Nobody is saying that the virus itself is a hoax. They're saying the overreaction is a hoax to implement socialist policies that serve globalist agendas. In addition, the Demoncraps have weaponized it to attack and destroy Trump's presidency. All of this, btw, is true. The Demoncraps don't even hide it anymore. The proof is in the pudding. Just look how they coincidentally held the stimulus bill hostage unless the GOP conceded to all their socialist and progressive demands in a 1400 page packet. I don't recall the Dem house representative's name but even he told the press that the pandemic and stimulus provided the opportunity to roll out their agenda.
Fortunately, much of the country is waking up to the Demoncraps bullshyt during this pandemic, except for uber liberal states where the citizens are too brainwashed, like California and New York. The liberal cabal in those states have it down to a science on how to keep minorities loyal and uninformed.
What they do is tie a minority's identity to the political party. This is why so many blacks, Hispanics, and Hmong voters will vote Democrat without question. Being a Democrat to these groups is like being their race. This is why people like YAX can't engage in civil discussion or admit to hypocrisies in his political party without really bruising his ego. HIS ENTIRE IDENTITY IS TIED INTO THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY.
Me, I can easily walk away without a care because I don't vote base on party lines. I am forever and always an individual first. However, since Obama's presidency, I've been really loathing the Demoncraps and their shyt. Particularly their supporters. AND I AM SOMEONE WHO VOTED FOR OBAMA TWICE. Just so tired of the identity politics that get shyt done. I need candidates who are concerned about the interests of America and Americans as a whole. Not waste hours talking about the needs of one specific group and still get shyt done. These people who "feel" marginalized, they need to do that shyt on their own time.
This is like going to a PTA meeting where a parent hogs up time talking about the needs of her child. Not only that but the demands she's putting forth are things that she should be doing at home as a parent anyways. Yet, she's burdening the school with those responsibiliti
es and she wants school resources to fund it. This is the Demoncrap Party in a nutshell.
Just ask YAX and some of these Hmong Demoncraps if they'd ever consider voting for anybody who doesn't have a D next to their name. Their response will sound something like Joe Biden, "if you're having a hard time deciding to vote for Democrat, then you ain't Hmong."
Biden said that because it's true of blacks and a lot of minorities. They are such idiots.
SORRY, LOSERS. I don't show up at the polls to vote base on my race.