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Messages - YAX

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Computer & Technology / Re: Hey computer geeks
« on: December 12, 2012, 10:41:48 AM »
1. power down the tower
2. unplug power cable from power outlet
3. open tower to access hardware inside
4. remove all but 1 RAM card (leave RAM card at slot #1, usually closest to slot cpu)
5. plug power cable back to power outlet
6. power on tower

If you don't get picture then try same step with different RAM card.
If you do get picture then reinstall all RAM cards.  It just may be that RAM cards are not seated properly. 
If you do get picture you can check the bios or properties of the computer to see if your getting all the RAM available.
let me know if this works
All that when it could just be a bad monitor?

Computer & Technology / Re: Hey computer geeks
« on: November 26, 2012, 03:06:17 PM »

YAX you're so ummm.. txij txub! :2funny:
You have no idea how many times people call to say they can't turn on their monitors only for me to find out it's not plugged in.

Computer & Technology / Re: Hey computer geeks
« on: November 26, 2012, 03:05:26 PM »
6+ year old monitors need tobe replaced.  It's cheap enough now.  ;)

Computer & Technology / Re: Hey computer geeks
« on: November 21, 2012, 02:19:14 PM »
can someone tell me wat is wrong with my home comp.
i can power up the tower but can not get anything going. keyboard lights up for a second then goes off.
my monitor just blank. mouse nothing.
of course i had it for more then 6+ years. or if ya'll ppl know. how much will  cost  me if i do it myself.

DUH!  Plug in the monitor first, then turn it on too.  :2funny:

Computer & Technology / Re: Anyhone running a home server?
« on: November 19, 2012, 11:05:06 AM »
would a software firewall be good enough?? These chinese hackers must do ip scans all day or something..

Will look into cloud storage..
Maybe you can just put two nics into a cheap pc and download a free linux based firewall on it, then put the Server on the inside network.

Computer & Technology / Re: Anyhone running a home server?
« on: November 15, 2012, 04:46:51 PM »
Put on a public IP and you'll get hack attempts from China, right away.  So put it behind a firewall for safe keeping okay.

Computer & Technology / Re: Flip Cameras
« on: November 07, 2012, 12:03:37 AM »
Yah, I've used them before.

Received so many attempts from hackers in China.  ;D

First tool I tried was the tool on their site.  Didn't work.  Then I found a removal tool from another site that finally worked.  Phew!

Should try sophos.  It's pretty bad too.   Sophos is a memory hog and will slow down your pc to a crawl.  Then when you try to remove it.  IT doesn't completely remove itself so you can't install another antivirus on your system.  Luckily, revo uninstaller can get rid of it.

Really? I bet it was hella fun back then huh? lol.  I hear they've gotten more strict.  I miss SB life.
yah..  They were starting to tighten up in the mid 90's.  before that, open garage bands and slam dancing in the streets were quite popular.

Try removing it and see what happens.  ;D

Oh boy, what a headache. Luckily I found a tool to get rid of it. PHEW!

Computer & Technology / Re: If you love computers, you'll give
« on: October 23, 2012, 04:10:31 PM »
That would be nice to have available, but I'm not a parallel programmer so how will this benefit me?

Computer & Technology / Re: who else's computer is having this problem
« on: October 17, 2012, 04:50:31 PM »
and dont forget, certain viruses can cause your system to crash too.  I recently got a rootkit onto my wife's laptop and it kept bluescreening.

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