
Author Topic: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...  (Read 7087 times)

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Offline thePoster

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One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« on: February 07, 2018, 03:42:22 PM »
I mean, c'mon man...

There's no excuse..

If you can't even do 10 push ups?!


What I really can't stand is people who are out of shape but still talk like they something big and bad...

I mean, I signed up for one of those "boot camp" classes just to try it out..

and some folks in there be talking like the are big and bad but can't even do a few push ups and sit ups..

c'mon man...

I can't respect anyone like that.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.


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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2018, 05:12:07 PM »
Everything is relative bro--- even the most out of shape can probably out bench press you.  :2funny: or skinniest person can out run you.  ???

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Offline thePoster

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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2018, 04:03:18 AM »
Ummm...  I doubt it...

We also did these "team" excercises...

That guy and another girl was in my team. .

So we are suppose to run up and down a hill 8 times and run on flat land back and forth 8 times.   

I said ok, who wants do the hills?  Crickets..

So I said, that's fine I'll do the hills you two do the flats...

So for both of them since its a team effort they'd only have to run the flat back and forth 4 times while I run the hill 8 times...

We all finished at the same time!!


So we are doing these ammo can lifts, I guess they wanna try to make it like military or whatever and we are suppose to do 250 total.

Here he is trying to give tips to the girl.

I did 125 so what does that mean?  It's 125 split between those two.   I did 125, he barely was able to get 75 and the girl did 50.

Cmon man...  for reall! ?!??@

He needa get in shape first.

Then you know the thing is.. after that class...

I went in a 2.5 run and then lifted some weight...

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.


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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2018, 05:09:09 PM »
As long as they attempt to and put their best foot forward then I'm cool with it. It's the ones who constantly complain about being fat but don't do nothing about it and still eat like pigs. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I'm like that too.  ;D  One step at a time baby!

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Offline thePoster

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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2018, 04:29:26 PM »
Well the thing is..

would you take advice from someone who's out of shape?  And can't do anything physically?

maybe back in the day he was in great shape but now...this dude is like a pot belly dad bod guy.

He's over there telling the girl "blah blah you work out so and so muscles with this exercise"..

and I'm over here rolling my eyes beasting it out.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.


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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2018, 02:44:33 PM »
Well the thing is..

would you take advice from someone who's out of shape?  And can't do anything physically?

maybe back in the day he was in great shape but now...this dude is like a pot belly dad bod guy.

He's over there telling the girl "blah blah you work out so and so muscles with this exercise"..

and I'm over here rolling my eyes beasting it out.

Could you share a video or picture of you “beasting out”? Don’t steal from the web.

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Offline thePoster

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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2018, 10:03:15 PM »
I can't post no videos becuas.e..

I don't have the right body yet!  Once I get my summer bod I might

But as far as beasting it out..

All it means is to me is just going till you can't go no more...

It don't have to be alot be lifting heavy weights..  it don't have to be doing crazy excercises..

To me, it's when you're zapped of energy and you still keep going.. pushing yourself harder and still going like you're not even affected..

I mean, I got little wimpy arms but... 125 lifts?  Thats tough...

I'm over here lifting those ammo cans.. and he's over there doing like nothing yapping about how it works certain muscles...

This dude can't run... can't do squats.. 

But also I have to add... it's when you do something alot and then continue to do more..

For example... you did a 100 push ups and your arms are weak and tired and shakey and jello-ey but you push through and do another 40 or something...

Also!  If you did like 5 push ups and you can't do no more but push out another 2-3 more... that's not beasting it out..

You first gotta be a beast to beast it out!


« Last Edit: March 09, 2018, 10:05:53 PM by thePoster »

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

Offline dogmai

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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2018, 09:01:11 PM »
Well the thing is..

would you take advice from someone who's out of shape?  And can't do anything physically?

maybe back in the day he was in great shape but now...this dude is like a pot belly dad bod guy.

