
Author Topic: weird things that happened to you in life  (Read 6156 times)

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Re: weird things that happened to you in life
« Reply #15 on: April 30, 2023, 10:57:12 PM »
Co-worker asked me "Kings or Warriors?" I paused for a second, not really wanting to tell him, because afraid I might jinx the Kings..haha

he then said, right now, you gotta call it If you from sactown, you know, we're a little hesitant to say we're King's fans...or even sport our King's gear on...lmao You gotta have balls..the media, past and present players didn't have very nice things to say about this city..i'd be lying if I say it didn't hurt our feelings a little..lols

But I see him wearing warriors gear from time to time..So I said, I don't know, but I think Curry is going to turn it up today...When in fact, I really wanted to say, I'm rooting for the Kings of course...hahah

He then goes...Yeah, but Curry's not really what he use to be, this season speaks for it...I was surprise he would say that..So I think really he was rooting for the Warriors, but didn't want to jinx his team so he did what I did, pull a bluff on each other...lols

well, looks like I jinx the Kings...And I was right on the mark. Curry turn it up big time..lols...

Co-worker left early to catch the game...He's probably gonna tell everyone that I called it right on the spot..I'm gonna tell him I was bluffing....lo ls

I'm a little disappointed, but I rather my Kings end their season and rest til next..They're not Championship contenders just yet, so no point really to go forward...lols I know the players themselves knows this....thus, they didn't want this game as bad as the least as bad as Curry did...lols...C urry see's too many old friends now enemies...Dura nt...He wan'ts Durant bad...Durant betray and left him dried...lols

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Re: weird things that happened to you in life
« Reply #16 on: May 04, 2023, 10:13:20 PM »
every once in a while a bird will fly right before my car while driving..and it's not like a bird on the ground see me coming, it's like a bird just flying out of nowhere...I don't know why or if it's as common to others...but I don't know if it's a good or bad sign....hahah but this is some weird phenomenon...

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Re: weird things that happened to you in life
« Reply #17 on: May 25, 2023, 12:11:18 AM »
other day a car on the freeway had it's whole exhaust system fell off. I didn't see it happened but just saw it on the ground..the car was about 1'4 mile away parked...I don't know why, without thinking I came to an abrupt stop just a few feet away from the parked car..I kindly asked the driver if that was their exhaust that fell off their car...They got out and said, oh so that's what it was? he look under his car and said yup...We both walk back to where the exhaust was, and with our most alert and careful mindset, he said to yell as loud as I can if I  see a car coming...while he attempts to fetch the exhaust....thi s was early morning so traffic wasn't too he was able to get the thing out off the freeway...I helped him carry one end of it and we walk back to our cars...I asked "you'd gonna be alright?" and he said yeah..thanks.. He took out a 20 dollar bill and handed it to me...lols I said no worries, keep it..But he insist..So I said to AmPM the next exit..and went to fetch something to drink and eat with the 20 dollar bill..when i got out, someone asked me if I'm into snake keeping as pets, that he has a python he wants to let go to a good home...lols I said thanks, but I'm not en it dawn on me....when I first saw that exhaust system from a distance I thought it was either a good size tree branch or a giant snake....

Very weird and strange..maybe it's just random events, part of daily life...or is their more meaning to it...haha or maybe I just ran out of weird stories to tell...lmao

everything is a sign folks..telling u guys...on the freeway, a suv with some stuffs on top of its rack slipped off.. looked like a large metal container...I was trailing about 3-5 hundred feet..I brake my lights long enough to warn the cars in back of me...I swerve a little and dodge the thing...the car in back of me was able to, too...but the third or 4th car wasn't so lucky...they strucked the thing...and only fate knows what happened next.

also, been seeing a lot of hub caps on the roads..lols..m ight have to check my tires/wheels and suspensions soon..maybe some loose lug nuts...haha

« Last Edit: June 07, 2023, 06:04:28 PM by P90xbox »

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: weird things that happened to you in life
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2023, 09:40:15 AM »
When my cousin passed away, we came home to find a glove slipped over the knob of our front door. Why would anybody do that? That has never happened before. I freaked out and instead of throwing it away in the garbage, I just took it off and flung it to a corner. The next morning that glove was slipped over the knob of our front door again. Why our door and not the neighbors? We lived in an apartment complex at that time. Even if someone thought the glove belonged to us, why didn't they just place it by the door? This thing wanted us to really see the glove. Naturally, I freaked out again and threw the glove in a garbage bin. I told myself, "If that glove shows up again I am calling the pastor and church."
Thankfully, it did not appear again.

Other strange things happened that week of the funeral. There was a praying mantis in our bathtub. Strange critters started showing up.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2023, 09:43:22 AM by Believe_N_Me »

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Re: weird things that happened to you in life
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2023, 12:06:20 AM »
heard of stories where strange critters show up after a passing of a family member or loved one. I never experience anything similar to it..Only dreams of passed friends coming to say bye..haha not literally..but I'll dream they stopped by, and said they have to go b/c someone's waiting for them or that they would be late..and it's one of those dreams that felt real..haha another time I felt a warm presence and for some odd reason I start thinking about a friend. About 30 minutes later I was told that specific friend passed away. I was just uhh spaced out for a moment..

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Re: weird things that happened to you in life
« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2023, 09:28:33 PM »
have to admit, I'm not a fashion junkie..I just always prefer that rustic, raggy look so I always liked my clothes looking faded, holes here and there..etc...I grew up like many Hmong kids my generation, one pant, one shirt, one pair of shoe every new beginning of the school year...haha sometimes my brothers and I borrow shirts, sometimes i borrow my sister's plain shirts...lmao

well, the wife asked me before bed last night, when are you going to wear your new clothes to work...lmao I said when I feel like this morning I wanted to surprise her and sport a new pant and new shirt..She was so happy, but I told her I feel uncomfortable. .She asked why, and I said I don't know, my hunch is telling me it's gonna be a weird day...

got to work, and not even 30 minutes in, a co-worker compliments my shirt...3 hours later, another compliment my shoes...

I'm like whow, if people noticed my new shirt and shoes..They must noticed that I wear the same 3-5 shirts every week to work....they must feel sorry for me, like I can't afford any new clothes, and when I do wear new clothes they are happy for me.

Sometimes I get a hunch about something, how the day is gonna go...but can't pinpoint why until it happens...and for me, I think I subconsciously knew someone was gonna make me feel weird with my new outfit today..lmao

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: weird things that happened to you in life
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2023, 11:24:26 PM »
i do believe we all have gut instincts for a reason. the thing is, if you're not healthy, your instincts won't be accurate..lols

Those of you in nor cal might recall the incident where a Hmong guy shot and killed a security guard at the social security office. Well I remember that time quite well. Only reason why was I knew someone back then who works there and he told me that guard was super chill and loved, but one year he just change..Became the total opposite and was very aggressive and rude to people, even the workers. This friend went on to tell me, he even told his co-workers, they need to get rid of him before something or someone goes off on he told them just 2-3 days before the guard was shot and killed.


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