PebHmong Discussion Forum

Creative Corner => Online Journal => Topic started by: aboo on August 07, 2013, 12:10:01 PM

Title: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on August 07, 2013, 12:10:01 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 07, 2013, 12:28:05 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: Json on August 07, 2013, 12:31:34 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 07, 2013, 12:38:32 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 07, 2013, 02:26:02 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 07, 2013, 04:32:35 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: Dire on August 07, 2013, 06:28:13 PM
I have always loved and enjoyed this tune....and the movie too.  Here's my attempt in translation although this is just the instrumental version, I'm sure you've all heard Wish from my Heart....or better known as the song in Fly me to the Polaris :)

I need to control myself
I will not let others see me cry
Pretending that I do not care about you
Wishing that I’m not thinking of you
Blaming myself for not having the courage
My heart hurts at times that I cannot breathe
I could not find the footprints that you’ve left
My eyes are open looking at you
But I am helpless
To let you disappear from the end of this world
I could not find the reason to be strong
I no longer feel your warmth
So tell me where is the star universe
And does this place have an end
So I will wish upon a meteor
To let you know that I love you (

Very nice and touching, @boo! ;)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: Dire on August 07, 2013, 06:29:15 PM
I've always wanted to come across a four leaf clover....I've searched high and low, far and near....I just need to find a way to cross over to this island of clovers and perhaps that is where my good luck clover is seeking refuge.

( (

I didn't realize how small a leaf clover is...  Beautiful nonetheless!
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 08, 2013, 12:07:49 AM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 08, 2013, 12:50:50 AM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 08, 2013, 03:31:37 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 08, 2013, 04:13:25 PM
The many ways I miss you….

I miss the way you lift up my spirits
And countless times you’ve captured my tears
Or hear my laughter during the oddest moments
I can share any thoughts with you
And know you’ll always keep them safe
How we would spend early mornings and watch countless sunsets together
I would never grow tire of you
And I will never forget you

The way the breeze brushes against our bodies
Or how the rain washes upon us
I’m always happy whenever we are together
On all of our adventures
I’ll try my best
To document our journeys
From the north to the south
And east to the west
You’ve never failed me
And we’ll be together till the end

Ode to my bike till the end of time....
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: NorthToWest on August 08, 2013, 05:42:09 PM
Beautiful thoughts!  In life when we love anything so much it becomes apart of our life, our soul and our feelings and emotions!  May all your rides be beautiful!  May whatever trails you take be full of happiness and joy... O0
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 08, 2013, 09:58:41 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on August 09, 2013, 09:36:52 AM
Great photos @boo and really like your poems.  I want a blueberry bush too now that you've posted a succulent image of it.  ;D
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 09, 2013, 02:08:24 PM
Great photos @boo and really like your poems.  I want a blueberry bush too now that you've posted a succulent image of it.  ;D

thanks!  And you should get a one!  it would thrive so well where you are at....I am so getting one once I get there lol ;)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 09, 2013, 02:23:01 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on August 10, 2013, 09:18:42 PM
Let me know when and where you get yours and I'll get it then too so they can grow together.

Happy Birthday!  Things will get better in time.  :)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 16, 2013, 12:58:19 PM

Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 21, 2013, 03:20:30 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 23, 2013, 01:24:36 AM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 23, 2013, 01:50:04 AM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on August 30, 2013, 02:52:41 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on August 30, 2013, 04:10:39 PM
Such a sweet story, @boo. It's so nice to know that you are raising heroes.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 01, 2013, 11:19:44 PM
Such a sweet story, @boo. It's so nice to know that you are raising heroes.

Thanks MA.  I try....that's all I can do is try and have hope that one day they will become heroes just because it's the right thing.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 01, 2013, 11:45:04 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: PRINCESS. on September 02, 2013, 12:08:18 AM
Your back-to-school shopping story was really heartwarming.   :'( :'(
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 03, 2013, 02:12:19 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 05, 2013, 12:31:24 AM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on September 05, 2013, 09:27:09 AM
Yes, I heard that kids now have to bring their own snacks or foods to school or else no free lunch.

We've been doing this since my daughter1 started Kindergarten.  That was 6 years ago. 

Fortunately our current elementary school offers a program where you buy direct from a company who prepares a box of all the necessities and they ship it directly to the school so you avoid doing the shopping yourself.  We didn't use this shopping method for our daughter1 (wish we had though) but we are using it for our daughter2 and it's so less stressful. It's also cheaper too.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on September 05, 2013, 09:29:56 AM
What a busy back to school schedule these last few days....whew! I wished I could clone a few of me.  Now we have school, soccer and will be adding wrestling to the schedule soon.  Oh how I wish to capture every moment....

I love this photo.  I took this picture of him practicing on his own at the park by our house.  He's so determined and focused...can't you tell  ;)

( (

I know how you feel.  For us, this is second week of school for our 6th grader and 3rd week for our first grader.  It was very crazy the first two weeks because of the different start dates...but it's relief that's over.  Now it's just back to the grind.

Good luck and hang in there.  I know it's different for you too.  You are a wonderful loving mother doing this all on your own.  I applaud you.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 15, 2013, 10:43:51 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 15, 2013, 11:10:02 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 15, 2013, 11:32:36 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 17, 2013, 09:17:21 AM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: proudlao on September 17, 2013, 09:19:45 AM
Parents tend to think kids do not remember too far back, or does not retain much. But they are wrong. I can remember back to when I was 5, in details as well.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 19, 2013, 10:48:56 PM
He waits for me….

I feel blessed after a long day, he waits for me.  It felt good to be reminded that someone is thinking of me and waiting for me to return home safely.  He’s a wonderful person and I’m happy he’s my son :)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 19, 2013, 10:50:42 PM
Parents tend to think kids do not remember too far back, or does not retain much. But they are wrong. I can remember back to when I was 5, in details as well.

I agree....amazi ng huh?  I've enjoyed reading your story....keep writing.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 19, 2013, 11:04:14 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: proudlao on September 20, 2013, 06:18:03 AM
I agree....amazi ng huh?  I've enjoyed reading your story....keep writing.

I meant to continue but always something else to do. But I will get back to it soon. Thanks for reading.
It is amazing. And something like that no one can ever take away from us. I don't believe I have ever left home in my mind.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 20, 2013, 03:49:34 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 23, 2013, 10:07:36 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 23, 2013, 11:29:47 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 24, 2013, 05:19:05 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on September 24, 2013, 10:13:21 PM
Back on track with Endorphin and Serotonin.....

It feels good! Real good O0 

I can do this, yes I can :)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on September 25, 2013, 12:32:58 PM
I disagree....bu t who am I to say what you should do?

A cousin/friend of mine married her daughter away....she was tired of the her daughter's disrespect of the family.  The daughter deliberately stays out late, sneak boys in, drinks and smokes.  She tells me I am lucky to have a son.  Girls are such headaches and so much work she rants on.  I feel for her, I really do.  I just don't agree with her decision.  It's like passing your own trouble child onto another person and say, "Here! You take care of this mess!"

I listened.  I know she didn't call for advice.  She called to be heard and to feel affirmed in her decision.  I don't know, I just listened even though I do not agree.

I learned this is sometimes the best thing to do.

Back on track with Endorphin and Serotonin.....

It feels good! Real good O0 

I can do this, yes I can :)

Good job!
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 03, 2013, 10:58:25 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 03, 2013, 11:32:49 PM
Don’t let your past dictate who you are, but let it be a lesson that strengthens the person you will become. — Unknown

Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 04, 2013, 12:12:54 AM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: proudlao on October 04, 2013, 06:06:51 AM
But you had fun, and that is all that matter  O0
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on October 04, 2013, 03:37:25 PM
One thing in life that I know I truly enjoy is being a mom.  At times it can be rough, there are lows and highs, but at the end of the day it's truly rewarding.  I wish every woman out there who yearns to be a mother gets their wish.  It is one of life's most simplistic blessings.

The joys of being a mother....rece ntly my son has been reading to me books that I use to read to him.  I remembered those days long ago when I wondered when he would pick up these same books and read with ease by himself.  Oh how happy I was listening to him.  Life can be just that simple - enjoying and marveling at the wonders of our children.

Today I received a note from his teacher that he's moved up a reading level already.  Our goal together this year in 1st grade is to read 200 books.  So far we've read 26 books.  I am so proud of him.  I'm glad to have him as my son :)

I totally agree that it's enjoyable yet rough at times.  I truly see it as a gift because we are raising these little people to someday be good big people.

That's wonderful that your son moved up a reading level.  Is his school using the DRA system?  If so, do you know what reading level he's at?

That is quite a lot of books to read but it's great that you are doing that with him.   O0

btw, I didn't realize you also had a first grader.  For some reason I thought both your kids were in middle school and high school.  I bet my first grader and your son would get along great.  My girl only plays with boys...she's very logical in almost everything she does.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 29, 2013, 09:32:43 PM
I adore and love fall.....let me go find some pics to share ;)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 29, 2013, 09:39:35 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 29, 2013, 09:43:58 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 29, 2013, 10:08:43 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 29, 2013, 10:18:19 PM
I totally agree that it's enjoyable yet rough at times.  I truly see it as a gift because we are raising these little people to someday be good big people.

That's wonderful that your son moved up a reading level.  Is his school using the DRA system?  If so, do you know what reading level he's at?

That is quite a lot of books to read but it's great that you are doing that with him.   O0

btw, I didn't realize you also had a first grader.  For some reason I thought both your kids were in middle school and high school.  I bet my first grader and your son would get along great.  My girl only plays with boys...she's very logical in almost everything she does.

Thanks MA :)  I don't know their current reading assessment system or what DRA is.  I'm currently working on reading/comprehending sentence structure and not just words with him.  I know some kids can read a dictionary.... but do they understand it? probably not.  I know it's weird and I get super excited over him reading etc.... I get teary eye thinking about books I use to read to him growing up and now he's reading them on his day hopefully he'll be reading books I use to read myself to me when I'm old.

