PebHmong Discussion Forum

News & Announcements => News Headlines => Hmong News => Topic started by: Windy on September 23, 2015, 02:48:40 PM

Title: Charter School Superintendent in Hot Water AGAIN
Post by: Windy on September 23, 2015, 02:48:40 PM
Thousands of taxpayer dollars spent on trips to Thailand ... what?!/58671/5c2e605eed59d510ca8f720b8f97766d (!/58671/5c2e605eed59d510ca8f720b8f97766d)
Title: Re: Charter School Superintendent in Hot Water AGAIN
Post by: Umbrella on September 23, 2015, 03:53:40 PM
She needs to be put away. Plain and simple.
Title: Re: Charter School Superintendent in Hot Water AGAIN
Post by: Lyn Song on September 24, 2015, 02:14:41 AM
Wow she actually took her student out of the country and still lack responsibility? It doesn't matter where you go anywhere in the world, if you had children with you, always think about them first.
Title: Re: Charter School Superintendent in Hot Water AGAIN
Post by: FXMiltownGuy on October 01, 2015, 02:57:31 PM
whats taking so long?  its only a slap on the wrist
Title: Re: Charter School Superintendent in Hot Water AGAIN
Post by: nightrider on October 05, 2015, 06:50:15 PM
Are field trips illegal? I don't know if the parents have to pick up the tabs like how I was still back in school. But I don't think people can freely travel overseas, no tax payer money can pay for such a trips. You're talking about at least $1.5k per/seat. As far as how the school spend its money, it's really up to them to spend it as best they see fit whether it's trips to Thailand or whatever.
Title: Re: Charter School Superintendent in Hot Water AGAIN
Post by: Buttercup on October 05, 2015, 07:29:49 PM
Someone's got a personal vendetta to ruin this lady, imo.  The first investigation was that they were signing in too many students for the lunch program to receive more money/aid for the school, and now she has not been watching out for the safety of these students while overseas.  How come these students get to go on such lavish trips?  When I was in grade school, we would be lucky enough to go to the zoo or see a farm.
Title: Re: Charter School Superintendent in Hot Water AGAIN
Post by: nightrider on October 05, 2015, 08:02:56 PM
Exactly! And it's not free! Had to beg my folks for field trip money.
Title: Re: Charter School Superintendent in Hot Water AGAIN
Post by: HUNG TU LO on October 05, 2015, 08:30:22 PM
Again, just like I've said like 4-5 times and no one has yet to answer me, if we are to critically assess CSE in this way, we have to assess ALL tax-funded schools in the same fashion.

If we are to say that CSE is "wasting" tax dollars on taking a select number of students to overseas trips, then we are in fact basically saying "It's not a necessity."

Ok, fine. But if "necessity" is the keyword here, let's start going after public schools in Eden Prairie, Edina, Burnsville, and all other public high schools in the suburbs that have full-time 365-day air-conditioning on demand (if needed) while inner-city public high schools, with a higher student per square-foot population, don't have air conditioning. Is it really necessary? Because how many St. Paul public school children die in the classroom each year during the warmer school months of August - September and April (sometimes) - June? Zero. Never.

Don't get me started on the issue of state college/university textbook situation. You want to play hero saves tax dollars, start there.
Title: Re: Charter School Superintendent in Hot Water AGAIN
Post by: Believe_N_Me on October 07, 2015, 03:28:37 AM
Man, many of you have no idea how Jewish private schools are funded, do you? The fact that a Hmong charter school in MN is being investigated only shows just how powerful the Hmong community has become. While I do think the executive needs to reinstate a better safety plan on these oversea trips, it seems like somebody is getting really jelly about the Hmong and their success in MN.