PebHmong Discussion Forum

Entertainment => Music Discussion => Topic started by: Solemn Wind on May 27, 2012, 11:41:32 AM

Title: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: Solemn Wind on May 27, 2012, 11:41:32 AM
For doing it the very first time ever...I think it was excellent. I had a blast!!! I didn't think I would stay the whole day and night there but I did...right until "Hmong Tsis Hlub Hmoob Leej Twg Tseem Yuav Hlub Hmoob" was sang and done with it. I can't wait til next year's Hmong Music Festival!!!!!
Title: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what did you think about it?
Post by: Solemn Wind on May 27, 2012, 11:50:03 AM
For holding if for the very time ever in the history of the Hmong...I think it was excellent. I had a blast!!! I didn't think I would stay the whole day and night there but I did even though I was one of the older spectator there. Hey I love music!!! Yes, I stay right until "Hmoob Tsis Hlub Hmoob Leej Twg Tseem Yuav Hlub Hmoob" was sang and done with. I can't wait til next year's Hmong Music Festival!!!!!
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what did you think about it?
Post by: autumnbreeze on May 27, 2012, 11:14:27 PM
i went there. not what i had expected at all. there was a LOT of little kids there, not as many older people like myself. not a lot of people when i was there and there was only two booths for food so the lines were long. i enjoyed the fashion show and the dances. i thought the dancers were really talented. i also love the few singers that sang too. other than that, there was really nothing to do or to watch. a lot of booth around, but they were boring. we left after a few hours. i think it was more fun at night and there were probably more people and more artists at night as well. :dontknow: i hope next year will be better with more people and more things to do.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: JakeSnake on May 28, 2012, 12:32:02 AM
For doing it the very first time ever...I think it was excellent. I had a blast!!! I didn't think I would stay the whole day and night there but I did...right until "Hmong Tsis Hlub Hmoob Leej Twg Tseem Yuav Hlub Hmoob" was sang and done with it. I can't wait til next year's Hmong Music Festival!!!!!

Missed it bro.  Fill us more as to the performers, estimated attendance.  Pictures would help too.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what did you think about it?
Post by: yamchild on May 28, 2012, 01:05:39 AM
I had a blast there too!  I was also there all day from when it started with the opening band New Breed until the end with the closing band Reflections and the artists collaboration.  I got a major sun burn too.  The MC was great.  Hangza was that his name?  He kept the crowd going.  All the artist's performances were awesome.  I agree with the MC when he said that Fresno is the Hmong Hollywood! 

I was there for the love of music to support the Bands and artists.  I loved the vibe there.  The crowd was great and really supportive of all the performers.  I'm glad that it was a young crowd and not like a typical Hmong concert or an OG party where sometimes it seems the band is just in the background.  Also glad that it wasn't like your typical Hmong new year.  Although yep they do need some more food booths.

The vocals, the musicians, the dancing during the performances was so awesome...I think this music festival really upped the ante in the quality of performances for Hmong musicians.  This should be the Festival that Hmong bands and singers want to peform at.

I got a few videos but only the early bands and performers because too bad my battery died.  I was so sad.  I'll upload them here later.

I love Hmong music!  Go H-Pop!  I can't wait for next year either!
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: yamchild on May 28, 2012, 05:14:49 AM
To those who were in Fresno and didn't go... you all missed out on one of the greatest Hmong events ever! 

The rock bands rocked it, the pop singers belted out the songs, the r&b singers were awesome & actually had back up dancers. 

New Breed (

Cyrus Yang (

Billy Xiong (

Tee Vang (

Shoe Box Confessions (

Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: thePoster on May 28, 2012, 05:28:20 AM
240p, we meet agian.

They all sound nice, finally folks are able to get people who can get the level's right.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what did you think about it?
Post by: Solemn Wind on May 28, 2012, 10:13:16 AM
Yamchild I'm glad you had a great time. I would be happy and willing to pay $50 just to watch the Hmong music show ALONE just like the one we've just been to at the first Hmong Music Festival. Like Hanza said, the next day we should call all our friends and tell them they really missed out on one of the greatest Hmong event/experience ever.