I am sure they will get along just fine.  Your daughter sounds very logical for sure...I was smiling at her feat of reason and logic to get that breakfast deal  O0 If not, they can always fall back to conversing about MineCraft lol.  We watched Take Back the Night last week together and he told me I was so late already because he's seen it so many times before ;D
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 29, 2013, 10:47:33 PM

Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: proudlao on October 30, 2013, 05:44:20 AM
Thanks for sharing the pics. I love fall as well. My favorite to be honest.
"Sometimes the strongest among us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles nobody knows about" - unknown.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on October 30, 2013, 01:02:26 PM
Thanks MA :)  I don't know their current reading assessment system or what DRA is.  I'm currently working on reading/comprehending sentence structure and not just words with him.  I know some kids can read a dictionary.... but do they understand it? probably not.  I know it's weird and I get super excited over him reading etc.... I get teary eye thinking about books I use to read to him growing up and now he's reading them on his day hopefully he'll be reading books I use to read myself to me when I'm old.

I am sure they will get along just fine.  Your daughter sounds very logical for sure...I was smiling at her feat of reason and logic to get that breakfast deal  O0 If not, they can always fall back to conversing about MineCraft lol.  We watched Take Back the Night last week together and he told me I was so late already because he's seen it so many times before ;D

The DRA stands for Developmental Reading Assessment.  It's what some schools use to determine the reading level a child is in and if they are above, right at, or below their reading level.  It's just a tool to help the school and parents with their students.  My 6-year-old is an average reader.  She's right where she should be for her grade level.  Right now though, they are transitioning the first graders into chapter books and the chapter books are what my daughter struggles with.

I know what you mean about the books you read and now they read it back.  Mine does the same! LOL!  It's cute.

And, I had to laugh about the Take Back the Night video with your son.  When my daughter showed me, it was already old news to her too, but because I took an interest in her dance (by recording) she figured she'd show me the real video.

Btw, love your fall photos.  Were you born in the fall?
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 31, 2013, 12:47:53 AM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 31, 2013, 12:50:39 AM
Thanks for sharing the pics. I love fall as well. My favorite to be honest.
"Sometimes the strongest among us are the ones who smile through silent pain, cry behind closed doors, and fight battles nobody knows about" - unknown.

thanks for reading PL  :) the quote is so true, very true my friend.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 31, 2013, 01:03:25 AM
The DRA stands for Developmental Reading Assessment.  It's what some schools use to determine the reading level a child is in and if they are above, right at, or below their reading level.  It's just a tool to help the school and parents with their students.  My 6-year-old is an average reader.  She's right where she should be for her grade level.  Right now though, they are transitioning the first graders into chapter books and the chapter books are what my daughter struggles with.
Ok, that’s what I kind of thought DRA would be too.  Aaahhhh chapter books, how exciting!  The same goes for my first grader at school too about chapter books.  My son was excited about chapter books.  Tonight was the hardest book he’s brought home.  Chapter book with lots of new words for him even though he’s one of the top 3 readers in class and is ranked above avg for grade level (I don’t believe he is, but what do I know).
Btw, love your fall photos.  Were you born in the fall?
Thanks!  I don’t think I was born in the fall….but lots of folks remembered it was after harvest time.  That’s kinda like fall right?
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 31, 2013, 01:12:25 AM
Today my work family sent me this....I feel like the woman in this picture sometimes. Those were the good ole days when you just pack your kids on your back and go to work :D

Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: proudlao on October 31, 2013, 05:51:25 AM
Today my work family sent me this....I feel like the woman in this picture sometimes. Those were the good ole days when you just pack your kids on your back and go to work :D


I have so much respect for women like her. Our moms were and still like her. Today's women? Whiners. Enough said lol ;D
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: proudlao on October 31, 2013, 05:56:59 AM
Have you ever worked with some people and have become really good friends? 

I’ve been blessed with a few very nice coworkers.  It appears our journey has now come to an end.  As he’s counting down the days, I’m starting to get a little sentimental over our upcoming departure.  We’ve known and worked with each other for over a decade now.  He would be my work spouse.  My other coworker whom I’ve known for almost a decade now too will be retiring soon.  She was my work mother.  She would always say her motherly duties were never done as she was mothering her two children (my age) on the weekends and then she would mother him and I on the week days.

Over the years I’ve become close to my work family as I often refer to them as such.  We’ve seen and supported each other through failed relationships, birth of my son, death and tribulations in our lives.  We’ve cried, laughed, joked and have been there for each other on countless occasions.  I know it’s hard for some to fathom the dynamic of our relationships but we really were the family for each other.  They did so much for me and in many ways that I could never repay.  They’ve encouraged me to return to college and even at times babysat for me.  They came to my graduation bearing gifts and said my father would be so proud.  They’re the emergency contacts and pickups for school.  The few gifts I receive on occasions are from them – they always remember my birthday. 

I remember being in the last trimester of my pregnancy years ago.  We were working outside of the office and I started to have some false contractions.  I told her if I went into labor to just leave me there out and go into town to get help.  She thought I was crazy but I said I never wanted her to see me like that down there lol.  She laughed so hard bursting into tears at my comment and because she’ll never find her way into town.  I was always our GPS guru.

When my father passed away, they didn’t write and give me a sappy or uplifting card.  They gave me $1k to help bury my father.

Just like I was attempting to make a career move before the govt shut down, he too is making one now.  I’m happy for him.  I’m happy for her.  Yet a part of me is just sad to see them go.  Her analogy to me today was that she’s just going to a warm retirement home and he’s going off to college but that our paths will cross again.

Yes, a few but only one co-worker that became the family friend. We walked into orientation the same day. Two strangers, work in different areas. We said hi simply because we saw one another on that day. We started talking. Turned out he was a very nice guy. Met the entire family and get invited to all events. He's part of the family now. We are the only family he have, his parents are in Ohio. He became one of my good friend till today.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 31, 2013, 11:11:58 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 31, 2013, 11:19:24 PM

Yes, a few but only one co-worker that became the family friend. We walked into orientation the same day. Two strangers, work in different areas. We said hi simply because we saw one another on that day. We started talking. Turned out he was a very nice guy. Met the entire family and get invited to all events. He's part of the family now. We are the only family he have, his parents are in Ohio. He became one of my good friend till today.

PL that's great to hear :)  I know so many folks who are close to their family so they don't really have much friends outside their family and cousin circles.  It's these folks who are surprise that I have a meka work family outside of the regular 9-5 daily grind.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: Redemption on October 31, 2013, 11:46:33 PM
Jack of all trades, master of none....

I wished sometimes that I was good at a sport.  I get the concept of most sports but I can't seem to play them.  Sports and I are like a recovering stroke victim.  I can visually and mentally grasp the ideal of a perfect volleyball spike, a soccer goalie kick, nothing but the net basketball shots.....howe ver physically there is zero connection.

Here I was just snapping away and what do you know....he's just as surprised as me :)

Hey... I'm a Jack of all trades master of none also! You're using my lines!

lol, I bet you make a good cheerleader though? Kidding, with all things, practice makes perfect... ok nvm, stick to cheerleading.

I sure do hope though, that he didn't inherit your athletic prowess. Thanks for sharing! That is an awesome set of photos, love it!
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 01, 2013, 01:54:27 PM
Hey... I'm a Jack of all trades master of none also! You're using my lines!

lol, I bet you make a good cheerleader though? Kidding, with all things, practice makes perfect... ok nvm, stick to cheerleading.

I sure do hope though, that he didn't inherit your athletic prowess. Thanks for sharing! That is an awesome set of photos, love it!

Hey….nowhere in your journal have you used that line!

I have to admit, I am a very good cheerleader.  Practice does make perfect….for most things lol.  As for athletic abilities….I have none that’s for sure but I sure do encourage him to try his best.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on November 01, 2013, 06:50:12 PM
Ok, that’s what I kind of thought DRA would be too.  Aaahhhh chapter books, how exciting!  The same goes for my first grader at school too about chapter books.  My son was excited about chapter books.  Tonight was the hardest book he’s brought home.  Chapter book with lots of new words for him even though he’s one of the top 3 readers in class and is ranked above avg for grade level (I don’t believe he is, but what do I know).Thanks!  I don’t think I was born in the fall….but lots of folks remembered it was after harvest time.  That’s kinda like fall right?

My daughter is very picky about the books she reads and her second chapter book is about having lunch with school friends.  She doesn't get along with too many of her classmates and I think that bothers her when she has to read a book about school stuff.  I'm glad your son likes them though.

I think harvest time is in fall.  It's a beautiful time but my heart is set on Spring...LOL!
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 01, 2013, 07:41:34 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 01, 2013, 11:18:30 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: proudlao on November 02, 2013, 08:11:36 AM
Tball  :-\
Swimming  :-\
Soccer  O0 O0
Wrestling  O0 O0 O0

It's that time of the year again....our second year and moving into the 40lb bracket ;D


My favorite age. I wish I had started that young with wrestling and soccer. I wrestled up to high school. Made it to state once. I took soccer for granted since I was a smoker back in the days. It is what it is. Keep on the passion and I wish him the best.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on November 02, 2013, 01:16:36 PM
My favorite age. I wish I had started that young with wrestling and soccer. I wrestled up to high school. Made it to state once. I took soccer for granted since I was a smoker back in the days. It is what it is. Keep on the passion and I wish him the best.

Why didn't you keep going?  Good job on making it to state, btw.

My husband wrestled in his 9th and 10th grade year and then did track his 11th and 12th grade year.  He would have continued with wrestling but had more passion in running than anything else...right now he's trying to get to the Boston Marathon in a couple of years and is training hardcore for it...on his own.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 02, 2013, 10:23:03 PM
My favorite age. I wish I had started that young with wrestling and soccer. I wrestled up to high school. Made it to state once. I took soccer for granted since I was a smoker back in the days. It is what it is. Keep on the passion and I wish him the best.

awwww thanks PL O0  I wish alot of things too....but I can't change the past so I focus on how to change the future.  You did well....just look at your daughter O0
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 02, 2013, 10:24:50 PM
My husband wrestled in his 9th and 10th grade year and then did track his 11th and 12th grade year.  He would have continued with wrestling but had more passion in running than anything else...right now he's trying to get to the Boston Marathon in a couple of years and is training hardcore for it...on his own.

