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Topics - Believe_N_Me

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General Discussion / No need to mention the indecent actions of illegals...
« on: September 11, 2024, 01:48:46 PM »
...woke Dems don't really care, especially if it doesn't happen to them.

At the end of the day, those who entered the country illegally should simply be deported because they broke the law. Period.

And we should focus on building the wall in order to deter illegal entries.

General Discussion / My personal position on abortion
« on: September 11, 2024, 10:41:09 AM »
I'm a pro-lifer because I find the procedure very immoral and downright sinful. But having said that, I probably wouldn't be pushing back hard if the pro-abortionists didn't act like it was the be all and end all of things. They've always been the ones instigating the divide. Goodness, they're the ones who parked an abortion mobile clinic outside the DNC, paraded in abortion pill costumes, and erected an 18-ft inflatable. If that's not in-your-face, fighting actions then I don't know what is.

There are women out there who feel super offended if legal abortion is overturned or there are more restrictions. There reaction is nothing short of rage. Next time I'll ask if they actually blacked out before going on the attack. It's almost demonic. How important is abortion when the steps to prevent a pregnancy are easily doable and cost-free?

Liberal woman are under the impression that there is an Insemination Fairy who goes out at night and injects semen into all baby-bearing uteruses. Therefore, it is detrimental to women's health that abortion is accessible at all times under all circumstances.

I've attended a few of these and have also watched from a safe distance. My thoughts are that half of the people there really don't care and are clueless. But before I dive into that, let me start off by saying that the number of attendees are never that many. At least not where I've been or seen.

Anyways, many of the attendees are there to support a friend of a friend who knows the organizers. They treat it like a community event in which they'll stop at a nearby coffee house before or afterwards. lol

The one thing that stands out the most to me is that whoever is speaking always have the intention of inciting anger within the attendees. But here is the thing. They don't care if your anger is irrelevant to their cause. lol For example, let's say they're protesting against fracking. You don't know much about fracking but something in the speaker's speech makes you recall the time when you were bullied or felt unfairly treated. You start feeling angry. lol

And this is why liberal protests tend to attract the unstable and unhinged. It's no wonder violence tends to erupt at their events. There are people out there who want to feel justified in their anger so they come to these events where it is accepted and encouraged. Nobody will think it's strange if you start screaming and raging. That is for real. I've seen it.

I believe it when they say that liberals bus in agitators.

So the next time you're upset about something, attend a liberal protest. Let out your anger and rage. Do it in the name of [insert liberal cause].


Marriage & Family Life / A woman who has a high value man
« on: September 10, 2024, 12:14:33 PM »

Most of them will not leave even though they are being mistreated and devalued. They remain in the relationship for the reputation of having a high valued man.

High value is defined by having wealth, status, or education.

The woman might complain, nag, and even become violently unhinged BUT she will stay.

The only time the relationship actually ends for good is when the man decides it's over and leaves.

It really depends on what she brings to the table. Some high value men keep the woman around because she is the mother of his children. Maybe she is really attractive and he likes having eye candy on his arm for public display. Perhaps she is well-connected to important people and that helps his career. And last but not least, she provides enough of his basic needs - cooks, clean, does his laundry, etc. Either way, he doesn't love her and will entertain other options when presented.

Even if she is a high value woman, the high value man still expects her to put up with him having options.

General Relationship / How do you have trust outside of a commitment?
« on: September 10, 2024, 11:57:00 AM »
Obviously, I'm not naive to believe that people will never break their vows, but how do some folks feel so completely at ease being in a relationship when there has not been a commitment made?

I believe that I finally understand those folks.

A gal has been with her boyfriend since the middle school. They're like two peas in a pod. Anyways, they're super comfortable with each other but she obviously wears the pants. The girl yells at him and orders him like a servant. She even speaks down on him. She's been doing this since middle school. When they were in high school she ran away to live with him and his divorced mom. Her parents were very upset and tried every way to bring her back but she wouldn't come back. Well since then, they've had two children and still no marriage. The thought never crossed their mind. The parents don't even demand it anymore.

