Going through old threads.. this sounded like a fun thread, wish I can remember what it was about.
1luv, duma.... That wasn't really cool how you just posted her private fb convo for strangers to see. I would've already deleted you. I mean really, you waited 2 years to post up a convo she had on facebook... what are you, stalking her or someting?
I have no idea what you are talking about.
What is the title to this thread? Who else but the annoying can take such crap? At the time, I'm just sharing what is annoying. I do not stalk the gal because I don't care for teenie booper stuff. I just happened to ran across an annoyance so I shared with the pH crowd what annoying looks like.
Even today, there are still kids that behaved like that. The kids I know who made it do not engaged in those booper mall rat stuff. Their writings are usually articulate like they were raised well and seems to take great interest in their education.
I can log into that fake FB account and tell y'all what she been up to but obviously, y'all not ready for it so fawk y'all.