I'm so happy to hear that your hubby is passionate about running the Boston Marathon O0  It definitely will be memorable indeed :)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 03, 2013, 09:57:53 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on November 04, 2013, 09:12:55 AM
First time things....

It's amazing what we can do nowadays to preserve such first time memories. 
This is his first time dipping in the Pacific Ocean. 
We were right off of Santa Monica Pier making our way to Monterrey Bay.

How cute!!!!
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 04, 2013, 12:05:18 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on November 04, 2013, 04:28:36 PM

Woman, no wonder the guy was attentive to my questions...!

Hey, sauna date tonight?  I'm done at 7. 

Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on November 04, 2013, 05:52:07 PM
Always be prepared….to meet that next guy!

On countless occasions I’ve heard from friends and recently over the weekend from a close friend….You always have to be prepare to meet that next guy.  This meaning that I should have make- up on and ready to smile and make eye contact without hesitation that OMG what does my face look like.

Granted I’m not a big fan of wearing make-up every day.  So I never think of these things until my friends have been nagging me to carry a few ‘perk’ me up items in my purse.  I can basically fit all my cosmetics in a quart size zip lock bag.  Whatever happened to guys who like you just for you? Well my gfs would chuckle and say that you have to reel them in first with the superficial looks.  Maybe I am too black in white with my assessments….perhaps a little gray won’t hurt.

Over the weekend I was out with my gf.  We were perusing the aisles of Hmong Village and what do you know…..we ran into a guy I once knew.   He was busy assisting my gf with a garment and I’m sure he knew who I was but played it cool since his wife was there too.  It was an awkward moment for me as I’ve not seen him for a long time but thanks to my wonderful son who looked up and said….Mom, can you carry me?  Carry me close to you so no one will come steal you even though I’m a big boy now.  I picked him up and whispered he’s the best.   He smooches me on the nose and I’m reminded that I am loved for being me, a mom.

My latest conversation with my gf was that I wanted to be noticed for me.  Not for the superficial things.  I just want to be me; I’m content and comfortable without make up.

P.S.  if you are reading this, we are so overdue for a sauna date lol.  Thanks for always trying to find the girlie girl in me at times.  I promise you I will buy a dress before the year ends ;)

Are those girlfriends who said those words to you with superficial guys?  j/w.

It's right to be comfortable with who you are. 
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 04, 2013, 11:15:03 PM
Are those girlfriends who said those words to you with superficial guys?  j/w.

It's right to be comfortable with who you are. 

Thanks for the affirmation :)  MA, they are not with superficial guys.  I think they are just trying to get me to try new things....make up on a daily basis would be a new thing for me alright.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 04, 2013, 11:25:07 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on November 05, 2013, 08:35:29 AM
I like snow but don't like to get my as.s wet.   :D
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: Json on November 05, 2013, 10:35:04 AM
Do something like this with snow.  I would but us folks in NC don't get much snow.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on November 05, 2013, 11:37:59 AM
@boo, glad you have the courage to make snow angels.  The snow is always too cold for me to just lay in it...but I ask my kids to make them though.

Json, sand is so much easier to work with then snow...I think.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: proudlao on November 06, 2013, 11:37:00 AM
Why didn't you keep going?  Good job on making it to state, btw.

My husband wrestled in his 9th and 10th grade year and then did track his 11th and 12th grade year.  He would have continued with wrestling but had more passion in running than anything else...right now he's trying to get to the Boston Marathon in a couple of years and is training hardcore for it...on his own.

Thanks, I didn't have the passion for it. And started hanging out with my friends that were up to no good. I guess it wasn't meant to be. Good luck to your hubby. That should be an awesome achievement.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: proudlao on November 06, 2013, 11:53:13 AM
First time things....

It's amazing what we can do nowadays to preserve such first time memories. 
This is his first time dipping in the Pacific Ocean. 
We were right off of Santa Monica Pier making our way to Monterrey Bay.

( (

Precious moment indeed.
awwww thanks PL O0  I wish alot of things too....but I can't change the past so I focus on how to change the future.  You did well....just look at your daughter O0

Thank you and yes, we look forward. And I know you will be just fine.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 08, 2013, 11:18:22 AM
Thanksgiving conversation with my son….

I was making his school lunch this morning – sandwich, peeled clementine, 6 pieces of Doritos chips, and 1 swiss roll cake for desert.  He’s finishing up his breakfast and looks over to me….and we began our first Thanksgiving conversation.

Son: Mother, do you know that Thanksgiving is a special holiday?  It’s a very special holiday to share with the people we love.

Me:  That’s right, it is a special holiday.

Son:  Well you love me right?  And I’m extra special too right?

Me:  Yep! (I’m thinking to myself…there’s got to be a request coming soon here every time he uses the term “mother”)

Son:  Mother, I think that it would be very nice of you if you really do love me a lot and I’m extra special that you can surprise me in my school lunch for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Oh not the real holiday because I don’t have school, but the days that I still have school before the real holiday.  Do you get what I’m saying to you?

Me:  Hmmmm….well let me think of a surprise for you.  I could surprise you at school and eat lunch with you?  How about that?

Son:  Well….mother, you don’t have to come to my school.  I said just put it in my school lunch.

Me:  Ok.  I will think of something since you are so special then.

Son:  Mother, I have an idea for you already.  You can just put 2 swiss roll cakes in my lunch and I’ll know you love me a lot because you never give me 2 even when it comes in 2, you only give me 1.  I think I will feel special on Thanksgiving holiday at school if that happened to me.

Me:  Hmmm….well let me think about that. 

Son:  He walks over and hugs me…. “Mom, you are the best mom!”  “Wait, you are my only mom forever”

It’s small moments like these that makes me feel happy, content, and blessed. 
For my son today…. “My Son” by Richard Michael Gabriel – I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. (

My Son

He came into her life one day
A healthy baby boy
His tiny hands and gentle smile
Became her pride and joy
She brought him home that winters day
And rocked him in her chair
Then softly whispered in his ear
This heartfelt solemn prayer:

Lord, forgive me
For any wrongs Ive done
Lead me with your guiding hand
And help me raise my son
I know that I may stumble
And trip along the way
But Ill never turn my back on you
Or what youve given me today

She married young with hopes and dreams
Like many lovers start
But time would show them different roads
And so they grew apart
He came to her a young man now
Said, Help me understand
She looked into his tearful eyes
Then took him by the hand
And she said

Please believe me, son
You are not to blame
Sometimes its just the way things go
But even when the sun wont shine
I love you just the same
Till the day that I draw my last breath
That will never change

Many years have come and gone
And lifes fulfilled its plan
She watched her healthy baby boy
Grow into a man
Her humbled heart and gentle soul
Were thankful for that day
She closed her eyes and bowed her head
And said this as she prayed:

You forgave me
For all the wrongs Ive done
You lead me with your guiding hand
And helped me raise my son
And even though I stumbled
And tripped along the way
You never turned your back on me
Or what you gave to me that day!
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on November 08, 2013, 11:45:51 AM

At times like this, I wish to have a child of my own.  Thanks for sharing your joy. 
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 08, 2013, 11:50:31 AM

At times like this, I wish to have a child of my own.  Thanks for sharing your joy. 

I hope it warms your heart knowing he thinks of you often ;) 
He always have these crazy ideas to come surprise his tais Moon this tais Moon that lol....
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on November 08, 2013, 11:57:19 AM
Aw... that does warm my heart!  Having a moment with him always warm my heart.  Same goes to E. 
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 08, 2013, 12:00:23 PM
Aw... that does warm my heart!  Having a moment with him always warm my heart.  Same goes to E. 

Well when I mentioned to him that you were moving - he was like "WHAT!" 
He knows how to get to your place now and was concern if you moved, he couldn't run away to your place lol.

One day he said since I'm being a meanie mom to him, he's going to run away to tais Moon's house because that's the only other place he knows how to get to besides school lol.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on November 08, 2013, 12:33:05 PM
Well when I mentioned to him that you were moving - he was like "WHAT!" 
He knows how to get to your place now and was concern if you moved, he couldn't run away to your place lol.

One day he said since I'm being a meanie mom to him, he's going to run away to tais Moon's house because that's the only other place he knows how to get to besides school lol.

ahahahahahahah ahahaha!  He is just hilarious. 

Tell him I'm moving to a bigger place so he can come hangout when his mom goes away for work again.  I'm not
moving far away either. 

Btw, in the mood for chocolate cake. 
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 08, 2013, 03:57:43 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on November 08, 2013, 05:28:21 PM
I will follow You....

Nice song.  :)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 12, 2013, 11:28:05 PM

How You Live - Point of Grace (
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on November 13, 2013, 09:50:10 AM
@boo, I've never told you but your wisdom is profound. 
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 15, 2013, 02:40:29 PM
@boo, I've never told you but your wisdom is profound. 

awwww...thanks dear!
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 15, 2013, 03:05:42 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on November 15, 2013, 09:25:54 PM
@boo, that's wonderful to hear about your little boy.  He so deserves a great movie with his mamma. 
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 19, 2013, 01:05:46 AM
My father’s “green lady”….

In all of my conversations with my father, we’ve never really talked about how he got married.  We would talk about him growing up as an orphaned lad – essentially an indentured servant to the Hmong families who took him in.  There were many tearful stories of him growing up dirt poor, starving, orphaned, enslaved, alone, and for many years to live in fear.  He would share his stories in hopes of instilling humbleness, compassion, and love in me for the years to come after his death.

I cannot fathom the idea that one day I can just stop thinking about him as many would suggest me to.  My father’s memories are embedded deep within me.  It’s his memories that make me go the distance.  His teachings of love, forgiveness and compassion have made their homes in my heart.  My fathers’ whimsical funny personality he wears on his sleeves to hide the pain he carries deep in his heart – unlike many others who stay only around for the laughter, I remain to see the tears.

During his funeral – I met my father’s ‘green lady’ for the first time.  She was a thin lady about my height who carried herself humbly.  She greeted me and said how beautifully we’ve grown.  Green lady was such a kind lady.  She had prepared a special Hmong poetry (paj hua) for the funeral and wanted to make sure we didn’t miss it.  In our short conversations here and there throughout those three days, I could feel her genuine kindness and love for my father as if he was one of her own brothers.

