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Topics - Visualmon

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General Discussion / Things that Never Took Place
« on: September 04, 2024, 02:51:25 PM »
MSNBC news reported

Netanyahu boycott
Biden never forcefully denounced antisemitism or the college administrators who coddled those guilty of threatening and harassing Jewish students.

Like seriously? I can't believe both Liberal Democrats and far right Republicans actually believe the lies from Liberal Zionist propaganda. Pro-Palestine protestors were there to protest peacefully, not to harass Jewish students.

Meanwhile at Columbia University
Female Liberal Zionist Jew: blah blah blah I like to ask you nicely why you guys camping out here on university campus.
Protestors: Please leave us alone. We don't answer to your questions.
Female Liberal Zionist Jew: [fake crocodile tears pouring down her cheek + fake acting] Please I'm begging all of you let me know why. I care about you.
Protestors: [awfully silent and constantly staring at the wannabe victim]

Meanwhile at UCLA University
Male Jewish Student: [walk up to the group of protestors] Look at them. They won't let me through.
Female Protestors: You can simply walk around us. We ain't blocking you. 3x already
Irish Student: [holding up the UCLA ID card and mimicking the Jewish guy] Yaw yaw yaw I'm also a UCLA student here. Everybody blocking me and I can't get through.
Protestors and Jewish students (Pro-Palestine): [laughing with the Irish student]
Male Jewish Student: [dumbfounded and embarrassed]

Ziokarens trying to be the victim so hard. Nobody buying it except two retarded puppets of APAIC, Dumbocrap and Re-butthurt-again.

Television / Ring of Power
« on: September 04, 2024, 02:05:16 PM »
Literally not my favorite show unlike its predecessor, Lord of the Rings trilogy.

General Discussion / Something You Should Know...
« on: September 01, 2024, 09:53:18 PM »
By now you have been brought up to this point.

Veteran DNC Activist BLOWS UP the Entire INTERNET by Spilling the TEA on Kamala Harris
So I've seen it the way that it works behind the scenes and I know that candidates spend eight nine 10 hours a day just calling donors and begging rich people for money. it's pretty much the only people that they talk to I mean of course sometimes they have to talk to voters but the majority of their time is just spent calling and begging rich people to give the money for their campaigns. And what this inevitably means is that we don't actually live in a democracy. it's just rich people calling the shots and having the access to talk to the politicians. They're the ones that basically get their ear all day. They're the ones that can help shape and prioritize what the politician actually focuses on. Even the politicians that detest this that want to get big money out of politics still have to play this game, they still have to make these calls. They still do the same amount of just calling rich people and begging them for money and what unfortunately happens once they get into office if they get into office is that they soon realise that the money machine is so great and the seduction of power is so immense that they no longer adhere to these values.

I thought that Democrats were the party of the people and at the DNC this week I felt like I was in a building with the most elite and out of touch people in the entire world. It very much felt like let's just have a huge party and forget all of our problems because the vibes are brat. When I was there, I didn't feel any connection to Real America or the place that I come from which is the Midwest Kansas City, Kansas and Missouri. I didn't feel any connection to the people that I know right now who are struggling to buy their groceries or to pay their rent. The people who wanna know what both candidates are going to do to materially affect change in their lives. And when I was there listening to the speeches I felt myself feeling mad because I didn't hear anything about the economy definitely not in Kamala speech and not very much in the others as well. Instead I heard generic platitudes things like joy and respect and integrity and what does that even mean. Let's make the military the most lethal in the world. I thought I was part of the anti war party. I thought I was part of the party that fought for the underdog that championed working people when and how did we just become the party of academia and affluence cause that's what we are right now. How can we ever say that we're going to fight corporate power or give a voice back to those communities that have been left behind. When above the delegates on the floor and levels and levels and rings of suites with donors and corporations that were literally looking down on the people below from above.

General Discussion / Who Own the Social Media?
« on: August 31, 2024, 10:01:32 PM »
Ofc Ziokarens. They don't want anyone to know what is happening in Israel. When the truth comes out, they censor it and delete it. Also silence anyone who speak against Israel. No wonder Ziokarens assassinate all Journalists whether they're Palestinian, British, Norwegian, Aussie speaking on the behalf of Palestine.

Like Joe Rogan said.... Israel has such a way to censor the media and flip the narratives to their own liking. Yeah one more thing. The bald head is the woke guy who told the Republican senator to ban Tik Tok and the senator assume the creator of Tik Tok belong to CCP.  :idiot2: Turn out he's a Singaporean from Singapore.  :2funny: Republicans that think like the senator believe that every nation surrounding China is Chinese. What a fawking retard. He needs to go outside United States.

General Discussion / Finally U.S. Waking Up
« on: August 24, 2024, 10:08:09 PM »
What do Israel and Ukraine have in common? Need money, need support from U.S., and don't believe in solution but war.

General Discussion / Something You Don't See Everyday
« on: August 24, 2024, 07:02:35 PM »

vzare59 They are better than all of us when it comes to lying, cheating, and stealing.

Ok, that's what you Lukewarm Christians believe these nonsense.

