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Topics - theking

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Black Chicago voters rip mayor on extra $70M for migrants as recall petition gathers steam
'We need that money in my neighborhood,' railed one Black woman wearing a red 'Make America Great Again' cowboy hat

Infuriated Black Chicagoans showed up in force at a City Council meeting on Wednesday to protest Mayor Brandon Johnson’s request for an additional $70 million in taxpayers' funds to be spent on tackling the city’s migrant crisis, while a petition that would give residents the right to recall the mayor is gathering serious traction.

The progressive mayor, who has vigorously defended the city’s sanctuary policies in the past, wants aldermen to greenlight the extra cash in a vote on Friday despite the Windy City having already poured $300 million into housing, food and health care for the recently arrived migrants, according to the city's latest numbers.

However, critics of the spending spree blasted the mayor during Wednesday’s gathering, where aldermen were initially expected to vote on rubber-stamping the new funds. Aldermen deferred the measure, using the council tactic to stall consideration.

The Undertaker Recalls Argument With 7-Year-Old Who Called Him A Democrat, Threatened To Shoot Him

“He goes, 'I'm not doing anything I'm not supposed to be doing. You're doing something you're not supposed to be doing!' I was like, no. Then this kid, this seven-year-old kid, goes, 'Hey, I'll shoot you right in the face!'

General Discussion / GOP can't make up their minds about abortion??
« on: April 19, 2024, 02:17:06 PM »
"You can go three hours that way": Kari Lake and Arizona GOP can't decide if abortion is bad or not

Chinese runner's win invites suspicion after rivals appear to step aside. Chinese runner He Jie's victory Sunday in the Beijing Half Marathon is facing a probe after his win was called into question by Chinese internet users because a trio of African runners appeared to deliberately slow down to let him win.

General Discussion / Gotta say, this is pretty dumb and stoopid!
« on: April 18, 2024, 10:55:06 PM »
FYI there no girl in here
Just a bunch of dudes


this crazy hmong chick is going around…
… calling everything racist

                                          ***SCRATCH HEAD***

Walks into his biggest enemy's territory and use their stuff LIKE A BOSS!!!  ;D

30-pound cat nicknamed ‘Thicken Nugget’ is swimming his way to his goal weight after being surrendered

It’s the purr-fect weight-loss plan!

A 30-pound cat named Ty is swimming laps in an effort to lose 15 pounds after he was surrendered to Vanderburgh Humane Society in Evansville, Indiana in January.

“Weighing in at 30 pounds, our biggest concern is his thoracic spine and the overall toll his weight is having on his body,” the Humane Society said in February.

To help the portly pussycat slim down, Ty — affectionately nicknamed “Thicken Nugget” — started taking water therapy classes at the Canine Aquatic Center in February, where he swims twice a week and has already lost three pounds as of early this month, they announced on Facebook April 3.

“He has a long road ahead, but we’re optimistic that this therapy will help,” the animal welfare organization said.

...the cake  ;D:

GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw Burns Tucker Carlson With 1 Stinging Question About His Job

Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) fired back at Tucker Carlson with a reminder of one of his more embarrassing moments after the right-wing video host attacked him on social media.

“Why do the reddest states produce the dumbest, most liberal Republicans?” Carlson tweeted. “Why aren’t John Cornyn and Dan Crenshaw bagging groceries at Walmart?”

That was a blunt reminder of Carlson’s widely mocked trip to Russia, where he visited a Moscow supermarket and marveled at things such as a shopping cart return system, like those that can found at just about any Aldi in the United States.

Carlson, a longtime apologist for Vladimir Putin, traveled to the country for an interview with the Russian leader that was so soft Putin himself mocked Carlson for it.

Carlson was slammed by people on both sides of the aisle over the visit.

“The Soviets had a term for people like Tucker: useful idiots,” another GOP lawmaker, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), said at the time.

..contaminants . Nothing like breathing clean air inside a home..  O0:

...and it waste even more time thanks to all the "no big deal" to steal idiotic FRAUDs..  :idiot2::

Viral video highlights targeting of Hmong women to marry Chinese men
Many of the young women who accept the marriage offers end up victims of human trafficking in China.

The man behind the phone chuckles as he calls out in the Hmong language to villagers sitting around a raised wooden home in rural Laos.

A young man in a yellow hooded sweatshirt offers a slightly embarrassed smile, while other men gathered around a motorbike appear to pay him no mind.

The camera zooms in on two young women who look shocked or turn away, as others laugh, before it settles on a girl barely in her teens, sitting atop a bike between two other children.

This 30-second video, shot in an undisclosed location in Laos, went viral late last month after it was posted to Facebook, along with dialogue warning of ethnic Hmong middlemen working as interpreters for Chinese nationals seeking Hmong women and girls as wives.

While the offer of marriage can be a financial leg up for largely poor Hmong villagers in rural Laos, many women who accept end up victims of human trafficking, according to a Lao official, who is calling on authorities to take action against the middlemen.

Some of the women end up as forced laborers and sometimes face physical punishment, the official said.

“In the video, the middleman goes to a village and says that there are some Chinese men looking for Lao Hmong girls and women to be their wives,” a speaker of the Hmong language told Radio Free Asia.

“The video doesn’t mention the province, district, or village,” he said. “It’s only clear that Chinese men are looking for Lao Hmong wives.”

Yummy Deli's Massive Hmong Pho Noodles Challenge Had Been Undefeated for Over 1 Year!!

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