This Hmong Music Festival is so amazing at so many levels. First of all, it's unlike any Hmong concert or party I've ever been to and the energy level is intense. You not only get to see and experience great singing but almost all the artists put on an amazing theatrical show. It's obvious to see that they put in all their heart and energy into their singing/show. I don't know if you saw the band where one of the guitarist smash his guitar. I thought that was super intense, comical, and entertaining!!!

There's so many things I want to say but before I forget I just want to say that I feel super impressed and proud of my Hmong people after witnessing the first annual HMF. Even though we as a people haven't been here that long in the United States we've come so far and there's living proof at HMF. I'm so happy and thrilled to see the many talented interracial bands and knowing that the frontman/woman, leader, vocalist of the band is a Hmong. Alley of Fields of Prey reminds me so much of Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac. Her voice sounds kind of line Stevie Nicks me...and seeing Proto-J with his great moves with so many black people on stage and knowing that Proto -J is the star is just exciting and comical at the same time.

Oh...and Hanza got it all wrong. Britney Spears is the Hmong Jade Lee. O0
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: JakeSnake on May 28, 2012, 10:26:47 AM
Yamchild - Thanks for the videos bro.  I must be in the older generation because I don't know most of these artists except the band from Oroville lol.  They need to separate newbies from legends next year.  How was the attendance bro?  The weather was too nice to get away to Vegas for me haha.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: SummerBerry on May 28, 2012, 02:29:30 PM
I was suppose to attend but had to switch over for last minute emergency meeting for a funeral for someone since they told us that we got the life insurance for that person so they will let our side deal with it.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: kouasupra on May 28, 2012, 02:34:06 PM
I was suppost to go and take pictures, but unfortunately I found out I couldn't bring my "professional" camera inside so I decided not to go at the last minute. BTW, did anybody else bring "professional" cameras in to take pictures besides the staff there?
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: Elfy on May 28, 2012, 10:08:56 PM
Super awesome. I heard there was like a thousand people. I was involved in a performance with a sold out show here in Milwaukee too of a thousand, so that's that. I wasn't there. But yes, I heard great news about this event. Hats off! I think we as a community are starting to understand and get the message. To more future festivals. This is the beginning. Great work. Woohoo!
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: yamchild on May 29, 2012, 05:52:53 AM
Jake the year you should make the trip to come for the festival.  At first the attendance was a little low.  But as the day went on more people came.

Elfy, wished you could've been there!

Next year I hope they make it a 2 day festival.  For more music and more bands and performances!  Where else could you see so many Hmong bands and singers performing in one place.  This should be the event that Hmong bands and musicians want to perform at.

One of the acts I really liked was Hilltribe from MN.  They were a really fun rap group and really got the crowd going.  It was so fun watching them!  I'm still trying to find video's of their performance on youtube.

For4th Seal.  They really put on a show.  The singer was sexxy and she rocked the stage with her singing.  The guitar players were awesome.  This video really does her no justice. (

A little compliation of some of the later acts... (

I'm glad the last band Reflections closed out their set with the song "Kwv Tij Hmoob".  And it was epic when Za Moua showed up on stage!  I was almost crying.  OMG. (

Big ups to the MC!  Hanza!  He kept the crowd going for 12 hours!

I could talk about this festival for ever.  I'm still on a high from watching the show. (^_^)

Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what did you think about it?
Post by: yamchild on May 29, 2012, 06:12:57 AM
Solemn Wind, I'm like you... I was super impressed and so happy for the Hmong community that we had so much talent to feature.  Yes I could go on forever talking about the Hmong Music Festival and gush on and on about it.  I'm still on such a super high from attending the festival and seeing all the performances.

Yes I saw that one band Last Minute as they smashed their guitar.  Also first time I ever saw a Hmong band play with no shirts on and try to light their guitar on fire too.  Alley Her had a great rock voice!  Loved her pink hair.  For4th Seal's singer also has a great rock voice.