It was the green lady’s turn at the altar.  She sounds off her poetry but her voice crackles and tears stream down.  She took deep breaths and composed herself and continues onward.  This song that she composed has allowed me to hear about my father’s life the day he wed his beautiful bride.  It was amazingly beautiful and so descriptive I felt like I was there watching a caravan of the Her clan making their journey in the hot sun on dusty roads to bring back a bride.  I loved the poetry and I loved her for providing missing pieces of my father’s life.

Today I’ve learned that this sweet green lady has passed away.  It saddens me deeply.  This brave woman who was only a little girl who accompanied my father that day and learned so much in her early years.  Be true to yourself.  Give when you don’t think you have anything left, you might just be surprised.  Love simply with no expectations.  Be humble and respectful. 

I’ll remember those same thoughts my father shared with you green lady.  Farewell humble green lady, until we meet again.   

For you and my father - whose faith in the Lord has replaced your days of tears and sorrows with joy and sunshine. (
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: proudlao on November 19, 2013, 06:06:26 AM
Thank you for sharing, that was a good read. I wish I have such a man in my life today.
I have always wondered why the good mighty took the only man I wish to love away from me at such a young age, and to top it off I have no uncles in my life. I basically grew up without a man's guidance and wisdom. But I am grateful for my mommy. RIP yours and mine.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on November 19, 2013, 09:54:38 AM
I'm so emo.  Now my co-worker just walked by and was puzzled at my eyes filled with tears.  I am thinking of my dad and can't imagine if his time is up.  He wasn't a big part of my childhood but the little encounters that we had together made a whole lot of difference. 
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on November 19, 2013, 11:45:41 AM
Wonderful words, @boo.  It's a blessing that you've met her and got to know a little bit about her.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on November 25, 2013, 03:46:26 PM
Oh how SWEET you are….more than you’ll ever know….

In a previous post above I had mentioned about a conversation I had with my son.  Well he wanted me to pack him a “special” lunch for school this week in honor of Thanksgiving.
I decided to make today’s lunch the ‘special’ of the week since he only has two days of school this week.  I was trying to be so sneaky about it that I forgot to take a picture.

Max’s Special Lunch 11.25.13

- Virginia Ham and Med Cheddar Cheese on Wheat (used my heart shaped cookie cutter)
- 1/2 of a peeled Honey Crisp apple sliced lengthwise (resembles semi-heart shaped)
- 5 pieces of chips
- 1 sliver of brownie the size of my finger pinky (he just told me how much he loves brownies)
- 1 sugar cookie in the shape of an autumn leaf the size of my hand

The final touch was a handwritten note : “You are very SPECIAL to me” –Love Mom

He had come downstairs for breakfast and saw me packing it into his lunch box.  He squealed with excitement as he saw the items for lunch today.  I said that he may not be as surprised now come lunch time because he saw me packing it with my pouty sad face.

He’s such a sweetie….he said joyfully that he’ll pretend to be super surprise when he opens his lunch box in front of his friends.  He also said that he may not be able to finish that sugar cookie, but will save the leftover because we shouldn’t waste food (yep! that’s my boy).

We walk out to the bus stop and he says, “ Mom, you sure know how to make me feel extra special in our family.”

Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on November 26, 2013, 09:22:37 AM
 :D Too adorable!
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on December 13, 2013, 02:07:09 PM

Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on December 17, 2013, 05:01:20 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on December 19, 2013, 11:36:05 AM
I thought he learned the F word from you guys.  Lol. 
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 02, 2014, 01:58:29 PM
I thought he learned the F word from you guys.  Lol. 

He learned it after I showed him the pic you had up lol....but yes he probably learned it from us more ;)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 02, 2014, 02:00:15 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on January 02, 2014, 02:57:16 PM
He learned it after I showed him the pic you had up lol....but yes he probably learned it from us more ;)

Hahahaha @ that you showed him that pic. 
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on January 03, 2014, 10:12:39 AM
Oh my how time has flown by….2014 here I am  :)

In 2013 I had set out to discover ‘me’ in a sense.  I’ve opened my heart, my home and met people to learn that I’m much stronger mentally, emotionally and physically than I had given myself credit for.  I made some new friends and minus others.  I wanted to broaden my views beyond the borders of this state and so I’ve traveled alone and at times with friends and family.  I am content with who I am but know that there is always room for improvement and growth.  And while I’ve crossed off things on my bucket list, there were new ones I’ve yet to discovered and added.

From pine cone hunting to Thanksgiving get together…Christmas tree chopping to home decorations…my 2013 ended with more time spent with those most important and precious to me.

I’m excited for 2014 as it begins to unfold.  I am happy, content, healthy and peaceful.

That is so cool how you've set out to accomplish "you."  More people should do this...because it really is challenging.  A friend e-mailed me saying "2014 is a blank book."  What a great way to see the future.  :)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 03, 2014, 11:01:53 AM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on January 03, 2014, 11:29:32 AM
Let's take you dancing, boogey on the dance floor.  :D
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: Redemption on January 03, 2014, 11:46:06 AM
Wow, that was an awesome 2013... How are you going to top it?
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 03, 2014, 12:26:31 PM
Wow, that was an awesome 2013... How are you going to top it?

Red – I haven’t thought about ‘topping’ 2013 in any way, but rather continue on this path to see where it leads me in 2014.

•   I plan on doing a @boo version of Anthony Bourdain in DC in 2014.
•   Maybe camp under the stars in Utah
•   Take swimming lessons to improve strokes other than floating and underwater
•   Currently have 4 weddings and 3 prom dates in place this year for simple @boo florals
•   Perhaps summit a few mountains in CO
•   Salmon fishing in Lake Michigan
•   Maybe a cruise
•   And definitely a little black dress

and of course....get my passport so I can think about where I want to go in 2015 for my very first stamp O0

Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 03, 2014, 05:04:33 PM
Chicken Salad, lounging around Ikea, and for the dessert finale....Home Depot = perfect date O0
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 06, 2014, 04:18:57 PM
My true friends....the y have not failed me yet.

Special thanks to my two best friends....GOO GLE and YOUTUBE :2funny: 
They saved me an expensive electrical bill.....The things I have learned from you two to become a more independent and self sufficient woman these days.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on January 06, 2014, 05:15:24 PM
How lucky that you saw a rainbow at Pike's!  And great work on summitting Mt. Sanitas twice!  Girl, you go!  You've got a great list of accomplishment s...that is something to be very proud of.   O0

You are brave wearing a 2-piece.  I've only worn a 2-piece in college...a bright orange thing, but no more, ever.

I like your new list for 2014.  The family's planning on camping and fishing this year too (didn't have time to do it last year but yearned for it).  The passport will open doors to more adventures.  :)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 06, 2014, 05:31:50 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on January 06, 2014, 07:28:32 PM
LOL! Maybe this year you'll be more courageous and wear it out where people will know you.  When I wore mine, it was when no one was around the community pool.  We are such wimps.  ::)

The rain must have been nice even though it was a damper. Have you heard about what goes on at Devil's Playground during a lightning shower? (I may have already mentioned this).  They say it's beautiful if you can catch a glimpse of it but you don't want to be amongst the rocks when the show's happening.  I guess that's why the last time I hiked it (the only time), when the storm clouds were rolling in quickly, the family wanted to get away or move into shelter before it rained.  What did you think of those donuts?  They're especially made for that elevation.  They were soooo good after a long hike.  Husband gulped them down like there's no tomorrow...LOL!  You're always one step ahead with the blanket and all.  I'm never prepared enough.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 08, 2014, 12:12:21 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 08, 2014, 12:14:11 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on January 08, 2014, 01:17:11 PM
Glad you're making use of the Ipad.  :D  Did I tell you that my new friends are Patrick and Spongebob?

I think I will put my tree away this week.  It's just taking up space in my apartment- and plus we are not lighting it at night anymore. 

Let me know if we need to go shopping this weekend!
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on January 09, 2014, 10:56:50 AM
Someone got an Ipad for Christmas?  Wow...that's awesome.  O0
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 09, 2014, 03:28:12 PM
Glad you're making use of the Ipad.  :D  Did I tell you that my new friends are Patrick and Spongebob?

I think I will put my tree away this week.  It's just taking up space in my apartment- and plus we are not lighting it at night anymore. 

Let me know if we need to go shopping this weekend!

Won't need to go shopping.....i t's tomorrow already lol.

Patrick and Sponge are NOT friends  >:(  I thought Teddy is now staying with you ???
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 09, 2014, 03:29:31 PM
Someone got an Ipad for Christmas?  Wow...that's awesome.  O0

Thanks. I sure did :)  What apps do you suggest?
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 09, 2014, 04:01:13 PM
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

I remembered way back when I was young that I had watched the cartoonish version of The Hobbit.  It sure was scary then as I remembered Bilbo finding the ring in Gollum’s cave.   My son (6) and I went to see The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug recently.  He did pretty good for a 2+ hr movie – we only had to take 3 quick bathroom breaks.  We had a Kodak moment at the very end….here’s how it went but it was best live and in person.

The last scene/frame of the movie goes black.  It seemed like the power went out.

Me:  What?!  That’s it? That’s the ending?!
Him:  Wait a minute.  That’s it?

We stand up and he’s facing the rest of the movie goers who are exiting out of their seats.

Him:  (motioning with his hands) Now listen everybody, the movie is not over yet.  Just stay and they will fix it.

Me:  Let’s get your coat on

Him:  Mom – (continues motioning with his hands) Everybody the movie is being fixed right now.  It can’t be the end.  We just have to wait for a little bit.

He turns around and sees the credits on the screen.  His jaws just dropped and goes,
“Everyone I guess the movie is over”  I feel like I just got duped by this movie. 

The entire ride home he kept on saying in disbelief how the movie ended the way it did.

It was a memorable Kodak moment indeed  ;D
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on January 09, 2014, 04:47:20 PM
Won't need to go shopping.....i t's tomorrow already lol.

Patrick and Sponge are NOT friends  >:(  I thought Teddy is now staying with you ???

