So.....I just realized that I've already attempted The Name of the Wind earlier this year and didn't like it so I didn't get very far. I only realized this because I finally got off the waitlist. After a few chapters in, I remembered the stuff about the spiders and the story telling. I'm bummed. I wanted this to be a different book. Anyway, I'm going to read as much as I can of it and see how it goes. Honestly, the first time, it wasn't that great, and now it's about the same. I'm undecided as to whether I should really continue but since I don't have any books that I'm interested in reading right now (although I do have 2 other books that I've checked out that I should read but one is on the computer and I don't enjoy reading at my computer and the other book I've already started but it's not so good) I'm going to just try to finish it.