About the dancing let's see the singer Pagnia Xiong had a guy in red body paint come dance on stage with her! It was weird but fascinating at the same time.  And then Pagnia Lo was such a great dancer during her song!  Very sexy although I think she was lypsynching through her set most of the time.  Proto J and Jade Lee also had some great dance moves during their set as they sang and danced at the same time.  Very Impressed. (

Was so happy to see Julie Fang from Whyteshadows performing her old songs.   She had such a cute personality and liked it when she was throwing the cd's into the crowd and they landed only like 3 feet from the stage.  That was so funny.

Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: HunnayDew on May 29, 2012, 06:58:36 AM
From the pictures that I saw and reviews, I wished that I was there!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: Elise on May 29, 2012, 07:56:40 AM
I hope they'll bring the HMF to the midwest next year.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: Solemn Wind on May 29, 2012, 10:44:26 AM
The youtubes, for even though gives you a glimpse of HMF, for those who was there, will readily agree that it does zero justice. You just have to be there.

Reading some of the youtube comments, some say why are people screaming so loud...let the singers sing...these are obviously people who wasn't there. I, myself, hated when I watch singings at New Year stage, a Hmong singing talent show at a school gym/auditorium or even that big building at the Fresno New Year...simply because I can't hear the singers or it's super annoying when the croud scream and yell like that. But at this concert stage in Fresno, they truly have a state of art super sound system, it's outside, and if everyone in the crowd screams at the top of their lungs we could still hear the singers/bands nicely...and that's how it should be. If there is something wrong with the crowd it's because they didn't cream loud enough.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: woofwoof on May 29, 2012, 10:46:49 AM
It was alright. 

Few things to point out. 

It should be called Hmong-American Music Festival.  This is because we have some singers that sung only in English.  You don't see the Jay Z singing Japanese at the American Music Award right?  There you go.   All songs should have been sung in Hmong, that should have been the way to go.

Some of those singers was way off pitch/tone and sh1t.  Some of them was so bad, you don't even have to know anything about music to know it was off.

Some performance was boring as heck, stuff you see at your local Hmong New Year/sport tournaments, nothing new.

Now, before anybody goes ape sh1t, this is just my observation and opinion.  Some might like it more, some might like it less.

Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: Joe_Kali4nia on May 29, 2012, 10:54:39 AM
I'm also in Fresno but missed it.  Just by looking at the videos my only critic is that if it's a Hmong Music Festival why aren't all the artists singing Hmong?  Great job on the stage set ups.  Hope to be there next year.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: F-16 on May 29, 2012, 03:57:42 PM
I was there.  Disappointed with the attendance and performers.  Majority of the artists didn't have the professional touches.  The stage was nicely set up for live bands rather than solo, group dance.  I too was disappointed that a lot of artists sang in English too.  If you're going to perform in English then at least bring someone who's popular like Brenda Siong instead of unknowns.  There's always improvement next year so I give it a C-.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: yamchild on May 29, 2012, 06:55:27 PM
I agree too that many of the artists did not sing in Hmong.  Maybe that should be a requirement next year because that's why I came to this Festival for to hear them in Hmong.  If I wanted English songs I could watch any mainstream American artist at any time. 

But.... I still enjoyed it!

Highlights from first 10 performers: (
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: Mr.Crowley on May 30, 2012, 11:51:47 AM
I wonder if the promoters profit?
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: woofwoof on May 30, 2012, 12:07:44 PM
I wonder if the promoters profit?

Judging from the attendance.... ..NOPE.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: Mr.Crowley on May 30, 2012, 12:25:11 PM
Judging from the attendance.... ..NOPE.

That's too bad because a festival like that took a lot of time and a lot of $$$$. Maybe next year will be better.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: JakeSnake on May 30, 2012, 01:43:35 PM
I think they might broke even because they had a few corporate sponsors.  I didn't see a video of Laib Laus from Thailand.  Did they backed out?
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: Mr.Crowley on May 30, 2012, 01:47:54 PM
Plus didn't they have vendors?
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: MrMrs on May 31, 2012, 04:00:26 AM
Wow I see a lot of my relatives performing. =) I hope they have it again next year so that I can attend! Reflection is my favorite hmong band. Amy Her is my girl  :-*
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: uglykidjohn on May 31, 2012, 04:11:41 AM
HMF 2013 has been confirmed. See you guys next year.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: starlight on May 31, 2012, 05:29:38 AM
It was an AWESOME event, and AZNLIVE has officially announce that there will be another one next year.