They are my friends too.  Yes, Teddy is staying with me. 
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 10, 2014, 11:48:50 AM
I woke up with a butterfly in my tummy…and it’s still there.  So we decided to belt out our best voices at the bus stop this morning to calm the flutters.  I once said to my son that this is my song for him….I want to see him be brave.  Every time it plays on the radio he would shout out, “Hey it’s my song!”  But deep inside, it's my song too.
I showed him the music vid to it and he loved it!


You can be amazing
You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug
You can be the outcast
Or be the backlash of somebody’s lack of love
Or you can start speaking up
Nothing’s gonna hurt you the way that words do
When they settle ‘neath your skin
Kept on the inside and no sunlight
Sometimes a shadow wins
But I wonder what would happen if you
Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
With what you want to say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I wanna see you be brave (
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on January 10, 2014, 01:56:23 PM
I love that song too! 
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 13, 2014, 12:54:37 PM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on January 13, 2014, 12:55:46 PM
Tell Max Elly wants one too.   :D
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 13, 2014, 04:11:33 PM
What is it about you....I think you miss me :)  and I'm not one bit crazy thinking that you are thinking of me :D
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on January 14, 2014, 12:43:04 PM
I'm so excited to share with my PH family lol..... remember this photo I had put up of my son practicing soccer?  Well he didn't win by online voting but the judges LOVED it!  The mayor presented us with a 'honorable mention' certificate last year for our entry.

But I was just contacted by the magazine and they want to put this photo in their May 2014 edition.....We are so excited!  As a proud mama, I'm going to go buy lots of copies and have him autograph it to all his cousins ;D

That is sooo awesome!  Wow...great photo and such cuteness.
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 15, 2014, 02:10:47 PM
That is sooo awesome!  Wow...great photo and such cuteness.

Thanks MA :)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 15, 2014, 02:11:14 PM
It feels so good to be back....

Back to the gym
Back to mommy duties
Back to work
Back to life
Back to PH :D
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 16, 2014, 12:03:36 AM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: zena on January 21, 2014, 03:54:04 PM
What a cute puppy!  What is it?
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 21, 2014, 04:10:47 PM
What a cute puppy!  What is it?

it's my gf's baby....a Yorkie :)
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 21, 2014, 04:12:15 PM
I know you had s3x…

I had returned home after being out with some friends.  While I was taking my shoes off, my son had ran down the stairs and had his hands poised at his waist.  He goes…

Aha! I know what you did mom!

What did I do?

I know you had s3x!  I just know you did!

Now what the heck are you talking about? Why are you saying that word?!

Oh this time I know you sure did have s3x…it’s in your hair!  I can’t see it but I just know it.

Now you need to stop it!  Stop saying that!

As I hugged him, I asked him what he meant by that. And who told him to say it.
I know how to read Mom.  I’m not stupid.  I was washing my hands in your bathroom and saw the tall red can.  It says:  Big S3xy Hair!  I’m just telling you that if you don’t want to people to know that you have s3x in your hair then you should put it in the closet after you are done so it will be a secret that only you know.

Oh my!  The things that this little guy say sometimes  :2funny:
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on January 22, 2014, 10:39:38 AM
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on January 27, 2014, 03:54:08 PM
The Neverending Story…

I was a fifth grader with no TV/VCR or AC at home because my family was dirt poor.  We lived on the upper level duplex of a rental house in a run-down neighborhood.  The greatest thing was the local neighborhood library.  It was a bit small but had rows upon rows of neatly stacked books.  I loved it; it was my special place to dream of new adventures.  One of my favorites at the library was the encyclopedias.  We couldn’t check them out because they were expensive and bulky back then.  Maybe that’s why having one out while paging and reading through it felt like savoring expensive decadent chocolates.

In 5th grade, The Neverending Story came into my life.  I had read the book and had my own wild imagination of what all the characters would look like visually, but oh me oh my movie was like icing on the cake.  I remembered being so sad when Artax was consumed in the swamp of sadness, which I even cried.  There were a few times I felt so consumed I didn't think I could finish the book but Atreyu would never give up and Bastian had to keep on I must read too ;D  How I had wished that I had a Luck dragon like Falkor to take me away on endless adventures.  My teacher had rented the movie for our class and we would get to watch it for 15 minutes or so every day at the end of school while waiting for our buses.  That week I made sure that no matter what I had to be at school every day just so that I could watch that movie.  The Neverending Story for me back then was like watching The Hobbit now in HD.

Over the weekend I rented online The Neverending Story and watched it with my son.  It was a big hit!  It brought back so many memories of what I had back then and my reactions to the movie and characters.  It was wonderful and memorable including us belting out the theme song….together.

My life…it’s a neverending story indeed :) (

Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: zena on January 29, 2014, 09:12:55 PM
Thanks for sharing that memory with us.  You sound like a fantasy myself.

I liked The Never Ending Story movie and the theme song too! Artax was the horse right? about 4 yrs old when I first watched this with the kids, cried too and said, "No!  Don't die! Don't die!" I guess she's always had a love for horses.  Have you seen the movie, Legend?  I thought that was a really good movie too.
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: zena on January 29, 2014, 09:33:58 PM
Btw, your new journal title (The Story of My Life) is now making me sing that song by One Direction.  LOL!  I never liked them before or knew much about them until I heard the song last year...haha.  I know it's weird but I actually like the song.  8)
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on February 10, 2014, 10:07:48 AM
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on February 10, 2014, 10:15:55 AM
Thanks for sharing that memory with us.  You sound like a fantasy myself.

I liked The Never Ending Story movie and the theme song too! Artax was the horse right? about 4 yrs old when I first watched this with the kids, cried too and said, "No!  Don't die! Don't die!" I guess she's always had a love for horses.  Have you seen the movie, Legend?  I thought that was a really good movie too.

Yes, Artax was a beautiful horse indeed.  I wished I had a horse back then too lol.  I haven't seen Legend - will put that on my list to watch O0

Btw, your new journal title (The Story of My Life) is now making me sing that song by One Direction.  LOL!  I never liked them before or knew much about them until I heard the song last year...haha.  I know it's weird but I actually like the song.  8)

LOL yes I love this song...for several reasons.  I changed the name of my journal because I wasn't posting up as many pictures (I'm not that tech savvy) so I thought this would be a more appropriate title. 
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on February 10, 2014, 10:37:47 AM
Hi I'm @boo ;)

I forgot to tell you that my Christmas tree is still going strong and it's starting to bud at the tips :D
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on February 10, 2014, 12:42:42 PM
I wish for a closed casket.   :D Want others to remember me at my greatest moments.  Thinking back, tradition ruined my mothers' memories for me.   :(
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: MilesDaddy on February 10, 2014, 05:14:55 PM
I wish for a closed casket.   :D Want others to remember me at my greatest moments.  Thinking back, tradition ruined my mothers' memories for me.   :(
I hope for cremation..... I can't be stuck in one place for eternity....
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: zena on February 13, 2014, 10:12:58 AM

LOL yes I love this song...for several reasons.  I changed the name of my journal because I wasn't posting up as many pictures (I'm not that tech savvy) so I thought this would be a more appropriate title. 

I C.  I didn't notice the title and the lack of photos but now that you've mentioned it....yeah, I might agree.

Thank you for sharing that piece of you and your uncle.  It's very special and touched a part of me.  I'm so sorry for your losses.  It's heartbreaking to lose those we love.  You know that feeling when you're standing out in the freezing cold and the chill air bites at you and you're shivering and every part of you aches?  That's how it feels like to me when a loved one is gone.
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on February 19, 2014, 11:18:22 AM
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: zena on February 19, 2014, 06:23:24 PM
So, curious, do you feel like you need to return something?

And as for the dream about your sister, saying those words to you, I wonder if it is your self conscience telling you that maybe you think you are being a loner?

Interesting dreams.  They sound like they are telling you something.
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on February 19, 2014, 10:08:29 PM
Thank you for sharing that piece of you and your uncle.  It's very special and touched a part of me.  I'm so sorry for your losses.  It's heartbreaking to lose those we love.  You know that feeling when you're standing out in the freezing cold and the chill air bites at you and you're shivering and every part of you aches?  That's how it feels like to me when a loved one is gone.

I know that feeling a little bit too well unfortunately.  I also think that as we age we tend to reflect more on life and the deeper appreciation for it.  Thank you MA.
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on February 19, 2014, 10:27:59 PM
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: VillainousHero on February 20, 2014, 09:56:54 AM
Sometimes loner's know more about least to say that they've saved more love in their hearts.
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on February 20, 2014, 10:56:14 AM
One of the things I decided to do this year was to join our DNR’s Outdoors Woman programs. 

I’ve signed up for Fly Fishing for Trout, my very own first trout stamp ever.  I think it will be fun and exciting.  I also signed my family up for a Outdoors Skills weekend of fly fishing, trout hatchery tour, stream studying of electrofishing, fossil hunting, archery and looking for owls. 

I seriously want a Boreal Owl as a pet lol….it’s just so intriguing and cute!
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: zena on February 21, 2014, 10:05:10 AM

MA - I know I am a loner.  I like doing things by myself for some weird reasons.  I have some friends who can't or will never think of biking alone, walking around the block alone, watching a movie alone, reading the local paper alone, sightseeing, traveling, working etc.... I can do all that and don't think much of it.  It's wonderful to be able to do those things with others especially with a significant other.  But it's also soothing to learn to love yourself and know you are capable of enjoying those things by yourself too.

Oh I'm quite sure the dreams are telling me something.... I remembered having a few dreams about my dad not too long ago.  He seemed happier and content.  Then suddenly my aunt passed away and she's going to be buried fairly close to him.

I don't think of you as a loner.  From the little I know of you, you come across as someone who's very independent, enjoys the outdoors, and being around people.  Your dream could be a fear you have that people, or your family, might see you as a loner in the way you go about your life.

A loner (to me) is someone who doesn't associate with anyone or participate in anything that involves people.  My sister was once married to a loner. 

As for my statement about your dream telling you something, I know that you know that they are telling you something.  :)  I meant it as a question in a non-question way.  It was meant to ask:  What do you think your dreams are telling you?  I have realized that a lot of my dreams are about fear, but some of them are premonition dreams.  At times, I can't distinguish the two because they overlap in their meaning...or I simply get confused.  :-[
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: zena on February 21, 2014, 10:07:20 AM
One of the things I decided to do this year was to join our DNR’s Outdoors Woman programs. 

