« on: July 19, 2023, 07:11:55 PM »
big boss made me interview an applicant few weeks ago. Going with the procedure, I asked several questions. One of them was his gap in work history, reason why he left his previous job, etc...Mofo straight up tell me like it is..lols wasn't getting along with someone, getting demoted because he didn't have the skin color they wanted. etc...I then decided to take him a tour and meet some workers to see if I can get a better read on how he interacts and the energy he has. Turns out he's actually a really laid back and mellow dude. I gave him the job the next day, and he's one of our top performers. Keeping my fingers cross, because I have guys who performs well but quit out of the blue before..lols.. Now the big boss wants me to do all the hiring. I said I can hire a bunch of Asian people but you're not going to like it are you...haha lols