General Discussion / Dumb People Don't Accept the Reality
« on: August 24, 2024, 06:29:04 PM »
Remember how Hung_Low proudly celebrate the incident where the IOF (Israeli Occupied Forces) and the American troops went to rescue the four hostages by using aide trucks as decoy to attack on the unknown house whose resident belong to the Palestinian journalist. Turn out HL is more likely absorb false information and tend to be enchanted by lying media like "The Guardian", CNN, BBC, New York Times, and Fox News.

Now we have here the hostages spill the bean and speak up the truth what really happened to her on that day since Oct. 7

An Israeli woman kidnapped by Hamas militants on October 7 and held hostage for 245 days before being rescued lashed out on Friday at Israeli media outlets that twisted her words to make it seem as if she was wounded by her captors when in reality she was injured in an attack by the military in which she once served.

Responding to reports in outlets including The Jerusalem Post—which on Thursday ran the headline “Hamas Beat Me All Over”—Noa Argamani said on Instagram that “I can’t ignore what happened in the media in the last 24 hours.”
“Things were taken out of context,” the 26-year-old navy veteran from Be’er Sheva said of her earlier comments to Group of Seven diplomats in Tokyo. “I was not beaten… I was in a building that was bombed by the Air Force.”

“I emphasize that I was not beaten, but injured all over my body by the collapse of a building on me,” Argamani added. “As a victim of October 7, I refuse to be victimized once again by the media.”

General Discussion / What These Peeps Are Good At
« on: August 24, 2024, 12:22:04 AM »
Does anyone here still advocate the genocide for Israel especially Nut-yahoo and his coalition? One thing they're good at is "lying" even though they claimed to be "God's Chosen" when their own kind reject the notion being one.

Faith & Beliefs / Anything Happens For A Reason
« on: August 20, 2024, 07:42:33 PM »
Have you guys heard about Chester Bennington who was the lead singer for the band of Linkin Park? It's sad he hanged himself in his own home. Because of that he had to struggle with drug addiction and ongoing depression, there's no way out but suicide.

He isn't the only person. Heath Ledger, the guy who played as the Joker in the movie of The Dark Knight. He went through same thing.

General Discussion / Moly Shinto!
« on: August 09, 2024, 04:16:36 PM »
Do Americans scam their own people? If you think they don't you probably haven't hang out with the community very much.

Someone (a white lady) in my FB group share a post of pic showing the screenshots on her phone exchanging convos with the scammer. The seller (white woman aka scammer) claimed to builds a chicken coop and the buyer (the white lady) want to purchase it for $200. The seller promise to deliver the coop (unassembled parts) to the buyer's house after the transaction was made. Few hours later the seller lied that her daughter (holder of that transaction) hasn't received the money and demand the buyer to send money again to the daughter. The buyer got suspicious.... you know the rest of convos went from here.

I never trust a stranger telling me to send money to one of their family member for handling the transaction. That person probably didn't do jack shyte.

General Discussion / Are You a Human or a senseless Robot?
« on: August 07, 2024, 02:50:22 AM »
No wonder good people leaving Starbucks while dumb@$$ people still shopping around that place.

I want to share my experience that is similar from the video. One time I came to downtown Sacramento. I had no money and only thing I have left with is a plastic bag filled with a thin blanket. I ask the Thai/Laotian lady if I can have a glass of water for free. She came back with the glass of water from the kitchen. She told me to leave immediately and take my things after I finish drinking. The way she made the disgusting expression on her face tells thousand words to describe her, uncompassionat e individual. Even her customers which are a bunch of Gweilo. They also project the same negative vibe as she did to me. I thought to myself if these people ever look themselves in the mirror and think twice before judging anyone base on how I dress and how I look from the outside. I didn't bother telling them about my situation and it wasn't worth explaining to these monsters. If I did they wouldn't understand a thing and continue on with their rude remarks.
Only three people that were kind enough to treat me as a human: An Indian woman from the gas station on north side of Sacramento; A brunette lady from a small shop in Paradise, CA; and an old white lady gave me a lift right after I tirelessly walked five miles.

General Discussion / Propaganda Really Worth It?
« on: August 07, 2024, 01:24:23 AM »
Come on Zionists. Quit embarrassing yourself. Y'all keep digging the holes a lot deeper for y'all head to fit in.

At first, Zionist nutcase claimed pizza. Second, some other nutcase claimed watermelon. Third, another nutcase claims cherry tomatoes. Like other Jews (siding with Pro-Palestine) said, "Zionists have history of lying".

General Discussion / Crazy Shytes Are Coming
« on: August 07, 2024, 12:29:37 AM »
I keep having emails about who to donate $$$$ for the running candidates and advocate their cause. Turn out I ain't do something for these muddafawkers. If my prediction is right these candidates eventually flip-flop right after the election. Just like how genocidal Joe does it to Gen Z community. He didn't do shytes as he promised them. <------ Not my words. I learned from the voters who once believed and put their faith onto their leader.

General Discussion / Something You should Watch Out For
« on: August 05, 2024, 06:46:11 PM »
I wonder does Pobzeb's fake wife aka registered nurse actually warn him about the processed foods especially cereal in the United States.

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