I’ve signed up for Fly Fishing for Trout, my very own first trout stamp ever.  I think it will be fun and exciting.  I also signed my family up for a Outdoors Skills weekend of fly fishing, trout hatchery tour, stream studying of electrofishing, fossil hunting, archery and looking for owls. 

I seriously want a Boreal Owl as a pet lol….it’s just so intriguing and cute!

This is great! You are no loner, for sure!

Owls make me think of Harry Potter.  ;D
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on February 24, 2014, 04:30:48 PM
Sometimes loner's know more about least to say that they've saved more love in their hearts.

Loners save more money too. 
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: WindComeWindBlow on February 24, 2014, 04:32:49 PM
One of the things I decided to do this year was to join our DNR’s Outdoors Woman programs. 

I’ve signed up for Fly Fishing for Trout, my very own first trout stamp ever.  I think it will be fun and exciting.  I also signed my family up for a Outdoors Skills weekend of fly fishing, trout hatchery tour, stream studying of electrofishing, fossil hunting, archery and looking for owls. 

I seriously want a Boreal Owl as a pet lol….it’s just so intriguing and cute!

... ???
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 13, 2014, 02:40:37 PM
It’s been a rough ride
I’ve dived through valleys
And climbed mountains so tall
I’ve searched high
And looked low
Making new friends
And letting go of the old

I find that most people’s words
Are nothing without action
They’ll promise to be there
Whatever it will take
But when it’s time
There’s really no show

The deeds I’ve done for you
There is no need to repay
And when you echo those words if you could find them
to thank me – there is no need. 
I’m glad I was there. 
For you’ve used my shoulder
And shed your tears
But know that I also heard your fears

I hope to have one day
A friend just like you did today
For I’ll need a shoulder
And someone to catch my tears
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 13, 2014, 02:52:17 PM
oh how i have missed's finally here!

Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: zena on March 16, 2014, 11:04:09 AM
oh how i have missed's finally here!

I've been waiting for spring too.  :)
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 19, 2014, 05:30:42 PM
I'm excited about new job leads and doesn't mean I'll take them but I like the experience of preparing myself for the interview of a .  Just something about busting marijuana users isn't so attractive nowadays....

So my coworkers are all up in arms about me leaving a crap load of stuff for them when I leave....and I use that to my advantage too....they are much nicer to me now :D
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 21, 2014, 10:33:06 AM
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: zena on March 21, 2014, 10:42:06 AM
I'm excited about new job leads and doesn't mean I'll take them but I like the experience of preparing myself for the interview of a .  Just something about busting marijuana users isn't so attractive nowadays....

So my coworkers are all up in arms about me leaving a crap load of stuff for them when I leave....and I use that to my advantage too....they are much nicer to me now :D

LOL!!!  That's the best isn't it?

The story of BRAS....

Mama....Why do girls have to wear that?
He points to my bra....

Thinking I'm a sharp mama...I say, "Oh that's to hide their nipples" 

He continues on...Oh ok... Well you know sometimes they don't wear that when they have a dress on that shows their shoulders.  But it's good they hide the nipples because I think all the babies that see them will want some mee mee....

oh such young and innocent kids :)

LOL!  I love their innocence.
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: DeceiversChick on March 25, 2014, 01:46:29 AM
Hi Stranger!  :)

Hope all is well. Have not heard from you in awhile. We need to catch up!  :D
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 25, 2014, 01:35:10 PM
Hi Stranger!  :)

Hope all is well. Have not heard from you in awhile. We need to catch up!  :D

Hey woman :)  I'm so proud of you and the things you've been up to lately O0  You keep it up and let me know when those babies start to arrive ;D
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 25, 2014, 03:52:43 PM
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 25, 2014, 11:17:23 PM
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 25, 2014, 11:42:22 PM
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: zena on March 26, 2014, 11:06:09 AM
Money and Status....

Out of the blue my sister tells me that I'm the only person she knows that has not changed due to my job title or status in the community and the money that I make.  I don't make much according to my standards but she's proud of me.  She's proud that I'm still simple, humble, kind, honest and giving to others.  She loves it that I'm never in the's pretty much black and white.

My sister works hard....very hard at times.  I don't know how she does it sometimes.  I appreciate her for all she has done and proud of her accomplishment s.  It made my day to know she thinks of me that way ....

That's really nice of your sister to observe that.  Sounds like you are close.

Reading and Writing....

We read twice daily and enjoy our snuggle time together.  But lately I've noticed that he's not really into writing as much.  He has so many ideas all the time but no where to put them.  So I hatched the idea of writing every day if possible with a minimum of 4 sentences.  A beginning with two good parts in the middle with an ending.

He's still not into it yet but we're making progress.  So far he's written about brothers, imaginary sea creature, pokemon and 5 guys burgers.  I told him maybe one day he could be an author writing books for kids just like the ones he likes reading.

I started this writing project for him because I feel like kids these days are not writing enough.  Our society is becoming more increasingly about texting, typing and auto correcting of words.  Do you notice the penmanship of kids these days?  It's horrible imo with some exceptions. 

That is awesome that you're teaching your son to write.  O0

My 7-year-old has written two stories on her own and my 12-year-old has written...who knows how many...but more than I can count.  I've only manage to save maybe a handful.  Before, I would buy her journals to write her stories but she prefers just a 3-ring binder and lined papers.  ::)

I agree.  Penmanship has become almost obsolete in this day and age.  I'm just a little confused with the whole thing though.  My 7-year-old brings home at least 3 journals every other week with her graded writing.  Her school makes her write like mad.  It's unfortunate that as grade school kids move on to middle and high school, that less of it is pushed on them.  My 12-year-old does everything on the computer for her reports.  I'm glad that she hand writes her stories but I'm sure she'll eventually start writing those stories on the computer once she has home access to MS Word.
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 26, 2014, 03:00:19 PM
Yay I'm going to be in Cali again ;D  I just got my confirmation today....ok life is good :)

I'll have a new collection of pictures to share in this journal....oh yes I will  :D
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: DeceiversChick on March 26, 2014, 05:26:35 PM
Hey woman :)  I'm so proud of you and the things you've been up to lately O0  You keep it up and let me know when those babies start to arrive ;D

Stop being a stranger.  ;)

Anywhoo, I have not done much lately. Starting all these new hobbies and it's going no where!  :2funny: I am back in school so that has been keeping me busy for now. If you're still here in the cities let's catch up with lunch or dinner.  :)
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 27, 2014, 11:10:37 AM
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: proudlao on March 27, 2014, 11:17:46 AM
Love hard. Live everyday to the fullest. And say what you mean, and mean what you say. Life should not be that complicated. Just give and love.
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 27, 2014, 11:21:15 AM
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: aboo on March 27, 2014, 11:24:23 AM
Stop being a stranger.  ;)

Anywhoo, I have not done much lately. Starting all these new hobbies and it's going no where!  :2funny: I am back in school so that has been keeping me busy for now. If you're still here in the cities let's catch up with lunch or dinner.  :)

Yes we should definitely catch up O0  I still want to go canoeing :2funny:
Title: Re: The story of my life....
Post by: DeceiversChick on March 27, 2014, 04:09:40 PM
Yes we should definitely catch up O0  I still want to go canoeing :2funny:
We can plan for one this summer. :)
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 10, 2014, 10:06:02 AM
Yesterday was our last day of folklore wrestling for the season but the start of soccer and Greco wrestling.  I can’t wait for the snow to all melt and go away….please no more snow storms, I’m officially sick of snow.

On a different tune….sunny cali here I come for you roaring like a leo  :2funny:
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 10, 2014, 10:37:51 AM
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 10, 2014, 11:03:23 AM
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: zena on April 10, 2014, 12:03:41 PM
That's a crazy nightmare you had there.
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: VillainousHero on April 13, 2014, 08:21:43 PM
Oh ah if only I wasn't your brother in life. I feel so much for you, yet I have my own problems to deal with.  Life' s rewards are one more day with one more chance.  I know it.  You will do feel fine.  Keep on living.
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 14, 2014, 11:17:10 AM
It’s a girl....

It’s a quiet Friday evening and I decided to watch “It’s a Girl” – a gendercide documentary of girls particularly in China and India.  Being a woman myself, documentaries like these always hit close to home.  It’s a topic I’m passionate about, a topic that most people don’t like to talk about.

While I was watching this documentary on Netflix, my son would flicker in and out of the room taking in bits and pieces of what I was watching.  About half way through it, he comes snuggling up to me like a lost puppy.  He says, “Mama this movie is so sad.  I feel sad for those girls.”  I simply hugged him closer and tightly.  “I’m so glad that I am born a boy otherwise I might be like those girls in that movie and not have a Mama to hug me and love me.”  I love my son for his bright personality.  I’m constantly amazed at how he views and processes the world.  He’s pretty amazing to me….even when he doesn’t listen, have tantrums, and misbehaves just like any other 6 year old boy. ( (
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 14, 2014, 05:10:36 PM
THE Imax experience…

I told my son we were going to have a DATE.

A date….of course he was making funny faces… “A DATE mama?”  That’s just gross!

I took him to see “Born to be Wild” at the Imax Theater.  It’s about baby elephants and orangutans who have been orphaned.  I figured since he was into learning about animals, it would be a good show for him.  He whined and wiggled like mad while we were waiting to get into the theater.  He was not a fan of 3-D showings.  He clearly articulated to me of how distasteful the movie would be for him because he was fearful of the animals jumping out at him.

I didn’t know that they have mini – love seats in the theater.  Of course we snuggled onto one and put our glasses on.  It’s truly amazing to me as a parent to see the wonders that my son discovers every day.  He was a bit intimidated but was soon enjoying the film.  He tried to touch them and interact with their soccer game…the elephants were kicking a soccer ball around.

