What's going on in the world today? Lots of stuff, for example China reclaiming the position at the top with the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and their gold backed currency the Yuan.
This is China, she's the new girl.
These are the popular girls, they're mean, they're white, and currently they're in charge of the entire school.
They try to get along.
But Regina, the US, is a little threatened by how popular China is becoming.
China has a little sleepover party that we'll call the AIIB. All of the popular kids are going to be there except for the US...
The US decides to have their own little party, the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and doesn't want to invite China. US calls all of her friends and tell them they better come to her party instead.
But they're all like nah, China's pretty cool. So the US's friends go to China's party instead and they don't really invite the US over for tea parties anymore. China also invites all the less popular kids to be a part of her group.