/\/\ ... kekeke ... /
Ha-DUH-uh-Ha'Mung ha'primitive ha'clueless ha'ignorant Ha'Mung ha'ranting ha'idiotic ha'nonsense ha'incessantly ha'again ... KEKEKE ...
Duh-UH-Ha'Mung's ha'edumacated ha'citing ha'Wiki ha'BULL-lieverings ha'day ha'iSSherz ha'infalliable ... ha'DUH ... ha'utter ha'ignoramuTT ha'buTT-tard-distic ... kekeke ...
Ha'Wiki ha'iSSherz DUH-uh-Ha'Mung's ha'WooKie ha'oracle of ha'NULL-ledge and ha'UH-en-lightTARD-ment ... KEKEKE ...
Ha'Wookie-Owl-Zerds-TURDs ... kekeke ...
Considering that you created your own language to write on PH, I shouldn't be surprised that you can't acknowledge your own ignorance. After all, the link was provided for something that should be common knowledge.
Since you stated that such knowledge could easily be obtained at school, I hope you speak to your primary teachers about that. What's more, I highly suggest you try to be more "worldly-conscious" by learning more about China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. I see that you have now changed your tune by stating Cantonese is spoken in Hong Kong now. It's also spoken in China. In fact, it was and still is a dialect that's spoken there. The language itself is called Cantonese because it comes from the Guangzhou Province, which was formerly known as Canton. If you know your geography, you'd also know that the Guangzhou Province is the one that is closest to Hong Kong. Many of the Taiwanese people trace their roots to the Fujian Province, which coincidentally lies directly across from Taiwan. Because of that, when people refer to Taiwanese as a language, they are talking about Hokkien, a regional dialect from Fujian (and not Mandarin).
That's a bit of history and geography lesson wrapped into one for free. No need to thank me.
However, I'm sure nothing will stop you from continuing to fail miserably at trolling others, nor will anything stop you from being a self-professed Chinese/Hmong/English expert.
Perhaps one day you'll be able to travel to all three places and see for yourself what languages they speak there. Until then, try not to embarrass yourself.