As to whatever language they sang in, it shouldn't matter.  It a celebration of Hmong Artist/Musician.  They could be singing English, Hmong, Laos, Thai, or doesn't matter.

Check out the photos from the event. (
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: starlight on May 31, 2012, 05:39:42 AM
For those who missed it, but still wants to know more info about it, here's the website. (
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: Joe_Kali4nia on May 31, 2012, 11:48:16 AM
It was an AWESOME event, and AZNLIVE has officially announce that there will be another one next year.

As to whatever language they sang in, it shouldn't matter.  It a celebration of Hmong Artist/Musician.  They could be singing English, Hmong, Laos, Thai, or doesn't matter.

Check out the photos from the event. (

If that's the case then change the event to Hmong American Music Festival or something.  Do you guys see going to other race events and they sang English?  They need to separate the new artists from older.  Any videos on Lis Pos, Lis Thoj's performance?
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: Joe_Kali4nia on May 31, 2012, 12:08:20 PM
From the pictures that I saw and reviews, I wished that I was there!!!!!!!!!

You look like Joy Yang of TheLosWing lols.  Are you two related?
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: yuknowthat on June 03, 2012, 04:07:20 PM
lol  :2funny:..they did a great job..but i can't just seem to take them so seriously!..sorry..the outfits the guy in red paint all of sudden you see skin color  :2funny: and the singers..pitch es goes off so many time..need more to time to concentrate!..lots of practice..comp aring our HMF to Korean Music Festival..we lost big time.
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: yamchild on June 05, 2012, 09:26:23 AM
Finally found a small clip of Hill Tribe!!  I had such a fun time watching these guys perform. (
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: yubnag on June 05, 2012, 10:17:51 AM
Where's the Julie Fang performance?
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: LP on June 05, 2012, 12:14:05 PM
Was Sounders there? Fresno is their territory. If they weren't there, does anyone know why?
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: tiffany_thao on June 05, 2012, 12:26:17 PM
 :-\ I cant believe i missed the HMF! im so MADD!!!!   >:( well next year.....Your vids are GREAT!!!!
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: yamchild on June 09, 2012, 06:06:31 AM
Sounders wasn't there... I was wondering why too.  Would have loved to see them perform also.

For those who missed out make sure to save the date for next year and attend! 

Julie Fang performance.  She still has such a sweet voice after all these years. (

Second Round of performers.
Julie Fang wiping away tears at 26:39... She's so sweet.  We miss her too!
Check out Pagina Lo dancing starting at 36:14!!! (

These pictures are not mine.

The crowd...more people came as the night went on...


The MC Honza getting ready to hand out some free cd's to the crowd


The Collaboration artists


Alley from Fields of Prey




Pagina Lo


Ordinary Day


Proto J


Ciaj Sia


Jade Lee




Video crew with M150 Models


Fourth Seal


The red body paint dancer for Pagnia Xiong.  He must have been wearing the body paint all day because by the time it came to Pagnia Xiong's set some of it had come off.  :D

More pictures can be seen here: (

Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: HunnayDew on June 09, 2012, 01:55:06 PM
I noticed that almost every single girl that came one there wore high-low skirts/ dresses.  :idiot2: :idiot2: ::) ::) ::) ::) 
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: potus on June 09, 2012, 05:39:51 PM
they forgot to invite the older artists...the ones who actually sing well in hmong.   ::)
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: Luther on June 09, 2012, 06:51:33 PM
Congrats to all the bands, artist, and performers. A job well done. O0

I only wish Whyte Shadow could have all came out as a band. That would have been nice to see O0
Title: Re: Those who went to the Hmong Music Festival...what do you think of it?
Post by: woofwoof on June 11, 2012, 08:04:09 AM
I noticed that almost every single girl that came one there wore high-low skirts/ dresses.  :idiot2: :idiot2: ::) ::) ::) ::) 

I feel sorry for those who's trying to find a date/wife out of that bunch.  :2funny: