Interesting question, and yet even more interesting answers (thoughts) on both front -- LOL! (My personal experiences, BIAS, is that the Green have always felt, for whatever reasons -- historically or whatever -- inferior to the White and have CAME UP with all their whatever. Go do your own intellectual, community, and worldly research and you will see my point, unless you are Green-In-Denial. It is not "hating" or whatever you kids/folks want to call it. It is just "UPFRONT" reality whether you want to accept, acknowledge, or believe (theorize) it or not.
What I personally want to ASK (know) is how Green Hmong feel about their other half, or the ones they have DISCLAIMED, aka the "Moob Ntsuab", or "Moob Leeg", or "Moob Lees", or whatever OTHER LABEL you want to DISASSOCIATE yourselves with --- HAHAHA!!!