It was a touching film and inspiring indeed.  But the cutest moment was when he snuggled and nuzzled (copying the animals on screen) a few kisses on my face whispering…. “Mama – You are the best!” I’m feeling so sad for these animals but I’m happy I have a mama.  I love this kid  :) (
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 16, 2014, 09:42:39 AM
The Brotherhood…

I get emotional sometimes when I think about the journey I’ve had so far with my boys.  I feel blessed and humble that as hard as the journey has been, they’ve continued to shined like stars in my life.   I take comfort in knowing that they are creating their own brotherhood, one that amazes me at times. 

Last night I showed this video with them….a brother’s love means so much in so many ways.
It’s our brotherhood; we have a choice in how we want it be like. There was not a dry eye in our home last night.... (
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: zena on April 16, 2014, 10:23:23 AM
THE Imax experience…

I saw "Born to be Wild" at the IMAX in 3D too...with my older daughter for a sleepover at the museum a couple of years back through her school.  I think I liked it more than she did...LOL!

That's cute your son thinks a date is gross....LOL!  My first grader doesn't care so much for dating either, but when my 6th grader was in first grade, she was so into it.  It's interesting learning about how little kids mind's think.

Your son is so sweet.

The Brotherhood…

I get emotional sometimes when I think about the journey I’ve had so far with my boys.  I feel blessed and humble that as hard as the journey has been, they’ve continued to shined like stars in my life.   I take comfort in knowing that they are creating their own brotherhood, one that amazes me at times. 

Last night I showed this video with them….a brother’s love means so much in so many ways.
It’s our brotherhood; we have a choice in how we want it be like. There was not a dry eye in our home last night....

That youtube video is awesome.  What a great brother he is.  I'm glad your boys share a brotherhood.
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 16, 2014, 01:04:05 PM
Little surprises....

It’s the little surprises in life that brings forth meaning in our lives.  Have you ever gotten a little surprise and to this day still smile when you think of it?

Last night I told my son that I had a surprise for him.  He excitedly jumped up and down wanting to know what the surprise was that I had in store for him.  Early this morning he looked around the house, searching for clues to what kind of surprise was awaiting him.  He found nothing.  Then he looked inside his lunch box and saw that there was no surprise waiting in there for him either.  A little dismayed he thought I had forgotten his surprise.

I went to his school today during his lunch time.  While he was seated with all his classmates, I sneaked up behind him and said, “SURPRISE!”  He giggled and his smile beamed proudly announcing to his friends, “Hey everyone my Mom is here to have lunch with us!”  There’s a special bench reserved just for parent and child lunch times, but we opted to stay sitting with all his classmates.  All the kids gave random shout outs to me.  Sam who sat next me said he never gets a visitor so he was happy I came to visit him too.  Amazing kids…

As I was leaving the school, he gets out of the recess line and rushes over to me.  I kneeled down and he gives me a great big hug….thanks MOM, You are the best!  I hope you have a great day like me today he says as he rushes off to the playground.
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: zena on April 17, 2014, 12:51:28 PM
Little surprises....

It’s the little surprises in life that brings forth meaning in our lives.  Have you ever gotten a little surprise and to this day still smile when you think of it?

Aw...that is so sweet what you did.  It put a smile on my face.

I was watching a re-run of The Office last night and the boss was supposed to tell his employees about a surprise he had for them.  Turned out he didn't have one.  It was funny but sad and embarrassing for the boss.

I love surprises especially when they come from my kids.  They love to surprise me, and their dad too, with artwork they've made in school for us.
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 21, 2014, 11:38:27 AM
I love surprises especially when they come from my kids.  They love to surprise me, and their dad too, with artwork they've made in school for us.
I love those little artsy projects from school too.  I’m actually thinking of framing some art pieces made by my kids and hanging them in the house since I have bare walls.

Little kids are so adorable and cute. A few months ago, my little nephew who is only 6 wrote a letter to his mom. In the letter he scribbled "I love you guys very much cause you take us somewhere and we have fun" "You guys are the best!" "And thank you for mom for giving 3 births" "And thank god for created us to love you". I thought that was the sweetest thing. He's a mama's boy. He love to show his mom to his friends at school and tell them that he have a hot mom. LOL Better enjoy those moment before they grow up and out of it.
That IS a super cute note ST, thanks for sharing.  I love little notes like that from kids.  I’m not a hot mom but my son sure knows that I can bake a cupcake so he’ll tell his friends that I’m such a cookery and bakery mom  :2funny:
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 22, 2014, 12:28:01 PM
It feels like 20 days…

I took a business trip out of town for a few days.  When I got back my little guy said it feels like I was gone for 20 days.  He’s quite the character and I love his charming personality.  Last night after we read together he said he missed me so much and that he felt alone.  “It’s such a big world mama,” I would be lost if you never came back he said.  I cherish these simple little moments because each day he’s getting older and he’ll need me less and less.

This morning mister charming was just too cute.  He came to wake me up and asked if I was trying to dream about a husband.  “Do you want to look for a husband mama?”  I asked him why he was asking me such a question this early in the morning.  “Well mama, because if you are I think I know someone who is looking for a wife.”  He’s one silly boy  :)
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: zena on April 22, 2014, 06:05:08 PM
LOL!  That's too funny what your little boy said about looking for a husband.

Glad you made it back safely. 
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: MilesDaddy on April 22, 2014, 06:17:21 PM
It feels like 20 days…

I took a business trip out of town for a few days.  When I got back my little guy said it feels like I was gone for 20 days.  He’s quite the character and I love his charming personality.  Last night after we read together he said he missed me so much and that he felt alone.  “It’s such a big world mama,” I would be lost if you never came back he said.  I cherish these simple little moments because each day he’s getting older and he’ll need me less and less.

This morning mister charming was just too cute.  He came to wake me up and asked if I was trying to dream about a husband.  “Do you want to look for a husband mama?”  I asked him why he was asking me such a question this early in the morning.  “Well mama, because if you are I think I know someone who is looking for a wife.”  He’s one silly boy  :)

your boy is so smart
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 23, 2014, 04:44:58 PM
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: Bokehlicious on April 23, 2014, 05:00:16 PM
It’s good to be thought of....

My aunty calls are so predictable. 

So naib…how are you doing?

I’m doing well aunty.  How about you?

Well naib, I could use a vacation.

But didn’t you just go on one?  You are always traveling aunty.  I want to catch up in the traveling dept with you aunty.  So do you need help with anything aunty?

Oh yes!  I wanted to call you that I met this wonderful man.  He would be perfect for you!  What do you say?

Well aunty….I’m quite picky and abrasive so I think I’ll pass on this one.

Oh but you must meet him!  He’s wonderful!
Oh I’m sure he is aunty – but I know what I want already and I just don’t think he has it.

But naib! I showed him your picture and he really likes you.  You see, you will need a man so you won’t have to work so hard.

Aunty – that’s nice of you but you’re showing guys old pictures of me.  That’s horrible.  When they
actually meet me they won’t like what they see.

Oh naib…don’t worry I told them to add a few more pounds to the picture.  Folks like you nowadays can visually do that not like us old folks.  So can I tell him he can call you?

No aunty.  I appreciate you are thinking of me but it’s ok.  I’m ok.  I like where I’m at.  I’m fine.

That's nice of your aunty...howeve r, I think our elders should stop meddling in our personal life.  When I was single, my mom would always say...tsuag tsuag thiab lo, luag tej txhais twb mus yuav txiv ua neej zoo lawm es koj tseem nyob ib tug zoo li niag poj qaib poob zoo wb.  I said to my mom then...Niam es kuv xum poob zoo than poob pem mus yuav ib niag txiv kuv tsis hlub ua rau kuv nyuaj thiab ntxhov siab os.  Now that I'm not single, she calls me up...Ua cas pheej tsis tuaj xyuas kuv li.  Koj tsis paub kub twb tsuav xyov peb tsawg xyoo lawm xwb los.  LOL

Parents are so fickle at times. 
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 23, 2014, 05:05:15 PM
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: Redemption on April 23, 2014, 05:24:56 PM
What a cutie!
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 23, 2014, 05:28:05 PM
What a cutie!

Thanks, I agree :)
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: Redemption on April 23, 2014, 05:32:24 PM
Thanks, I agree :)

Can I borrow him to be a chick magnet when I go out? No woman can turn down a man, with a cute kid.
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 24, 2014, 04:44:12 PM
Can I borrow him to be a chick magnet when I go out? No woman can turn down a man, with a cute kid.

LOL his older brother already uses him for that purpose already....he's definitely a chick magnet alright  :2funny:

You're a great person Red...but honestly I can't loan him to you lol.  I can't partake in letting you mislead those women  :)
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 24, 2014, 05:06:48 PM
Remind Who I am....

Loved it....Jason Gray (
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: MilesDaddy on April 24, 2014, 09:24:50 PM
Can I borrow him to be a chick magnet when I go out? No woman can turn down a man, with a cute kid.
being a good dad is way harder then being at the mall dressed alike.... And pretending is total Wek SOS
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 28, 2014, 04:11:57 PM
Alternative transportation…

My car was broken into during my son’s school carnival last Friday.  I wished it was at another location because the incident on school grounds changed his point of view of being in a safe environment at school.  He and I talked about safety over the weekend along with that sometimes bad things happen to good people like us :)

Anyhow, I had planned on biking until my car was fixed.  But I found out that it was going to rain for the next seven days with lightning and hail….so my alternative transportation was a bust.  Good thing I went with a rental because snow is making a comeback tomorrow, yikes!
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 28, 2014, 09:24:52 PM
Things you learn in First Grade....

Here are a few things that he's learned or have done so far this year in First Grade.

Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on April 28, 2014, 10:20:30 PM
So someone asked me why my journal doesn't mention anything really bad or negative.  It seems that I live a near perfect little world of my own.

Oh that is just so wrong.  I am far from a perfect world no matter how little or big it is.  Trust me when I say that I have plenty of negative things, angry moments, sadness and loneliness at times.  But as I have mentioned before in previous postings – we have a choice on how we want to feel.  I choose to share the quirky, odd, insignificant and small moments of my life.  These moments are the ones I choose to bring me a smile when reflect back on them.
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: Wi_sweetguy on April 29, 2014, 12:54:46 AM
Yours and mine are in the same grade level.  Forgot to mention VH too.  We are one big happy ph family.  Love those little critters. 

