PebHmong Discussion Forum

Creative Corner => Poetic Souls => Topic started by: TSAV PIB PIB on April 17, 2010, 07:28:09 PM

Title: kicking sorrow to the curb
Post by: TSAV PIB PIB on April 17, 2010, 07:28:09 PM
tossed away my sorrows for another day
I kicked it out the door far far away
I don't want to see it no more I say

It's about time I stepped up and did that deed
It's overdue and done with need
my sorrow that I used to feed

growing stronger each day of my life
cuting me down everyday and night
overpower me in this struggle of a fight

I cannot believe I let it win everytime
consuming me like sweet cherry wine
drowing me to the point I was soo blind

but now I have had enough
I know I am tougher than tough
I will stop sorrow like crime stopper Mcgruff

Kicking it out the door to never return
and never call it back and stand so firm
stand my ground and live to learn

Title: Re: kicking sorrow to the curb
Post by: Runnin_with_Scissors on May 03, 2010, 08:05:52 AM

but now I have had enough
I know I am tougher than tough
I will stop sorrow like crime stopper Mcgruff

I love how you incorporated this in.