« on: August 21, 2023, 09:13:17 PM »
I don't know if I should be angry at how Western Media portray "quiet" people..I know what it's like to be painfully quiet and shy and all the while everyone thinks you're a psycho, creep, or walking time bomb. And if they don't see that, they think you're snarky, faking it, or suspiscious..I say don't buy into it. Evil comes in all shapes and forms, and this includes personalities. Now, I met plenty of great people. Outgoing and extreme introverts. And I've met plenty of horrible people, outgoing and quiet people. but I say most quiet people are the real norm. I mean if you look at animals. they only communicate when they need to..you don't see two birds or two lions walking and talking to each other...lols
I've eventually got out of my shell..Still reserve majority of the time..but I have absolutely no problem with anyone who is quiet. I treat them just as is, just like anyone. if they are cool, I'll be cool. If they are rude, quiet or outgoing, they will pay one way or another...if not from my own actions, then from the actions of the curse...I mean Karma..lols
anyway..sad story...anyone could have committed this type of stuffs..it's not always the quiet ones..sometime s it's the most friendly people...that you ought to be wary of...lols