Cant believe your car got broken into.  I hate when that happens.  The last time someone broke into my car, they stole quarters and it cost me $$ to replace it.  These criminals live a sad life.  Well glad everything is going well for you and cheers for being an awesome parent.  ;)

Well keep on writing because I'll keep on reading.  O0
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on May 01, 2014, 10:34:20 AM
A Walk to Remember…

It’s early. I am walking and the rain/snow mixture pelting down heavily on top of me.  As I open the umbrella to shield me the wind picks it right up and says, “No shield for you today.”  Good thing I had my coat on even if it’s the end of April.  It’s only a mile long walk from returning the rental car.

As I’m walking my shoes are getting sopping wet and my thoughts drift off.  I’m thinking how it would be nice to have someone help me in this situation.  But I’m reminded that family is far and friends are few in between.  Maybe it’s because my feet are getting cold and wet; so I’m reflecting that my friends are mostly ‘takers’.  I am not sure if they realize that they exhibit more taking and less giving – but I don’t point it out to them.  I guess I’ve always thought we are adults now and we should already know how to give and take equally.

I didn’t want to get all negative on such an early morning, and I began reflecting on how I use to walk all the time in all sorts of weather conditions.  I grew up poor and was accustomed to long walks and public bus transit.  I remembered when I got my first used car….and how excited I was when I bought my first new car.  I went from growing up on public assistance to being in a position which changes, implements and ensures the integrity of those very assistance programs that I was on. I have been blessed with countless opportunities to empower myself as a mother, sister, friend and working professional.

Suddenly….my despairs of not having much evaporated.  I was cold and wet and was only focusing on the negatives in my life at the moment.  But the reality is that I’m very blessed, more than I deserve.

That was my walk to remember, to reflect on how blessed I am even with wet feet.
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: NorthToWest on May 01, 2014, 11:02:45 AM
A Walk to Remember…

It’s early. I am walking and the rain/snow mixture pelting down heavily on top of me.  As I open the umbrella to shield me the wind picks it right up and says, “No shield for you today.”  Good thing I had my coat on even if it’s the end of April.  It’s only a mile long walk from returning the rental car.

As I’m walking my shoes are getting sopping wet and my thoughts drift off.  I’m thinking how it would be nice to have someone help me in this situation.  But I’m reminded that family is far and friends are few in between.  Maybe it’s because my feet are getting cold and wet; so I’m reflecting that my friends are mostly ‘takers’.  I am not sure if they realize that they exhibit more taking and less giving – but I don’t point it out to them.  I guess I’ve always thought we are adults now and we should already know how to give and take equally.

I didn’t want to get all negative on such an early morning, and I began reflecting on how I use to walk all the time in all sorts of weather conditions.  I grew up poor and was accustomed to long walks and public bus transit.  I remembered when I got my first used car….and how excited I was when I bought my first new car.  I went from growing up on public assistance to being in a position which changes, implements and ensures the integrity of those very assistance programs that I was on. I have been blessed with countless opportunities to empower myself as a mother, sister, friend and working professional.

Suddenly….my despairs of not having much evaporated.  I was cold and wet and was only focusing on the negatives in my life at the moment.  But the reality is that I’m very blessed, more than I deserve.

That was my walk to remember, to reflect on how blessed I am even with wet feet.
I enjoyed reading your post... :). Thank-you, for reminding me of who I am, where I came from and that I'm also blessed... :). May your next walk be filled with sunshine... :)
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: VillainousHero on May 02, 2014, 06:28:26 AM
A Walk to Remember…

It’s early. I am walking and the rain/snow mixture pelting down heavily on top of me.  As I open the umbrella to shield me the wind picks it right up and says, “No shield for you today.”  Good thing I had my coat on even if it’s the end of April.  It’s only a mile long walk from returning the rental car.

As I’m walking my shoes are getting sopping wet and my thoughts drift off.  I’m thinking how it would be nice to have someone help me in this situation.  But I’m reminded that family is far and friends are few in between.  Maybe it’s because my feet are getting cold and wet; so I’m reflecting that my friends are mostly ‘takers’.  I am not sure if they realize that they exhibit more taking and less giving – but I don’t point it out to them.  I guess I’ve always thought we are adults now and we should already know how to give and take equally.

I didn’t want to get all negative on such an early morning, and I began reflecting on how I use to walk all the time in all sorts of weather conditions.  I grew up poor and was accustomed to long walks and public bus transit.  I remembered when I got my first used car….and how excited I was when I bought my first new car.  I went from growing up on public assistance to being in a position which changes, implements and ensures the integrity of those very assistance programs that I was on. I have been blessed with countless opportunities to empower myself as a mother, sister, friend and working professional.

Suddenly….my despairs of not having much evaporated.  I was cold and wet and was only focusing on the negatives in my life at the moment.  But the reality is that I’m very blessed, more than I deserve.

That was my walk to remember, to reflect on how blessed I am even with wet feet.

I am reminded everyday of my life that I wake up in the morning.  Alone and I check on the children to see how they're sleeping.  Yes they are sleeping soundly in the next room.  They used to sleep with me for protection but now they're just too big as they should be sleeping on their own.  I see all my old friends as, just passing the time friends.  True how at times they will help me out here and there, but I've helped them out through so much more hardship without so much as reminding them of an IOU.  I know they've all moved on, on that moment that I could no longer be of help to them.  During the times that when I needed help, everyone was suddenly too caught up in their own lives.  So always being the infallible person that I am, I endure it all.

I am reminded that God gave me everything that I needed already.  People say that God doesn't give you any burden that you cannot carry.  Whatever scripture was that, I care not so much to recall.  Maybe so, but it's just a simple reminder that being a better person will mean that one has to endure and survive through hardship.  I may not need to smile and laugh daily, because I only need to not be sad and crying daily.  As long as I have breath, I have survived.  That is enough.

It is enough that I have made many others better people through my compassion.  Sure I am easy to push over, however knowing that I can still get up is enough to survive.  Just having a complete stranger help me out once or twice in my life at some of the most unexpected times, reminds me that it is compassion that trumps all.  It was that compassion that brought me back from the very brink of death so many times.  I don't need to be reminded to pay if forward.  I just need to be reminded that being the source of it, is making others better people.  I don't need to laugh at them nor cry for them.  I simply just have compassion and behave in that manner with integrity.  When my children grows up, they too will learn of compassion and act accordingly.

Compassion in its entirety and purity.
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on May 03, 2014, 01:13:08 AM
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on May 03, 2014, 01:17:25 AM
Yours and mine are in the same grade level.  Forgot to mention VH too.  We are one big happy ph family.  Love those little critters. 

Cant believe your car got broken into.  I hate when that happens.  The last time someone broke into my car, they stole quarters and it cost me $$ to replace it.  These criminals live a sad life.  Well glad everything is going well for you and cheers for being an awesome parent.  ;)

Well keep on writing because I'll keep on reading.  O0

Thanks WisGuy for reading and responding :)  You are an awesome parent too-keep it up O0
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on May 03, 2014, 01:20:56 AM
VH-bro what can I say....compass ion and selflessness must be in our blood.  We should catch up sometimes in person :)  Thanks for stopping by with such deep thoughts.
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: VillainousHero on May 03, 2014, 04:05:25 PM
I feel cheated…

It’s late.  It’s early.  It’s the swing shift between night and day.  I’m upset and I can’t sleep.  I know it’s petty but I can’t help but feel a little sting…ok make that a big sting then.

A photo I had taken of my son playing soccer was featured in my local city magazine.  I’ve been super excited because it’s the first time a photo of mine has been publicly published.  It’s one of my favorite photos.  A moment I remembered vividly, one that I treasured and assured myself that I was doing a good job parenting.

I received the magazine today…several copies of them and to my surprise the headline of my photo goes, “A father captures his son’s determination in a new activity.”  Hello great big world out there!  It’s MOTHER…not FATHER.  The article goes on further talking about how the photo came about.  It even discloses information about me the photographer, yet the reference is father, his and him but no mother.

I suppose the magazine automatically assumed it was a father since it was soccer.  They even had a fact-finder editor who even confirmed the information for the article with me!  But nope!  They went ahead and assumed it was his father.

I must appear petty, over reacting, and craziness at this hour for some of you reading this.  But I just wanted a little credit, perhaps some recognition.  It’s me the mother cheering her heart out even when her son is in last place, telling him he's her #1.  It’s me the only mother getting down on the sweaty stinky mat trying to remember all those wrestling moves among all the other dads.  It’s me teaching him eye and ball coordination for Tball.  It’s me making the time for him these last five years.  It really is me capturing all those moments in his life through the lens of my camera. 

#ventaboo know I get the same stuff happening to me.  All the teachers assumed, that I the father did nothing for my children's pre-education before school.  I was the one sitting down and reading to them.  I was the one who got paper and pencil and taught them how to write their names, ABC's, 123's, and how to do among other things.  I both tested pretty high before starting kindergarten.  However they both also lack social interaction skills with other children.

I get really ticked off, while they were being tested and the lady doing the interview just kept on talking about how mothers spend a great deal of time teaching their children all these stuff.  Why does she feel the need to say such things in front of me?  So the one parent-teacher conference I finally went to...they finally tell me that my children talks about me all the time about how much things I've done with them, teaching them how to read, write, play, and among other things. 

Your momentarily irritation, it will pass...You know you've gone a good job.  I do get a slight chuckle when journalism start to just fill in the blanks with any mumbo jumbo information.  O0
Title: Re: Life through these lens of mine
Post by: aboo on October 29, 2014, 09:22:50 PM
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: diamondgirl on November 07, 2014, 10:58:25 AM
Things you learn in First Grade....

Here are a few things that he's learned or have done so far this year in First Grade.


your kid's pretty smart for first grade. looks like he's in a good school and learning lots of important stuff. but i wanted point out Mars is not a Jovian planet, hehe.
Title: Re: [need a title] @boo
Post by: aboo on December 17, 2015, 11:59:42 PM
Wowzers....its been a long journey and here I am again....thoug hts to share on a late blustery winter night.....

I notice the view counts.....I guess people do take notice of random postings.

Stay warm folks and embrace the new year that is approaching us soon.