The key is, the path to self-determination is no longer simply based on firepower. That's the way the OGs think and that's the surest way to failure cause we'll immediately lose the support of the americans.
The other thing is, the hmongs in america don't have to be united; they just have to be concerned, and hmong are universally concerned about self-determination. What they provide is money, expertise and american connections. All you need for $1,000,000 USD, is 10,000 'concerned' hmong individuals who will give $100. That translates to $31,122,000 Thai Baht and even more Lao money. For reference, you can build a nice house in thailand for $1,000,000 baht or $32,000 USD.
Guys, it's all been done already by the chinese in thailand, specifically bangkok. 15% are pure chinese and up to 50% are mixed chinese. They came in and dominated the economy because of their chinese connections all throughout SEAsia back to china. Many, maybe even most, of the previous and current prime ministers are chinese descended. Even the royal family has chinese blood.
If we pour money from america into a region, the hmong will come. If we use our connections, they will come from vietnam and china as well cause; unfortunately, many of them live in poverty too. If we provide them with our expertise, they will flourish.
p.s. - Laos is a dead end and will always be. Thailand is already dominated by the chinese. Think outside the box.