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Topics - Believe_N_Me

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Why should the rest of us be expected to be serious or behave respectfully?

Male LIBERALS are the most active ones across the forums.

Their behavior and postings are the lasting impression that others will get when they peek into this place. Oh poor them. They're hurt because two conservative-leaning users dare to respond.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

- is someone to give it to you.

There really isn't too much disagreement about the condition of our communities across the board. What conservatives are saying is that YOUR LIBERAL STRATEGIES ARE NOT PRODUCING THE OUTCOME THAT YOU WANT.

Libs are operating solely based on their feelings. Their actions clearly reflect that. But it's not giving them the desired outcome.

Let's look at gun laws for example. Stricter gun control will actually drive up gun sales because any common sense person will perceive restrictions as limited access to protection. They'll also feel more unsafe because they know criminals don't obey the law. Strict gun laws will make it harder for the people who need protection the most from getting it.

Trans rights - especially in public bathrooms. Conservatives don't worry about those who are transgendered as much as they are concerned that predators will take advantage of it. Therefore, these trans rights are actually creating more opportunities for women and young girls to be sexually assaulted.

As a fan of the free market and working hard to make money, I respect people who go out there to try and earn a buck, but this is not my taste.

I've noticed panhandlers spreading into the burbs (especially in shopping plazas) to solicit money. From children selling Kit Kat bars, youths playing violin set to electric musical accompaniment, to entire families selling homemade COVID masks. I've even come across people setting up tables to sell household and personal hygiene products. Some of them include a cardboard sign explaining that they're trying to pay for a medical treatment or that their primary source of income has dwindled.

This makes me feel a type of way and not in a good way. I want these people to be able to make money but more tastefully. Although not unethical, this is definitely Third World vibe. I used to only experience this stuff in the inner city or in very depressed areas. I've had people come up to me at those coin-operated shopping cart stores, and tell me they'll return the cart in exchange for the quarter. 

Again, how to kindly address these people that this isn't American culture. I don't want to see this spreading.

The Democrats have proven themselves to be the devil's agent time and time again. If you hate the Republicans, then that's only because you're ignorant about the Democrats. Most likely, everything you think you know about the Republicans was fed to you by a Democrat. People who decide to do their own research tend to leave the Democratic Party and downright hate them. I'm not saying they move to the Republican party but they sure as heck don't look at the Democratic Party the same way again.

The best example I can use is this:

You're a very fat person and it's not because you have a hormonal imbalance. The Republicans will hold you accountable for your obesity. To remedy your weight, they'll tell you that you have to make some lifestyle changes that can only be long-lasting if you change your values. Go back to the basics: eat in moderation and limited quantity, stay physically active, stop consuming a lot of sugar, and eat only whole foods (not at Whole Food store). None of this is exciting or sexy. There is no guarantee of any success because these changes are hard. You might not even see results - for sure, not anything immediate. It will be a lot of hard work that requires self-discipline.

The Democrats will tell you that you're fat because of someone else's greed to make money off of you (not entirely false - the part about making money, that is). You have no agency to control what goes into your body - in fact, when it comes to stuffing your face and living a sedentary lifestyle, you have no choice whatsoever. Unlike abortion and gender reassignment. Anyways, you don't have to change anything about what you're doing. The responsibility falls upon companies to label food packages as "organic". All you have to do is look for trendy words like "organic", "gluten-free", "no sugar", and "low fat" on food packages. It's all about what food companies disclose on the nutrition label. They're accountable for not letting you know that the Mac and Cheese has preservatives and other unhealthy chemicals. If that's too hard then just shop at Whole Foods.

Years later and you're still fat. In addition, you're too overwhelmed by these "low fat" products that you don't even know which is authentic. You're so confused by the information that your instincts to eat natural food doesn't even kick in anymore. Meanwhile, the Democrats have opened up the field for a bunch of scam companies to manufacture bad foods with fake labels. You're as dumb as a doorknob now due to all the conflicting information. And YOU'RE EVEN FATTER. Your children are fat. Their children are fat.

....very, very rational, in fact.

...the Hmong aren't doing well at all. Bad liberal policies are making it worse. This is the same in black communities.

Seeking white validation.

Dependent on whites to create opportunities.

--- and the PH lib women who are willing to breed with them.

 ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)

For example, if you're a Chinese living in America and you're crying about racism, then go back to China. You actually have an option and I have no interest hearing why you can't get along with the Chinese government or the Chinese who live there.

The other thing, too, is that you and I don't even view racism from the same place.

When you say that whites are being discriminatory against you, you mean that they're in your way. They're not exactly oppressing you since you both are on the same equal footing. The money you make by living in America can and will be sent back to China to enrich that country and the people of your ethnicity. There is a reason why whites are concerned about you as they should be. I don't even blame them.

The only complaint I have about the beef that you have with whites, is that they think I'm also Chinese. They're ignorance is pretty frustrating but then again, I can't expect them to think differently. After all, Asians don't care to make distinctions between the different white ethnic groups either.

But either way, we both know that we don't care about each other.

...every time a woman is willing to play house with a man, she is enabling all men to ignore accountability and delay commitment.

Women aren't wired to have situationships .

...honor their wish and let them go.

Your generosity will only enable their addictions and bad habits.

For example, government-funded programs have only prolonged poverty. After all, if a person can get their basic needs by staying at the poverty line, then where is the incentive for them to strive for self-sufficiency? Even if you implemented policies that limited their use of these services, that doesn't stop the influx of new recipients waiting to use said services. You are creating a conveyor belt effect, and worse, a revolving door.

Watch this clip of Patrick Bet-David's interview with Judge Joe Brown:

In the matter of homelessness and drug use, a person would have to want to get clean. You can't force anyone into rehabilitation . However, in some cases a person can be forced into what is called involuntary rehab. You can read about it here:

"...there are a few ways to go about it. One way is through the drug courts, which divert nonviolent offenders with a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) from going to prison and admits them instead into supervised treatment programs, where the goal isn’t punishment but be eligible for drug court, however, an individual must have been arrested, pleaded guilty to the charged offense, and agree to the court-ordered treatment program."

Lucky are the few who have caring family members that stage an intervention. But what about those with no family? Most homeless people do not have any caring person to step in. It would require city leaders to make an executive decision to arrest those living on the streets with a drug addiction. This would be a daunting feat for law enforcement to go out and arrest the homeless population in their cities. But more importantly, would it be ethical to do so? And where does it stop?

If city officials can decide which group to arrest at any time, who is to say that next time they won't base the criteria on race, sex, religion, political affiliation, etc.?

The social ills we see today that are rapidly growing are the result of moral decline in the culture. And who else controls the cultural narrative other than progressive (woke) libs whose made a religion out of glorifying dysfunction?

Just leave it to conservatives to clean up and blame them if they don't make things happen.  ::)

After slavery ended, many blacks continued to stay in the south. Southern states continue to have the largest black population to date. And contrary to what the Dems will tell you, a majority of white southerners during the slave era were not rich plantation, slave owners. It has always been white slave owners (Democrats) who feared that poor whites and blacks might join in force to fight against them.

Wow, sounds just like the Democrats of today. KEEP THEM POOR AND SEGREGATED BY RACE.

...that's why you're a hypocrite or a traitor if you change your vote to another candidate or another political party.

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