
Author Topic: Just Asking  (Read 56 times)

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Just Asking
« on: October 28, 2024, 10:48:12 PM »
Is the bible a real deal? Like c'mon the book lack details on every subject.

Old Testament
- How do animals able to talk in the Garden of Eden?
- Who are the mystery chicks married to Cain and Seth?
- What happens to the falling angels when God flood the earth? How the fawk Lucifer still alive when he was wrecking a havoc? He should be dead too. lol
- What happens to Solomon's childrens when he impregnate thousands of his concubines? The book didn't mentioned his remaining descendants.
- The continuation of king nebuchadnezzar after he accepted God as his deity. How the fawk he fathered a son in King II when he's single and no queen?  ;D
- Did the Israelites return to Philistine temple and brought Samson back to their village?
- How did the Egyptians recreate more people when God killed their first born males?

New Testament
- no details on demonology and how they infect the people in middle-east.
- no details of Jesus's childhood as the son of carpenter.
- no details how people at that time see demons but people see other people go mental and crazy.

Between 13 and 19 centuries, Christians didn't progress in Europe and further western countries. The same book that religious fanatics use to go around killing and spreading heretic to their own people and their neighboring countries.
- The Brit killing off Scottish and Irish
- The Brit killing off French
- Portuguese and Spanish fighting each other over the land
- Spanish enslaved and murdered indigenous
- The Roman enslaved the Brit and other europeans
- The Brit enslaved India and China
- The French enslaved southeast Asia
- Gweilo occupied north and south america illegally

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