauds. lol Especially since I have the receipts. lol

At least these people are just filling cabinet roles. You libs wanted to make Kamala Harris the president. This clown who can't even string a coherent sentence together without laughing like a cackling hen. Not to mention she blew through $2 billion dollars in three months, of which millions were paid to rich celebrities to endorse her.  :2funny:


General Discussion / Ayn Rand agrees with woman president
« on: November 21, 2024, 08:47:18 PM »

No woman should ever be the commander in chief of the military. In fact, no woman should ever be the leader of anything having to do with weaponry, fighting, combat, battles, and things of the sort.

In the past years, I've really come to dislike female superhero movies and shows. There is nothing attractive or believable about a woman getting into physical fights with men, especially where we're supposed to believe that she can beat them up. Sure, there are beta males that she could probably injure but not with alpha male types. But if she is just beating up beta male types then there really isn't a point to the story.

Maybe if she was fighting a female villain there would be some validity in that.

Hollywood and libs need to quit forcing us to believe that a woman can physically overpower a strong, alpha male.

General Discussion / Fresno went RED
« on: November 21, 2024, 02:49:32 PM »
Fresno Hmong community was notorious for gang-banging, debauchery and extra-marital scandals in the 80s-90s. At one time, it was also the largest Hmong community in the country and hosted the biggest New Year festival. And for decades it remained relatively blue until 2024 when a big red wave hit the voting polls.

Looks like the residents are tired of all the debauchery and decided to clean house. The people who would know best about fraudulent activities are the hardworking Hmong who reside there. Imagine working your butt off for years while having to hold your tongue about relatives cheating the system and getting away with it. Not only are these freeloaders eating your tax money, but the people in charge have the audacity to call them victims who are owed your compassion.

Yeah, I think the Fresno residents are tired, not to mention the influx of illegals bloating the system. None of these liberal policies resulted in productive people. In fact, it incentivized bad behavior.

I might be mistaken but I believe Biden's attempted-assassin was a Hmong guy from Fresno. lol  He really had it with libs.

As a Christian and licensed religious-ed teacher whose helped setup Montessori-style classrooms at various congregations, I'm curious to review the standards and lesson plans. My concern is that the teachers aren't equipped or trained properly to instruct biblical teachings to students. One thing that I've always disliked about teaching biblical stories to children is how the materials are too "cutesy". It's no wonder people get the impression that it's all just fairy tales and fictional characters. People can't discern historical events from Jesus' parables.   

...are not only deeply upset but feel extremely violated to the point that they are acting out aggressively.

What people need to understand about religion is that it's not just how someone feels about something. It literally is their truth, which serves as a compass for everything in their life. This is why the forefathers enshrined Freedom of Religion into the Constitution while under the belief that they were setting up a republic within a Christian culture. Even the outspoken, atheist Richard Dawkins said that although he didn't believe in god (specifically the Christian god), he quite enjoyed the Christian culture, and outside the Christian culture he wouldn't experience the kind of freedom that he had.

The problem is that abortion and transgenderism are not eternal truths. A mother-to-be does not have the god-given right to intentionally kill her unborn. In fact, it's actually against human nature to do so. That is why humans are different from animals, who sometimes commit infanticide (cannibalize their young) for reasons that relate to survival.

A person cannot change their sex through surgery, interests, behavior or pronouns. Call yourself whatever you want, but whatever sex you were born as, is what you will remain.

The whole thing was a hoax in order to tarnish his reputation and extort money from his family. We should be appalled by his accusers for their evil lies, but more importantly, we should be relieved that no 17 year old had sex with Gaetz and that that minor was not trafficked across state lines.

I've noticed that Dem voters often feel rather disappointed and angry when there was never a real victim. They need victims to validate their claims, therefore justifying their hatred.

You know, you can dislike a person without them having committed an atrocity. Making up lies about them says that you don't even know why you hate them. You don't believe in your own hatred towards a person/group/etc. You really should look into your own childhood to square away any traumas that you experienced.

For all the traits that the Dems dislike about Trump and Gaetz, is exactly why they're the men for the job.

We need outspoken and ready-to-punch-back people to stand up against the evil Democratic Party. You don't send in weaklings to a gunfight. You send in people who will obliterate those whose intent is to harm you.

This definition is exactly why I voted for Donald J. Trump:

The President is both the head of state and head of government of the United States of America, as well as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. Under Article II of the Constitution, the President is responsible for the execution and enforcement of laws created by Congress.

If I wanted someone to build friendly business relationships with other countries, I would appoint them as a diplomat. Here is the role and responsibility of a diplomat:

The main functions of diplomats are representation and protection of the interests and nationals of the sending state; initiation and facilitation of strategic agreements, treaties and conventions; and promotion of information, trade and commerce, technology, and friendly relations.

General Discussion / The Democratic Party is a cancer
« on: November 21, 2024, 10:39:55 AM »
Thank goodness Americans voted overwhelmingly red this election cycle. Maybe common sense and the love for truth isn't dead just yet. I'm not surprised how easily people can be manipulated and brainwashed, so I was really nervous about the presidential election. If Kamala Harris won, that would mean that evil won and the Democratic Party would have been successful with all their manipulative tactics.

The fact that we have so many people, like PH liberals, who are too afraid to simply point out the truth ------> A MAN CAN NEVER BE A WOMAN AND VICE VERSA

is what really scared me.

A political party that not only promotes this demonic lie BUT will go to lengths to silence dissenters and even punish them IS EVIL.

There is no place for that in our Republic.

And to think that so many Hmong, including PH liberals, were all too willing to go along with it only proves again why they have no business being in any positions of leadership.

Leaders do not have to be perfect. They do not have to have a squeaky clean background. BUT MY GOODNESS, THEY SHOULD KNOW WHAT IS TRUE.

There is no discussion or debate to be had about man or woman. It's not a spectrum.

and his cabinet picks.

That is the toxicity of the Democrat Party, their voters, and their mouthpieces (mainstream media).

You people are so evil that your president Biden wants to start a war before Trump takes office. You are also trying to oust a Supreme Court justice, just like you ran a coup against Biden.

Keep it up and you will continue to lose.

Now that they've decided not to sleep with men, they won't have to worry about any unwanted pregnancies.

 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0 O0

Who would've thunk that not sleeping around would be the number one way to prevent an unwanted pregnancy?????

I'm just so befuddled and baffled.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

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