So how do I know they're committed to each other?

It's obvious. One person has major abandonment issues, and the other has narcissistic traits. THIS TYPE OF PAIR WILL NEVER LEAVE EACH OTHER.

You have the abuser (who always has control) and the submissive person (who is too weak to ever leave). Why would they give up this dynamic?


I guess to have a long-lasting commitment you just have to know which type you are: abuser or submissive.

If you're the abuser then find a submissive person who puts you on a pedestal and worships you. They will never leave.

If you're the submissive then find someone to worship, that person will definitely go back and forth but in the end, they'll come back because you worship them more than anybody else is willing to.

Thanks for letting a shooter know where they can shoot a bunch of unarmed people.  O0

The majority of mass shootings happen in these places. On the other hand...

If a shooter walked into an NRA convention or gun show with plans to kill, how many of the event goers won't shoot back?

Dems just NEVER THINK about the consequences of their rhetoric and policies.

Black and brown people typically live in areas with more crime. They are more likely to be murdered by someone who looks like them. And "NO" these criminals do not acquire guns legally. Therefore, making it hard for law-abiding citizens to acquire a gun to protect themselves DO NOT stop the criminals from having one and using it to terrorize the law-abiding people.

Women, children, and the elderly are the most vulnerable in these communities. You are blocking women from protecting themselves.

And you also want to defund the police, too?

 :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2: :idiot2:

...many of you have monsters, not innocent children.

This is why a lot of teachers have quit. In addition to the low pay and incompetent administrators, they can no longer stand overbearing parents and disrespectful students. Why are you all so surprised when a school shooting happens?

This is the culture of woke liberalism, which is partly the fault of woke teachers and elite professors who write the curriculum for education in the country AND influence a lot of policy-making in the country.

Every time I hear a boomer say, "this didn't happen when I was in school."

No, it didn't because the country was a lot more conservative when you were in school. The guns were still there but you didn't have this kind of nonsense.

Wokeism - especially from Hollywood and the so-called mainstream news - is a cancer in society. It doesn't matter if it's a conservative or liberal town. This cancer will rear it's ugly head.

General Discussion / FBI interviewed shooter when he was in Jackson County
« on: September 05, 2024, 04:08:59 PM »
...but the shooting happened after he moved to another county.

Exactly the point I made about libs always wanting to protect those with criminal mindset.

The FBI notified Jackson county school district to keep an eye on the shooter. But once he moved, welps, that was it. The new school district probably didn't know anything about the threats he made and how he had been on the FBI's radar.

Those of you who are parents and have school-aged children...I can tell you that there are kids with criminal records in the same space as your child. There are kids who have severe violent outbursts and have been on medication since they were young. It only takes one time missing that medication for them to snap. In K-12 schools that means 18 year olds who can wreak havoc on 4 year olds.


Whatever laws are passed in the city, state, or at the federal level doesn't really matter. The responsibility of installing security into schools belong to the parents and the school district.

What part of this don't THE PARENTS UNDERSTAND?

Why are you waiting and crying for a political party to put a damn lock on your school's front door?

Whether this is a country that wants to honor the 2nd Amendment or not, keeping your schools and your children safe is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY .


No wonder my aunt said that Democrats are nothing but freeloaders and criminals. They encourage people to beg, ask for handouts, and have no accountability to manage their own lives.

- better make sure that they are locked up really good and nobody but YOU have access to them. If you have a family member that gets easily unhinged, then you will be accountable if they get access to your guns and use it to kill others, including you or themselves.

I'm appalled at people who know that they live with someone who has a short fuse or mental deficits but still knowingly own a gun. I don't know if they bought a gun to protect themself from the mentally unstable person or what, but it's very irresponsible since that person has a tendency to snap.

