PebHmong Discussion Forum

Hobbies & Interests => Arts & Photography => Topic started by: ms.cha on February 16, 2014, 06:45:02 AM

Title: choosing the right camera??? help
Post by: ms.cha on February 16, 2014, 06:45:02 AM
It's been years since I bought a camera. I have never own a high end camera before. I just have your point and shoot type. I would like to start photographing my girls and family. I read some stuff on the dslr and the mirrorless camera. Just want some inputs on brand and recommendation . I don't wanna break the bank. Main use will be for portrait and some still life, out door photos. ( a starter camera ) thanks!
Title: Re: choosing the right camera??? help
Post by: joot on February 16, 2014, 10:27:20 PM
Title: Re: choosing the right camera??? help
Post by: VillainousHero on February 17, 2014, 08:42:47 AM
I'm a Cannon brand guy...that's all I will say.   Although I would consider a Sony camera, but that's just from reading about them.
Title: Re: choosing the right camera??? help
Post by: Finest on February 17, 2014, 09:50:38 AM
If you want the "best of both worlds" type starter camera, then something like the Canon G15 would fit the bill.  It's about $350 online most places, which is less than an entry level DSLR, but more than a standard Point-and-Shoot camera.  It's got a nice sized 12.1 megapixel sensor, 28mm wide angle lens with 5x zoom, and it's fast for low light situations (f/1.8-f/2.8 ), with ISO up to 12800, and lastly it can shoot full 1080 HD videos as well.  It's pocketable, but still fairly big compared to other pocket cameras.  If I had to leave my DSLR behind (or big black professional cameras aren't allowed for the venue), then I would carry the G15 as an alternate.   O0
Title: Re: choosing the right camera??? help
Post by: zena on February 17, 2014, 01:42:10 PM
For point-and-shoot, I like Olympus.  For DSLR, I like both Canon and Nikon (Canons are just a bit more heavier than Nikons for me) but I've been eying Sony and some others just because I like the different feel I get from different cameras. 

You'll just have to drop by the camera store and hold those babies in your hand and see what feels good to you.  That's how I go about the cameras I buy...well, after doing online research and stuff. 

Btw, Nikon just came out with a D610 for $2K.
Title: Re: choosing the right camera??? help
Post by: ms.cha on February 23, 2014, 06:31:30 AM
I am not trying to go pro. I was thinking more in the budget of $500 or less. Thanks for the help. :)
Title: Re: choosing the right camera??? help
Post by: zena on February 25, 2014, 09:38:39 AM
If your budget is $500 you really don't have too many choices on DSLR's.  I'd still recommend just going to a camera store and playing with the cameras.  Once you decide on the one that fits in your hand and that you feel comfy lugging around, then go online to like Amazon or Ebay or places like that and look for a used or refurbished.  If you want brand new, you might have a hard time getting a decent DSLR at that price.  Your budget fits more with a fancy point and shoot, but you can always look around because there might be DSLR in your budget.  I just don't know of any.

My very first SLR (took advantax film) was a Canon and it cost around $800 (with one lens), but that was back in the 90's.  My Nikon D90 is near the lower end of Nikon's and it cost over $1K for body and lens.  I looked at Amazon and they have the D90 for about $800 for the body and one lens and just below $600 for the body only.
Title: Re: choosing the right camera??? help
Post by: joot on March 04, 2014, 11:04:01 AM
Go join this forum (Canon Photography) and check on the buy/sell section every now and then:

$375 for Canon T2i + 18-55mm kit lens here... (
Title: Re: choosing the right camera??? help
Post by: Reporter on March 05, 2014, 10:14:33 PM
I use the cell phone camera and that's enough for me.