He's over there telling the girl "blah blah you work out so and so muscles with this exercise"..

and I'm over here rolling my eyes beasting it out.

Well, was he right about working out those muscles with that excercise?

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Offline dogmai

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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #8 on: March 11, 2018, 09:16:47 PM »
Apparently, it's about you don't have respect for out of shape people. You're just mad that he got the girl instead of you and he didn't even have to go "beasting it out."  ;D


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Offline dogmai

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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #9 on: March 11, 2018, 09:44:21 PM »
I mean, c'mon man...

There's no excuse..

If you can't even do 10 push ups?!


What I really can't stand is people who are out of shape but still talk like they something big and bad...

I mean, I signed up for one of those "boot camp" classes just to try it out..

and some folks in there be talking like the are big and bad but can't even do a few push ups and sit ups..

c'mon man...

I can't respect anyone like that.

Ummm...  I doubt it...

We also did these "team" excercises...

That guy and another girl was in my team. .

So we are suppose to run up and down a hill 8 times and run on flat land back and forth 8 times.   

I said ok, who wants do the hills?  Crickets..

So I said, that's fine I'll do the hills you two do the flats...

So for both of them since its a team effort they'd only have to run the flat back and forth 4 times while I run the hill 8 times...

We all finished at the same time!!


So we are doing these ammo can lifts, I guess they wanna try to make it like military or whatever and we are suppose to do 250 total.

Here he is trying to give tips to the girl.

I did 125 so what does that mean?  It's 125 split between those two.   I did 125, he barely was able to get 75 and the girl did 50.

Cmon man...  for reall! ?!??@

He needa get in shape first.

Then you know the thing is.. after that class...

I went in a 2.5 run and then lifted some weight...

For example... you did a 100 push ups and your arms are weak and tired and shakey and jello-ey but you push through and do another 40 or something...

Also!  If you did like 5 push ups and you can't do no more but push out another 2-3 more... that's not beasting it out..

You first gotta be a beast to beast it out!

So basically what you're saying is that you don't have respect for yourself because you were not a beast to begin with. So technically you weren't beasting it out. It was a team effort and you were the one in better shaped out of your team and you gave up. An out of shape guy and a girl did half of the work, maybe even close to reaching their limit, but they didn't give and kept going. And here you are knowing that you weren't even near your limit yet, but you gave up and complained instead going further. So now that I think of it, they were the ones who were beasting it out, and not you.

“Leaders don't complain about what's not working. Leaders celebrate what is working and work to amplify it.”
- Simon Sinek

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Offline thePoster

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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2018, 02:29:01 PM »
Well, they actually gave up.

They were walking their "run"

If you like to compete against me, go right ahead, I'm sure you'd never be able to keep up.

I can get up from the couch and go 10 miles straight right now, it might not be the fastest but come run with me.

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I went through all 15k posts and those 2 quotes I found were the only ones so I guess that would make it "everytime".  Feel free to go through all 15k posts and verify by quoting them all.  You need to quote them all to verifying prove "everytime".   Please verify that Im wrong.

Offline dogmai

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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2018, 12:23:05 PM »
Well, they actually gave up.

They were walking their "run"

If you like to compete against me, go right ahead, I'm sure you'd never be able to keep up.

I can get up from the couch and go 10 miles straight right now, it might not be the fastest but come run with me.

Both of you talk a lot then. But he got the girl instead of you.   ;D

Don't need to get mad over that.

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Offline VillainousHero

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Re: One thing i can't stand is out of shape people...
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2019, 12:16:42 AM »
I would be the first to admit, that I'm out of shape.

I also admit that I was stronger, faster, had more endurance, before I joined the military.  >:D  I know, it's contradictory to most people, but my setback was diet change.  You can only eat, military food.  Military grade food designed for typical American diet.

Anyways, I applaud you trying out one of those boot camp thingy.

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The real villain is looking at you.  The last hero was just not true.  If everything works out in the end.  It's because all things make amends.

