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Messages - JonniJacko

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hey uhh is that a clothing rack?  :2funny: I think those are more like a drifting type has some kind of physic or aerodynamic attributes to it so the design is not for looks but performance. Okay I just made that up...I don't know..lols

If I don't feel any negative energy while touring and looking at the house, heck yeah if its a 500k house slash down to 100k, it's a steal...why do I say that? lols cuz the ghost will protect you and the house...but if the ghost or spirit don't like you...usually maybe it's because they were or are racist...lols even in the after life...lols... and you already bought the house...only few places will make you a silver bullet...lols j/k

but on a serious note, heard of stories where past and deceased owners spirits still dwells in the house..someone try to break in, they will scare the bad guys away...or if you're asleep, they will do something to alert need for motion sensors..lols

Online Journal / Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« on: August 26, 2023, 10:05:50 PM »
I woke up today and had that same feeling I once had when I was in my early 20's. I'm sick of this town, tire of these people. I need to get away from this place. I texted my wife who is visiting her family out of state that I can't live a day without her. She sent me a photo of her and her friends smiling enjoying what to be some fancy cocktails. I don't think she thought I was serious...lols j/k I was and wasn't..that's just kind of how things go when you're so use to seeing someone every day for long periods of time. But I won't be bothering her anymore, gonna give her space..Because tomorrow I'm gonna go out and make new friends and have a ton of fun...lols

oh yeah, I heard some pretty crazy stories from the Og's generation...y ou know how there's stories where the decease came back to life during their funeral? Well, a Hmong teacher in high school claimed that Hmong people back then didn't know that there's such a thing as "being in a coma" or "unconsicous"...So Imagine how many Hmong was told to go back to the after life, they are already dead. When in fact they've just woken up from a coma or became conscious again...So sad to say, some Hmong back then were probably buried alive. :-X

Whow. I don't think it's right or wrong. One can say, the Black folks should be more open minded and give her a shot. They always complain about how Asians are always piggy backing Black folks. That they depend on Black folks to speak up for them..well, now they have an Asian willing to speak for them and fight for them and now this??? lols

on the other hand, one can say..They appointed her to do the dirty work. if not that, she was hire to be a scapegoat, really. If that's the case, I guess she caught on and decline the job.

Hopefully that Mayor in Oakland figure it out eventually. Instead she's asking for a raise..haha Like girl, you gon get black folks hating Asians even more in Oakland..they already got you to terminate the long time Police chief who is black...lols

Time for us Asians to unite and conquer the world. I mean there are more Asians than any other race in the world, yet we are view as inferior...Fol ks, it's all mind games...We can't let em make us think a certain way..they've beatened us in the mind game, now it's time to say we will not fall for it and show them all who is the superior race...lols j/k folks...well maybe not really..lols

there's more to the story..somethi ng was going on behind the scenes...they felt the need to get rid of her..only explanation is, sexual advance, or worse was applied, she rejected or she was victimized, she is going to rat them can figure out the rest...typical hollywood corruption and male celebrity attitude towards women celebs..haha Only reason Baldwin is free is the same reason why Kobe Bryant dodge a rape conviction...

I don't know if I should be angry at how Western Media portray "quiet" people..I know what it's like to be painfully quiet and shy and all the while everyone thinks you're a psycho, creep, or walking time bomb. And if they don't see that, they think you're snarky, faking it, or suspiscious..I say don't buy into it. Evil comes in all shapes and forms, and this includes personalities. Now, I met plenty of great people. Outgoing and extreme introverts. And I've met plenty of horrible people, outgoing and quiet people. but I say most quiet people are the real norm. I mean if you look at animals. they only communicate when they need don't see two birds or two lions walking and talking to each other...lols

I've eventually got out of my shell..Still reserve majority of the time..but I have absolutely no problem with anyone who is quiet. I treat them just as is, just like anyone. if they are cool, I'll be cool. If they are rude, quiet or outgoing, they will pay one way or another...if not from my own actions, then from the actions of the curse...I mean Karma..lols

anyway..sad story...anyone could have committed this type of's not always the quiet ones..sometime s it's the most friendly people...that you ought to be wary of...lols

Food Forum / eat not what tastes good, eat what feels good
« on: August 19, 2023, 07:22:02 PM »
been a very plain eater lately...simpl e bland healthy foods. make me feel good though..better skin tone, better hair volume and texture better posture, walk more comfortably and uniformly. people also like you a lot more. :2funny:

so my new food/health philosiphy...e at not what tastes good, eat what makes you feel good..

Bruce Lee pretty much single handedly paved the way for Asian Americans. If not for him, we all still be told we belong at the rail roads, always a subordinate and never a leader. Always the lesser good looking and easy to pushed around. okay it still happens to some degree but if not for Bruce Lee, and the crazy Hmong gangs from the 90' other people see Asians would be far worse..haha

General Discussion / guess I wasn't dreaming
« on: August 19, 2023, 07:06:29 PM »

i remember in the middle of the night last week sometime, it was raining for a good few minutes, while the temp was still in the 90's here in No Cal...haha these all are very telling signs of the world ahead of us not ignore them...haha

The Bay Area folks always saw the Valley folks as inferior, so no sympathy for the bay area folks..lols My white co-worker told me that at one point he went with his wealthy in laws to dine out at some expensive restaurant. He drank his beer from the bottle and got yelled at by the owner. Said he didn't know he was suppose to pour it into one of those wine glass..said he got up and walked out..lols

wild animals has evolve througout the century, decades...toda y we have wild bears that can stand on their hind legs and wave to humans..dogs and cats with human or child like behavior...hel l, we even have wild birds that can unlock themselves from their cages but refuse to fly off because they know the wild is a tough life..

lols today's wolves are probably so use to seeing or encountering humans, and what humans can do to they don't mess with humans..but if you go somewhere in the deep wild, where wolves have never seen humans before, and never heard of gunshots before they will attack doubt..haha but if it's just your regular outskirts wolves where they often hear police sirens and gun shots from the distance...hah ah then yeah they're going to be shy and innocent when they see humans..lols

General Discussion / Re: interesting watch
« on: August 15, 2023, 10:26:22 PM »
I don't think my pap was telling me the truth. He was probably sent to scope and spy on a group of known "red" Hmong..only he got caught..and he convinced them well enough that he was just hunting..lols he needed to know their location, their objective, and direction they are headed if any so the Hmong ready to escape to Thailand can have a idea when to run for the jungles and to the mekong..Yeah, not going to lie but I have known relatives who fought for the communist. They even attend Shaman parties, and they just don't talk about the past. Probably explain why the old men always talked about x-rated stuffs to avoid mentioning the war..lols

General Discussion / interesting watch
« on: August 15, 2023, 09:36:15 PM »
Whow..My father and I was just talking the other day, and my father said shortly after the American withdrew from the war, he went hunting and got lost and wonder into Hmong communist territory and was only spared his life because one of the "red" Hmong recognize my pap..lols Knew very well my pap was a "Gorrilla" fighter or in other words GVP's men. Said it wasn't really uncommon to have first cousins choosing opposing sides during the war..haha ohh shit, this nothing to do with the video btw..but interesting video.

hell to the no...wolf will attack if they think they have a chance. got chase by two wolves before while fishing..I could of kick them in the face and choke them out..but with wild wolves or any animals, you gotta remember, they might carried rabies..and to this day I don't think there is a cure for best thing is to run if they chase you, or take out that glock..i mean pepper spray..haha but yeah I know they were wolves..not siberian huskies..lols

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