
Author Topic: The almost love story in Poetry  (Read 1992 times)

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The almost love story in Poetry
« on: September 13, 2022, 12:41:33 PM »
Guys, when the internet was new, your boy duma was an online digital pimp.  I played it like a game.  I don't know why I did it but I just did because it was a strange game that I played.  Maybe I wasn't so sure if the person on the other side of the computer screen is even real and so I needed the confirmation or proof that it is real.  So then, your boy be making these online "girls" to fall in love with him.  Remember that I am the game master so I have total control over my emotions.  I wasn't a catfish so of speak because I wasn't out to lie to these "girls".  I wanted nothing out of the transaction but just using the platform to test out human's emotions and see how powerful is the internet, especially when it comes to online dating and what not. 

This poem is by a teenager girl that I once talked online to.  She felt so overwhelmed that she made a poem out of it and she wrote well too.  This was during the pager days and before all cell phone stuff.  We traded pix and talked a few times over the house phone but we were young so there's no effing way that we are going to meet up for a real hook up.  She was 16 and I was 18. 

Gesh, how long has it been?  25 years maybe? 

Here goes the poem and go straight down to the comment section.  You can tell by the way that I typed hasn't changed much.  My mannerism and grammar errors are still visible, even today.   :2funny:

Soon after she published that poem, I made a comment on it. 
Remember I said I'm just a teaser.  There was an option to leave my direct contact info but I chose not but on there, I acted like I'm really trying to reach out and rekindle the fire   :D

Artists, that's what we are.  From time to time, I still looked her up to see how she's doing.  Found out she married and then I stopped or else it'll be called stalking  ;D

Yall ready to see a pix of her and her husband?   O0

We met online and after a few years, the admin decided to shut the chatting website down.  It kills everything after that.  Same goes with PH.  If they end it here today, we would all walked away being stranger things.  It can happen and it will happen one day.  The story of our ph lives will end there folks. 

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Offline NtsesHnub

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Re: The almost love story in Poetry
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2022, 08:18:15 PM »
HOL was legend.  I was a poetaster then and now on PH.  I've meet few girls and hung out.  Back in the HOL days, people met up hung out.  It was the new thing.  I've met HOLers in MN and they took me out.  They were cool girls. 

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Offline lexicon

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Re: The almost love story in Poetry
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2022, 12:39:52 PM »
If you weren't gettin' any HOL play  ???

It was full of horny teenagers discovering sexting, webcams and all kinds of goodies for the first time.

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Offline lexicon

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Re: The almost love story in Poetry
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2022, 12:40:39 PM »
HOL was legend.  I was a poetaster then and now on PH.  I've meet few girls and hung out.  Back in the HOL days, people met up hung out.  It was the new thing.  I've met HOLers in MN and they took me out.  They were cool girls.

Guys and girls. But the girls were  ;D

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Offline DuMa

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Re: The almost love story in Poetry
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2022, 02:30:35 PM »
You guys want to know what our song is? 

It is "Mouth" by Merril Bainbridge

If you guys are old enough and have lived through that era, it was a popular song like a katy perry kind of a song.  AT first glance, you wouldn't understand the lyrics because it sings about some stupid stuff but in poetry, it is a lesbian song undercover.  Kissing mouth is kissing vagina   :2funny:

Her mom left her dad for another woman.  She has 2 lesbian for a mom so if anything, I would thought she would grow up being a lesbian too.  Well at least she's open minded about homosexual stuff. 

I want to show you guys something.  Here goes the lyrics to the Mouth song.  Note the highlighted part. 

… I feel like I've been blown apart
There are pieces here
I don't know where they go
I don't know where they go
… Kiss me on my salty lips
I bet you feel a little crazy
But for me
We'll be famous on TV
Would it be my fault if I could turn you on?
Would I be so bad if I could turn you on?
When I kiss your mouth, I want to taste it
Turn you upside down, don't want to waste it

Now if you look at her poetry, she added the style similar to "OUR" song

Do you remember what I looked like?
Do you imagine every day
what I’d be like?
Can you imagine your life here?

This is no coincidence.   O0

I don't think of our rendezvous as the one that got away.  Cot dayam she's from hickville kansas and the heck I"m going to do in kansas?  Maybe transfer to kansas state n call it a day huh?  Yeah right. 

It was fun on 56kbps dial up modem.  AOL "you got mail" was the other option   :2funny:

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