General Discussion / The Corruption of PH - YAX is a perfect example
« on: September 05, 2024, 12:58:21 PM »
It's not surprising that he is a big time woke liberal.

PH lost it's credibility a long time ago when moderators and administrators troll and are visibly biased in the forums. In addition, why are they even hazing and engaged in heated transgressions with forum users who aren't moderators/administrators?

Their role is to be NEUTRAL and perhaps not even post at all other than provide updates about the site's features. Maybe a "hello" here and there.

Is PH losing so much appeal to the regular user that YAX is compelled to emerge from the 7th layer of hell?  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Of course, I never expect YAX to see his own corruption. Woke liberals are incapable of self-reflection.

Let me give you two cents since your moral account is completely bankrupt.

Dude, have some self-discipline and integrity.  ::)

My problem with groups that have experienced brutal oppression is when they accuse every criticism about them of having discriminatory intent. I highly recommend professional therapy to heal from their trauma.

They've become the forever victim who must be treated like fragile unicorns. I am so done with that nonsense.

The other day I bought a black Barbie couple. The little girl couldn't bring herself to say "black" out loud because it was pointing out their blackness and that, in her mind, would be misconstrued as racist. I told her it's okay and safe to say "black" because they are. Even Black people identify as "Black" so what else would we call them? For example, calling us "Hmong" is what we are. Heck, I don't even get offended if someone calls me Chinese since it's so commonplace for people to think Chinese = Asian. Just get over it.  ::) The Chinese have done well to make themselves the most notable Asian ethnic group.

This is what the culture has devolved into. We're not allowed to point out immutable characteristic s about people anymore because the fragile fairies call it microaggressio n. We're not even supposed to call women "women" but must refer to them as cis-women.

I refused to be policed by the Language Nazis.

74 telling a battered woman that she will be safe as long as her abusive husband doesn't have access to weapons. She might not be killed by a gun, knife, baseball bat, axe, scissors, etc. BUT as long as he's on the street, SHE WILL BE HARMED BY HIM.


Because Kamala Harris seems to perfectly understand locking up those who do low level crimes like selling marijuana.

But that is how Democrats operate. They always go after those who are the path of least resistance while doing nothing about the people who are dangerous.

As someone who has first row seat to the operation of education, YOUR CHILDREN AND OTHER LOVED ONES ARE IN HARM'S WAY EVERYDAY AT SCHOOL.

DEMOCRATS will pass million dollar budgets for school districts BUT NONE OF THAT MONEY will go towards securing the school - not even in schools with a lot of violence.

Not too long ago a student hit a pregnant teacher and almost caused her to miscarry. Nothing happened to that student. He wasn't even kicked out. Another student brought a gun to show off to his friends at school and was kicked out. But his parents simply enrolled him into another school district. My understanding is that currently, a student cannot be expelled or rejected from enrollment even with a criminal record. Check your state laws.

This law was intentionally to prevent schools from discriminating against black and brown male students who often have a criminal record as minors. But it obviously opened the door for white male students to carry out mass school shootings. Of course, nobody wants to talk about how those are still isolated incidents compared to the violence at school with a predominantly black and brown student body.  ::)

...all I hear is that the Dems want people to become dependent on drugs.

After all, why change your lifestyle or put real effort to reversing your condition when the pills are so cheap? And it's even better when the Dems will cap the cost at an affordable price!!!!

"You get a pill, you get a pill, you get a pill!"

Obesity is totally reversible and self-inflicted.

I remember reading articles during COVID pandemic about inequity in healthcare for Blacks. I kept thinking to myself, "well geeze, if you think you're being discriminated against by doctors, then wouldn't it just be common sense to take better care of your health?"

Obesity is a problem among blacks and it's become a problem with Hmong people, too. I'm not talking chubby Hmong. I see super, morbidly obese Hmong people who aren't even old.

Remember when Npav Ntsuab was the only really fat Hmong person? Well now, we have a lot of young people looking like Npav Ntsuab.

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