Once you held my hand
And you hugged me in your arms
Once I felt warmth and secured
And safe from worlds harm
Once you fed me so I will not go hungry
And clothed me after my baths
Once you rocked me gently to sleep
And nothing was needed to be said
Once you loved me with heart and soul
You were careful to not let me get hurt
Once you dried my tears as they fell upon my cheeks
As you carried me upon your back as you worked
Once you were so real that I could touch
Once you spoke and I can hear your voice
Your hands gentle but yet so rough
You were comfort and white noise
Once was all I have to carry me through life
Once were like dreams I dreamed in the night
But always you were in my heart
And am thankful for your once before we had to part
Happy Mother's Day every year
To you from me and let the wind be your ear